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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. I lived in India on and off for a decade and believe me, scores of dogs are vego over there, scrounging and living on scraps from the rubbish. The rubbish doesn't contain much meat or protein scraps because a majority of people are vegetarian. They certainly can live on a vegie diet even scrounging (which obviously yours wouldn't) but they really didn't look very well.
  2. Poor PS. Hope they can fix her up good as normal! What a trooper for the cause requesting the lime green cast
  3. Such a beauty. I always looked at this breed with great appreciation. How lucky you both were to be holding her to her last breath...I am sure she was comforted by you being close in that moment. Take care
  4. There is another thread in General at the moment asking for boarding recomendations in the Melbourne area. Might have something for you. How lucky that you found this out now as it is a dog-owners worst nightmare to leave your precious pups in the wrong hands!
  5. I think a male whippet should be called Zedley....(originally off the Magic Roundabout I think).
  6. I watch it on iview as I am hopeless at remembering TV schedules. It was shocking to see all the dogs together. Kind of weird but interesting.
  7. I love your photos grumpette - you have the most wonderful rotties. Now this could also go in the cutest thread...sweet photo :)
  8. I think I know what it is but I cannot watch it. I find these sort of things too distressing.
  9. I guessed what it meant...I didn't think you were talking about ear-piercing
  10. I don't think that foolish is at all relevant. If a dog attacked mine so ferociously I would fight back with all my might...the bloody thing would be lucky to get away alive as would the negligent owner My mother had her Silky killed in such circumstances and it was devestating for her.
  11. I think you have done most of what you can and I am really glad to hear the police took an incident report. Hopefully so many barking dogs just made your place seem too much like a hassle. Glad you got some rest... :)
  12. I'm sure someone broke into YG's house to burp at her dogs Now seriously I am dying for an update.
  13. I did wonder about an animal getting up on the kitchen bench looking for food however it makes sense what you are thinking YG and the person could have been trying to get the dogs to back off and shut up hence making such an extreme noise and deliberately "growling" to get them to do so. I also thought that considering you have such unusual dogs and so many you may have inadvertently drawn attention to yourself around where you live and become a curious target. People obviously aren't scared of the little dogs...yep I think you caught someone casing the joint! Hope you and your brood remain safe
  14. Thanks. What a great project. You really see the love that the dogs bring into human lives. I liked Indie the little doggy receptionist at the accountant firm!
  15. This is interesting, the dog owners being sent to South Africa! Anti-poaching dogs Belgian Malanois I tnink, Belgian Shepherds being used :)It's on now. I can't wait til they get to the rhinos.
  16. Scenes like this were happening long before breed banning. I'm talking about the fact that there are no breed enthusiasts breeding anymore. This kind of scene is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE for even a game bred pit fighter. It is possibly the most important part of an APBT temperament that they do not redirect onto humans. If you demonise and then ban breeds then all the enthusiasts and custodians of the breed stop breeding (because they are law abiding citizens), and all you have left is the dregs of society breeding them because of their reputation. There has been a retraction in the media as to breed this morning. It is now being stated that they were AmStaffs. I heard them being identified as American Staffordshire... whatever the full name is, I can't remember but that is me not the reporters.
  17. I feel strange a bit that I am so concerned about what happened to the boy's dog... We know how the boy is but not his dog. I hope his dog ran away or something. I feel for that boy and I think anyone who had a smal enough dog to lift would do the same...I would lose an ear to protect my dog too. They said that the owners cooperated fully and that the two dogs reportedly had scaled a colourbond fence to get out The owner may very well have done the right thing thinking the dogs were secured by a high fence. He has allowed the dogs to be seized and given full info regarding them. the radio said that the owner had had them both since they were puppies.
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