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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. A contemporary airport paperback novelist :laugh:
  2. Wow, you'd be writing some racy kind of continental novels. I'm sure Ruth Maidens is writing Agatha Christie type English murders :laugh:
  3. OMG. wrong section. Sorry. Hopefully this thread can get moved...oops
  4. There was some discussion on author pseudonyms on ABC Sydney today and apparently a classic formula for creating one has been use your middle name as your first name and for the surname use the name of the first street you ever lived on. Mine turns out to be Ruth Maidens and that really sounds like an author . I'm impressed. What would yours be?
  5. He's beautiful and so pleased that the cause has been identified with your love and drive YG
  6. That's an interesting link, especially including all size dogs. If I had a big apartment dog I would get a rough collie :D But for my 20 kilos worth I can have a herd of papillons
  7. My dog is fine and loves his home/apartment. I got him as an adult and he is great. Papilons are known for being great candidates. I honestly think yoou should go for a suitable breed and frankly there are some breeds really suitable and others not! Plenty of quizzes on the net to help you narrow it down. Also, even apartments that allow dogs tend to stipulate 'small', in NSW often under 20kg so life as a renter could get hard. I am on the ground floor and walk my dog out to toilet as he wasn't trained to use pads and he just would never go inside. It is fine BUT next year I move to a ninth floor apartment and at times think OMG I will have to catch a lift etc everytime! I'm hoping he might get litter trained when he sees my cat (looking to get one)!
  8. Yep, one of my mums friends found this out., luckily about a year before they actually moved in, so they got another dog and another cat (both their current pets where getting on in age) so that when they moved a year later they had 2 dogs and 2 cats. That way when their older pets passed on they would hopefully still have the younger ones. Clever!
  9. Poor kitty That sounds discriminatory TTJ
  10. Yeah, and a dog AND a pig could really be offputting to the theives
  11. Haha...just did a take two on the "not a border collie." An Aussie in disguise :) Beautiful shots!
  12. Yay! Good work and hope this is the turning of the tide for you getting some good breaks
  13. OMG I am really enjoying this thread. Had to laugh as it didn't seem to take him along to get up on the bed. I realize how they must miss there litter mates when they suddenly are off alone with the new family
  14. Hmm, my understanding is that it is up to the owners to train their dogs - you really can't blame the dogs if you don't teach them. :) :) :) Yeah and doesn't Caesar say that that is something about your energy...like maybe you aren't good on the registers either Just teasing :laugh:
  15. Off topic but Ellz I think in your avatar picture you have a good candidate for Grumpy Pup, to rival Grumpy Cat
  16. Excuse me for diverting for a moment but what happened to that thread 'What do your pets do to embarass you?' It seemed to disappear and maybe got trolled or something As for pride, I feel proud simply to have my breed as a lot of people have never seen a papillon in real life.I particularly feel proud when he sits on my lap at the coffee shop and entertains the passersby including some homeless people who love the warm reception he gives them :)
  17. What about Floss or Flossy? I quite like Foxy though :)
  18. I never noticed how many dogs feature in ads until I got Tonka. At the moment I love that treat ad where the dog puts up his little paw at the window when the owner is going all dramatic like And I also like the jeep ad with the brown border collie :D Jeep ad long version Have you got a favourite?
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