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  1. Wow...I think maybe he deserved a little longer... Thats the justice system for you! Should be a much harsher sentence, dogs humans or any other living being need to be treated with respect..very sad
  2. Ok i think I found 1 in WA! We shall see
  3. I know, I would just have rathered find one in WA...dont thinks its going to happen so will be looking interstate now. I know the costs of freighting animals from interstate isnt that high, just would have prefered to view before buying.
  4. Thanks a heap! I did look on the breeders listings on here but there are none in WA thought there may have been something I didnt know about lol
  5. Hi I would like to get a ckcs at the end of july and am having no luck finding one!! especially not in wa... I really want to go through a registered breeder but just having no luck! Anyone have any ideas?? We want a blenhiem girl...well thats what my daughter picked...I wanted a tri colour lol, but the puppy will be "her dog" so I have let her pick. and she wants a girl..dont think it matters because it will be desexed anyway lol but shes going through this girly stage atm lol ANYWAY! Anyone know if there are any around?? Also any extra info on them would be great, I have been googling alot but personal experiences would be great too! My daughter is only 4, yes too young to care for a dog, but i will be doing it too lol, just want her to start appreciating "money" spent on food..and "companionship" and having to care for a small dog would be great! I am a born HUGE dog person but have met a few cavs and they would have to be the most gorgeous small dog i have ever seen! and very loyal and not the yappy type....?? Looking forward to your replies...sorry for the ramble!
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