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She is beautiful!! Enjoy!
Thanks so much. We had a quiet night last night but she's now back to doing zoomies around the lounge
Misty had her vaccination this afternoon and seems to be super tired - she's already flaked out next to me on the bed The vet is closed so I can't ring to check - is it normal for her to be so sleepy after her vaccination? This is her third (only second with us) and I don't remember her being this sleepy after the last one
Our Cav had a really cute white, curvy stripe down her back, but as she's grown, it's disappeared No idea why but it's just another of her charming quirks
Thanks for the suggestions. Misty is 13/14 weeks (silly owner forgetting already! She is alone during the day from around 8am to 3pm.
Now that the days are starting to cool down a bit, we're thinking of moving Misty to outside during the day. At the moment she spends the day in her pen inside. She has paper, toys, blanket, food, water, complete with the tv and air con on We've just bought some wire to block off the fence to the pool yard so she can't get in there so we're wondering how she'll go on her own outside. My main concerns are: Do I keep her in her pen out there? and I'm worried she might bark and annoy the neighbours. Does anyone have any tips on how to transition her to outside during the day? Because of the pool fence, she hasn't spent any time out there alone.
I have a heap of chicken wings and necks in the freezer but after I bought them the breeder said never to use them in case she choked. I'm rather confused as I thought puppies would love them! I might give them a go and just watch her closely. I think her breeder was rather particular - she also said to only give Misty bottled water. The vet said 'she's a dog, not a person! Tap water is fine' What's lamb flap? Can I get that from the butcher?
We tried a toy one night but I haven't tried a pig's ear. I'll give that a go - thanks. I'd love to reward her for staying still for 5 seconds but so far she hasn't made it that long
Thanks so much! I've kept her diet the same on advice from her breeder - we didn't want a stressed out, upset-tummied pup but after chatting to the vet it looks like the Royal canin is the one to go with. I'm not sure why her breeder gives her a mix of all three dry foods but apparently the supermarket ones aren't very good so I think we'll wean her onto full time Royal Canin. To do that, should I just put smaller amounts of the other foods in the bowl to slowly wean her off them? To drop the farex, do I just stop or mix in some dry food with it?
Any tips on puppy grooming? I'm trying to get into a habit of brushing our new Cav puppy every night to get her used to being groomed. She seems to think it's a lovely game of 'bite the brush' At the moment our grooming session involves me trying to brush her and her chasing me trying to grab at the brush! Is this normal? What am I doing wrong? Can anyone offer any suggestions to get her a little more settled when I brush her?
Our pup arrived last week and we have kept her on the same diet as the breeder suggested. She is a 9 week old Cav. She has: Breakfast - farex and puppy milk with a little Yuccult Lunch/Dinner - a mix of Royal Canin, Pedigree puppy and Optimum Puppy The breeder also suggested cooked mince, pasta, rice and veges although the vet said not to bother as she wouldn't need it. As a child our pet dogs always had canned food. It feels a bit strange only offering Misty dry food. Is this right?? Any advice is very appreciated!
Just wanted to update and say a thank you! Our cav puppy, Misty, has arrived and today we had our first puppy preschool class with Craig Murray's school. It was awesome!!! Misty did really well interacting with the other dogs and our trainer was really happy with her lovely and balanced temperament!
Thank you! I didn't think of that. Would a pig's ear be better or should I just skip that and stick with the kong and ball filled with kibble?
No. To start off with her pen will be indoors. When she gets a bit older and knows how to use the doggy door, we can lock the back door open enough for her to use it so she can choose where she wants to be. Also, she won't be crated during the day - we'll pop her crate inside her pen so she can go in it but she's able to walk around and play whilst still being contained and not be able to toilet all over the house! Good luck!
I don't know if it helps but we'll be in the same position in a couple of weeks. What we're planning on doing is . . . To feed her as we leave, as soon as we get home and a late supper. We'll be crate training, plus we've bought pup a pen to go in during the day that we'll put her crate into. I've also spent a not-so-small fortune on toys and treats for her to play with and I think I'll keep them in two lots and rotate them around a bit so she doesn't get too bored with them. I'm going to put paper down in her pen (over a tarp) which will be inside. I'm planning on leaving the tv on for noise/company and the fan on in case it's warm. She'll have toys including frozen kongs with peanut butter, a treat ball filled with kibble and maybe a chicken wing or neck. Oh and of course, water! Followed by a big play session when I get home!