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Everything posted by kizzybear

  1. Hi I was just wondering if anybody knows of any alternative treatments for lymphoma to help keep my baby well for as long as possible. She has lymphoma which has a general life expectancy of 4-8 weeks from diagnosis and chemo is not an option due to age, health and cost. We have already spent over $5000 in the last month before she was diagnosed with this cancer, due to her splenic disease with a haematoma attached to her spleen. X-rays have shown it hasn't spread so far and I can't lose my angel so soon
  2. My girl Kiza passed all her tsets to as a therapy dog but I became pregnant at the same time. Just as we were redoing her assessment she has been diagnosed with lymphoma and due to her age it doesn't look good so now we'll just have to concentrate on the lastfew weeks of life being extra special
  3. Hi There, I am new to this forum and any other forum as well. I have a beautiful 10.5 year old rotti that has just been diagnosed with lymphoma and been given an estimate of her surviving another 4-8 weeks. Chemo is not an option first due to her age, size, and low white blood cell count, which gives her only a 5-10% chance of it going into remission and secondly due to the cost, up to $5000. It started when I found a small lump in her neck which felt like an enlarged lymph node, blood tests showed the lymphocites were abnormal consistent with lymphoma. we tried to biopsy the lymph node, but got the salivary gland instead, which apparently happens to at least 80% of cases and we did X-rays which showed a mass in her tummy. Ultrasound showed her spleen was about to rupture and the mass was on her spleen which could account for the abnormal lymphocites. So she had surgery the next day to remove her spleen, and more X-Rays to make sure nothing had spread to her chest, the was omly a haematoma. I was hoping all was well but the lump continued to grow so fine needle aspirates were taken of the lymph nodes in her hind legs and they showed the dreaded lymphoma has spread. My baby has literally saved my life from a knife weilding ex, been there through the toughest times of my life and guards and looks after my nearly 3 year old son. Letting me know when he is up to no good outside and he won't sleep without her beside his bed. Does anybody know of any other things that could help prolong her life? Kind Regards Kizzybear
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