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Everything posted by sabarka

  1. thanks everyone for crossposting.... Please keep the message going.. I am trying to think of as many places as possible to let everyone know of the cancellation. Leanne Knox Show Secretary.
  2. : I have been reading this topic with interest. I had a dog debarked many years ago and it was just wonderful... He was always cowering away from me because I was constantly screaming back at him to shut up!!... I now have another girl here who I am seriously thinking about having done as she is hyperactive and barks excessively (barking neighbours dogs have not helped at all)... I have a bark collar here which she uses but I cannot leave it on her constantly.. and she know as soon as it comes off!!... Where the others it was great .. they soon learn't to respect that I didn't want them barking and they now only bark when they get let out of a morning (with excitement).. and occasionally when they play. What I want to know is what people's experiences are for dogs that are debarked having an operation... I have been told that this can be a problem... and as this is a girl I have to consider the possibilities of csaerians in my breed. Has anyone had any problems this way.
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