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Everything posted by Starkehre

  1. What a relief Snot is OK now. Must have been a very stressful and terrifying time for you both.
  2. Another one that howled the entire way through that clip. What a gorgeous boy Stanley. He was so lucky. Wish they could all be that lucky.
  3. bl0nd3y, you are in a very low place right now. The positive thing is that you recognise this. Please communicate with your partner about how you feel, and also try to get a network of family and friends to let them know what you are going through. You should not be on your own right now. Just get a friend to pop over for a coffee even. Go for a walk. Make the bed. Just do a couple of small things to get the ball rolling. Being out of work and sitting at home investing all your eneregy and time into finding your dog is commendable, but not emotionally beneficial to you. Losing your beloved dog must be very difficult, as it is for all of us. I do understand how painful it is. Please arrange to get some professional assistance. At the moment it must feel almost impossible to get yourself out of this dark hole you are in. But, trust me, you can. There is a brighter day around the corner for you. You just need some help to find it. Many people do not know how to help people when they have suicidal thoughts, and mostly they are not expected to know, and this is why professional help is best for you, and very important. I lost my sister to suicide. Please do not do this. It will seem like a big effort for you to take the first initial steps to getting help, but once you have done this, things will get better. Please pick up the phone today.
  4. I think our size 4 would be fine on Orbit, Stormie. Many smaller dogs have thicker necks than Danes, and we cover all of them. and if by chance it doesn't, I also stock Polar Collar extenders for an extra $2.00 Danes have a relatively thin neck in comparison to their overall size. You would be surprised. I have sold Polar Collars to quite a few Dane people, for their dogs I mean. If you send through his upper and lower neck measurements as described in my ebay listing, I will advise. Have a great day.
  5. Isn't the mat wet to lay on? Erny, the Collars and Pads are dry to use if you allow them time for the outer fabric and any excess water to drain off. this takes a fairly short time with the Collars, and a bit longer with the Pads. Once the Polymers are soaked, the fabric has dried out from excess unsoaked water, the products are dry to use.
  6. Oooohhh! How exciting. You must be just about peeing yourself, I would be Hurry up 10 sleeps.
  7. That's fine Fiona. Thanks so much for letting me know. And you are always very welcome.
  8. They are exactly the same product and designed for humans and dogs Ernie. As I own a pet supplies business, I market them for pets, but plenty of my customers use them for themselves. And so do I.
  9. Thanks bullylove. should be too long. The post is normally really quick. for the price, the Polar Collars are definitely worth trying first.
  10. Hi Kaffy Magee, some dogs do take a bit of training to get them familiar and comfortable with using their Polar Pads. some take to them immediately, and all others somewhere in between. The soft gel type feeling of the Polar pad is typically a different feeling than what most dogs have laid on before, so they are initially unsure of it. Also, not many dogs feel they are ready to be cooled at the same tume that we think they are ready Take it gently, slowly, positively and she will come around in time. also, I use a my crate carry bags to carry my Polar Pads to shows in. Just a suggestion. Mrs. tornsocks - k9softdogcrates.com.au or in my ebay store, same price.
  11. No matter which way he rolls it, he still can't pick it up...
  12. I just put these up in our Rotti thread, but thought I might share them here also. This is Jag doing what he enjoys to keep cool. He loves ice, but gets frustrated when he cannot fit the whole big block in his mouth.
  13. tollersowned, seeing you down this way also, may I suggest one of the companies you have a look at, Peninsula Shade Sails, Mornington. I am sure they travel to all part of melbourne anyway, so even if you are further north, it shouldn't matter. Peter and Andrew and extremely professional, and really know their stuff. they explain everything technically or simole to understand, but let you know why things really must be done a certain way or you may have problems. Like I said, I have just reordered some more. There is a 7 to 8 weeks wait, as they are very busy and really well regarded in their field. but if you can wait, it will be worth your while. Andrew will come around very quickly for a look, quote etc though.
  14. The main differences that I see between poly carbonate and shade sails is this: shade sails do not prevent rain but provide cooler shade. So, horses for courses. We have shade sails in a large area out the back that is mainly for the dogs to spend time under. We would use Polycarb type pergola outside the back door for shade but also to keep the rain way from the entrance, and will be doing that soon also. Shade sails still filter a bit of the rain. They do not hold any water at all, it all drains through. We are currently having more sails added to our existing ones of 5 years and are supposed to have a 20 year life. They are quality, cost quite a bit but have been excellent. Our next ones are going to be vertical and will be used as a block out for the neighbours, sort of like a screening fence. We considered getting the 100% blockout for these next ones, but their life is approx only 5 years, so not long enough for us, and yet double the price. We have had all kinds of weather, as we all do, and have never had any issues at all with our sails. I would never get cheap ones, as they do not last. A lot depends on how the guys install them also. The verticals must be a long way in the ground, on exactly the correct angle, and if being attached to the house at all, must be fitted to the frame work. Our guys are great. They do a digital computer print out design of what you want and how it will look when fitted. I have heard there are quite a few other companies around that use lesser quality fabrics and do not install, correctly. Definitely do your homework if considering shade sails.
  15. Personally not a fan of playing retrieving games with undeveloped youngsters. The sudden stop and swivel can be very dangerous and also cause issues to development. May or may not be adding to the pad issues, depending on the surface that the retrieving is being done on. I too am of the belief that pretty much full rest or certainly crating and emptying on lead only for a while would be best for your pup. Hope she comes good soon.
  16. Great pics as usual grumpette. Well, I feel very lucky that I work from home, so I can keep an eye on things. Around 11.30am when my yard started hotting up, mine all came in are now sitting under the air-cond in my bedroom. Before they came in they had a dip in their clam shell. They will be let out intermittently during the day to empty and drink and come straight back in again. Although their garage is quite cool as it is insulated and all set up specifically for them, once it hit about 36 it gets pretty warm out there also. If I was still working full time away from home as I used to, they would be outside, plenty of water and shelter and their Polar Pads, and I am sure they would have been fine. I have never had any problems with dogs expiring when I used to have to leave them out. Generally most healthy, non-geriatric dogs handle the heat quite well, I have found. If I can I will get a pic latr of jag in his clam shell too Grumpette.
  17. Before I had my hydro (best doggie thing I ever purchased, aside from my float) I made myself a little attachment with normal garden hoses and tap attachments that I connected to my laundry trough, where you always have screw on taps anyway. So, it was a short piece of hose to connect to both the hot and cold taps, then connecting these together into one. Then the one single hose would run outside to where I wanted to wash and rinse. The nozzle would have an off flick, so I could test for temperature first in the trough before I took the nozzle outside, so I didn't have to keep readjusting. I found this pretty easy and had to use it even in my hydro for rinsing before I had new hot/cold taps installed above my hydro. good luck.
  18. Staff'n'Toller, I am not sure about medibank, but PIA have a policy where if a condition runs into the fillowing year, they will still cover it, but you need to pay the excess again as well as the policy renewal. I am not sure if that is what you mean about what medibank do, but that is how it is with PIA. Even so, that is not a problem for me. If the accident or illness is so sever that it is running into a 2nd year, then another $250 excess will be small bickies in comparison to the bills I will have saved on. That policy is probably the same with all of them anyway. Hope that makes sense I would never both with routine cover either. We are always prepared and expect to pay for any run of the mill stuff.
  19. Hey Laeral, that worked out very well didn't it. Thank Dog you took it out in time. and of course so glad Mica is over the snake bite. Very lucky girl.
  20. I am also with PIA. Unlike Kitty, Laeral and Fran we chose the $250 excess, 100% cover, accident and illness. this semed to suit our needs best. We have put in one claim, no hassles, refund came within a couple of weeks. Just paid renewal. Very happy. We pay ours yearly, so works out pretty cheap.
  21. That must have been a very frightening ordeal Fran. I am glad nothing bad happened. Dogs are so amazing aren't they?! Well, you never have to wonder now if Atlas will be protective if the situation arises, like many of us do. What a good boy. Special hugs to At from me. Hope Luuka is OK.
  22. That's fine laffi. Thank you for letting me know.
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