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Everything posted by Starkehre

  1. Well done Kirislin. If you PM Sway, and give her the details, she will organise it.
  2. +1 Fran.. My sentiments exactly. Truly amazing how everyone pulls together in times of crisis.
  3. Auctions are happening. PM Sway regards what you are able to contribute for auction items. First Auction happening HERE Thanks Erny. I have PMd Sway with some product details for auction. The current is doing really well.
  4. There will be no progress reports on her condition for at least a couple of days as when the airways are burned the swelling is the issue for the first few days. No word on any sighting of Magnus which we would have expected by now - not looking good. Thanks Steve. I understand we won't know more for a couple of days at least about Jane, but provided she has made it through the first night, you would at least think that that is a good sign, if you know what I mean. Bugger about Magnus. I think he will still turn up. I just feel it. Here's hoping. How are you holding up? did you get any sleep last night?
  5. Well, a new dawn. With all my heart I am hoping we get at the very least some small good news on Jane's condition. Her first 24hrs post trauma is over, and if she has got through this OK, then her prognosis has got to be getting better, I hope. And I dearly hope Magnus has been found or will be today.
  6. I was wondering about that also. Can Steve or Toohey give out the address of Caitlin (if she gives permission)? Or maybe we could send them c/- of the Dog grooming lady mentioned earlier. O.K. Probably the best address is 349 Transmitter Rd Wooroolin 4608 .This is Pacers Queensland address and it will be the quickest and easiest to pass them onto Jane when we can. Lesley and Marg are right in there and it will be easier to get them to her when she is awake. Thanks Steve, will be sending a card to Jane today
  7. One candle for Jed, to fight and come back to all those that need her most One candle for the passing of all her special babies, RIP. One candle for her surviving loved ones, may they get well.
  8. Toohey, Thank you for posting update after speaking with Caitlin. Her condition sounds pretty much as I expected. The airways are often the worst hit with these things. Poor Jed.
  9. Oakway, you may have heard something new that the majority of us have not heard... however, as far as I am aware, ICU, which is where Jed has been all day as far as I am aware is for critical patients. She is critical, and has not been downgraded as far as has been reported on here. I am not aware of an upgrade from critical except for deceased, and I believe Jed is still with us right now. I believe the next 48 hrs are going to be vital to a long term result. I hope this helps.
  10. No one's responded to you FranCQ, but be not offended, I expect Sway and others are, apart from being upset by this themselves, would also be very busy with doing what they do under these sort of circumstances. I know I would love to have a wine pack (yumm : ). I don't know of any laws to suggest that it would be illegal to offer it up as an auction donation, but I'm not certain. I think Sway would be better at knowing this and I'm sure she'll comment one way or the other as soon as she is able to. But good for you for offering to put this up as a contribution towards the MDBA Pacers "Jed Appeal". Yeh, you are absolutely right Erny, no one did respond... but i am sure they all thought someone else would. Fran, I feel confident that all donations will be gratefully accepted and much appreciated. Heaps of people drink wine, and love it. well done Fran. You are an absolute sweety.
  11. Steve, how are you coping? You are a tower of strength and mass of support. I hope you are OK. It is easy for us to forget about you, but we all know you are working tirelessly behind the scenes co-ordinating support for Jane's animals, home, and updating her health to those concerned. You are absolutely amazing, and are the integral reason why we should all be joining MDBA PACERS. The work you/they do to assist those that we empathise with most (as we are but of one kin mind) is truley amazing. Please ensure you call on us Steve when you need help.
  12. I think we'll all have to be patient and hope for the best. I doubt there will be many updates before tomorrow. I don't know how others not in the area feel not being able to do anything concrete to help but I did think of something we can all do if we can - give blood. Jed will probably be using a fair bit so its one practical way we can try to contribute. That, and donations. Good one PF. Donating blood is an excellent idea for those that do not do it normally. It is free and easy to do.
  13. JulesP, there is no new news as yet. Jed is unchanged at this stage, and the next 48 hrs are crucial. I imagine the smoke inhalation (damage to airways) is the major factor in Jed's critical condition right now. Steve will update us as soon as anything changes.
  14. bugger, I keep missing all these news segments on tele... busy on here and organising candles for tonight. Can anyone please provide us a linky to these?
  15. Well done Erny. If Sway can do this, K9+ is more than happy to donate any Royale2 or Competition2 Soft Dog Crate I have currently available in stock, and post/freight. So, valued will vary. Great Sway... you are the auction guru. Please email me if/when you want to proceed and I will forwrd whatever is required. [email protected] Thank you so much! I will speak to Steve as it would be run as a BDBA/Pacers auction and if she gives the ok will do so
  16. We are in also..... there for Jed's life and for the loss of her precious babies.
  17. Missymoo, there are atleast 3 threads that I am aware of
  18. Well done Erny. If Sway can do this, K9+ is more than happy to donate any Royale2 or Competition2 Soft Dog Crate I have currently available in stock, and post/freight. So, valued will vary.
  19. Great idea Boronia. I have already donated, but am prepared to also donate a crate for the cause
  20. Thanks Erny. Thank f&^%^&ing christ for that.
  21. dyzney you said it so well. I too enjoy her posts. With her and poodie setting up the deshonk kennels is an absolute pis^&^. Absolutely BB. She has an amazing sense of humour.
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