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Everything posted by Starkehre

  1. Thanks Steve. Whomever nominated my business, a big thank you Steve, sorry to be a pain, but my business name is actually K9+ Soft Dog Crates, if you would mind please amending that. Much appreciated
  2. Jag always got Jaggy Bum, but since the weekend after he pooed in 2 CCD rings he now gets "The Cable Guy"
  3. Apparently the road has just been opened, though reduced speed limits are currently in place.
  4. Hi jrm88, these are what we are currently using.. http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/incidents/warnin..._458346822.html http://mobiletraffic.vicroads.vic.gov.au/b...intcmp=HPE00035 Up date, according to the 2nd link, the road has just been opened, reduced speeds.
  5. Hi jrm88, these are what we are currently using.. http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/incidents/warnin..._458346822.html http://mobiletraffic.vicroads.vic.gov.au/b...intcmp=HPE00035
  6. Dawn is going Dyz i have just pm'd her, if she lets me know an alt route I will let you know. Good luck and safe travells. Dont forget to txt me the results Thanks Trina
  7. Is anyone planning on travelling to Bermie along Princes Hwy from Melbourne area tomorrow or Friday morning? If so, are you following the road block updates on Princes Hwy? We are trying to find any information we can get our hands on regarding the fires and road blocks and as far as we can tell the road is pretty much closed travelling east until further notice. We are looking at other alternate routes in case it is not open by around lunchtime tomorrow, as that is approx when we predict we will be going through. Options are Hume Highway and via Tallangatta or along the Princes Hwy as far as Bairnsdale and then going bush for a ways. A longer route, but at least that way we may still get through and do not have to go via Melbourne as such. Does anyone have any information or other suggestions please? I did post this into one of the existing show topics, then thought I might get a better response here. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  8. Is anyone planning on travelling to Bermie along Princes Hwy from Melbourne area tomorrow or Friday morning? If so, are you following the road block updates on Princes Hwy? We are trying to find any information we can get our hands on regarding the fires and road blocks and as far as we can tell the road is pretty much closed travelling east until further notice. We are looking at other alternate routes in case it is not open by around lunchtime tomorrow, as that is approx when we predict we will be going through. Options are Hume Highway and via Tallangatta or along the Princes Hwy as far as Bairnsdale and then going bush for a ways. A longer route, but at least that way we may still get through and do not have to go via Melbourne as such. Does anyone have any information or other suggestions please?
  9. Agreed. ... and you reckon you're strict :D mine get 3 minutes. 2 minutes for the gutsies and an extra minute for the slower eating boy. One walk away and it's gone. I like my dogs to treat every meal like it is their last. I like food focused dogs, makes for easy training and easier to control their weight. I am never tempted by sad eyes. Be tough, less variety and don't give in.
  10. Once again, thank you for your advice, much appreciated. We will not leave anything up at all over night, but will probably leave the gazebo up during Saturday if we go back to accomm for an hr or so. Hope everyone has a great time and the rain is not as bad as last year.
  11. Much appreciated guys. Sorry... one other question, if you were showing on Sat morning and finished up early (ie bombed ) and trialling on Sat night, would you leave everything or some of it there during the day on Sat if you decided to go back to your accomm for a few hrs? Thanks ;)
  12. Wondering if anyone can help... at the Bermagui grounds, does everyone leave gazebos up for the duration of the weekend? ... and if so do they remove the canopy and awnings and just leave the frame or leave it all up and lower it? I certainly would not leave anything inside/under it. also, is anyone going to set up on Thursday night? I have not done this show before and just wanted to check what it the best way to go please.
  13. I just added my latest pup's name and bolded it. Abbey Addie AJ Ajanta Akira Alera Ali x 2 Alice Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Aneira Annie x 2 Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 6 Angelina Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella Anouk April April RIP x 2 Ari Arizona Arki Asante sana Asha Ashka Askari Ashleigh Astrid Astro Athena Aubrey Audrey Aura Aurora Ayla Baba Babe Margaret Hoolihan Baci Bailey Basha Beanie Beans Becky Bella x 5 Billie Bianca Bit Blaize Blossom Bonny x 5 (Bonnie) Bonita Boss Brandi Brandy x 2 Bree x 3 Brianna Bridie Bronte Buffy Buttercup Cally Cara Casey Cassie Casper CC Cedar Chapparelle (pronounced Shapparelle, and shortened to Chappa (Shappa)) Chalice aka 'Chali' Chelsea x 2 Cherrie Chevy x 2 Chloe x 3 Charley Chanel Charli Charlie Charlie-May Charlotte Cherry Chiko Chilli Choo Choo Chops Cider Cinders Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover x 2 Cleo Cleoparta Coco x5 CocoNut Colour (for a greyhound who's not grey!) Cookie Cossette Cossi Courtney Cricket Crystal Cristie x 2 Crupi Daisy x 3 Dallas Dancer Danika x2 Darla Delilah Delta Demi Dempsie Dexta Diazz Didge Dinky Dixie Diva x 2 Dizzy Durham Dusty Dyzney Ebony Echo x 2 Electra Elizabeth Ella x2 Elley Ellie x3 Elsa x 2 Elsie Emily Emilly Emma Emmy Enya Erin Esky Evie Faith Fame Fanta Feather Feonix Finta Flame Flash Fleur Flossy Flute Frenchie Froggy Gabbie Gabby Gael Galadriel(Gala) Gemma x 4 Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Genevieve George Gertrude Ginger Ginny Gina Gita Glitter Goldie Gooby Grace x 2 Griffin x 2 GT Gypsy x 7 Gyrle Halo Harlow Havarna Hayley x2 Heather Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 7 Honeyx3 Honour Hope Imme Imogen - Imy Indi India x 2 Indigo Georgia Ingrid Isabella Issie Jade Jamie Lee Jane Jasmine x2 Jaxx Jay Jay Jazz Jazzman Jedda RIP Jelly Bean Jenna x 2 Jersey Jess x2 Jessi Jesie Jessica Jessie x 4 Jeune Jezebel x 2 Jicin Jindi Jinxy Jodie x 2 JoJo Jovi Joy Juliet Juno Kamikaze Kara X 2 Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Kassy Katie x 3 Katy Kayla X2 KC Keeta Keilani Keira Keirra Keisha x 2 Kelli Kelsey Kenzie Kibah Kiesha Kimba Kiri Kiri-Lu Kirra (agility name Kiz) Kishka (called Kish most of the time) Kisses Kitty Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey x 2 Layla x 2 Lea (lele) Leader Leia Leila Lexi x 3 Lexie Libby Lily x 3 Lizzy Lobo Logan Lola x 2 Lotta (as in Li'l Lotta) Lottie Lucia Lucky (yes, a bit tacky, but I loved her) Lucy x5 Lucinda Luka Luna Luuka Mable Mac Maddie x2 Maddison Maeby Magali Maggie x3 Magic Maia Mallee Marie Claudette Marina Mary Marlo Matilda Maya Meeka Meg x 2 Meisha Meggz Merrique Mia X 3 Miekah Migaloo Mika Milky Milla Millie x5 (Milli) Mimi Mindy x 2 Minky Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Minouche Mischa Mischka Misha Missy Missie Mistletoe Misty Mitzi Molly x 9 Molly Coddle Monet Moochie Mung Bean Mya Nala Nandi Narla Natasha Nena Ness Nora Nyima Olivia Ollie Pagan x 3 Panda x 2 Paris Paxy Pchelka Pearl Pebbles Peggie Penelope Penny x 2 Pepper x 4 Perry Phoebe x 2 Phoenix Pink Pip Pippin Piper x 2 Pixie Polly x 2 Popcorn Porridge Porscha Poung Prada Priah Quince Quinn x 2 Rani Razzle Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Riki Ricky River Rizzi Rogue Rommi Rose Rosey Rosie x 2 Roxy x 4 Ruby x 6 Rumour Sabine Sabrina Sachi Sadie Saffron Safire Sahli Sally x4 Sarah Sarah Jane Sari Sascha x 2 Sasha x3 Sarsha Satu Savannah Scandal Scarlet Scruffy Serena Sha Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sharon Sharna Sheba Shelby Shimmer Shine Shishka Siann or Cyan Sinta Sienna X 3 Skye x 2 SkySnow Snotty Dotty Sola Sooki Sooty Sophie x2 Sophia Sparkles Springy Sputnik Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Stussy Sue Summa Suzie x 2 Sybill Tait Tamar Tameeka Tango Tara x 3 Tasha Tashi Tassie (with a s sound NOT a z) Taya Tayla Teegan X 2 Tess x 6 Tessa Texas The Divine miss Sophie Tia x 2 Tieke Tikaani Tilba Tilli Tilly x3 Tinka Tinny (tin tin) Toot Tori Tully Tyche Tyra Tyneal Ulla Vada Vicki Vienna Viviane Voodoo Wandy White Whitey Whitney (reg'd) Whitneigh) Winnie Winter Wilhelmina Willow Wolf Xena Xanthe Zara Zahli Zillah Zippedeedoodah Ziva x 3 Zena Zoe x 4
  14. Totally agreed Adnil. Look, honestly our dogs are normally very well received with the general public when we take them out, so we are usually very lucky. We gets lots of people wanting hugs, sloppy kisses, pats etc and it is always really lovely... so I guess this is why this particular beach trip really stood out to me. But, yeh, I hear you.
  15. We took our 3 rotts down go our local leash free dog beach last week. We do not go there very often, so would not be considered regulars. There were no other dogs there, but it was full of people swimming and sunbaking, families etc all doing their usually lovely beach visit thing. I only trust one of mine explicitly with her distance recall (the others being a puppy and a young male entire that has selective deafness) so I do not let any of them off lead. OH wears his bathers and leads them into the water up to his hips and swims them this way, whilst I stand on the shore playing with and training the puppy. Well, it was literally no more than 5 minutes after we arrived this particular day, that we totally cleared the beach of all people. It was really funny. No one said anything. They all just stared in shock, then packed up and left. At no time were we closer than about 25 metres from any person and the dogs were quiet and very well behaved. My guess is that they did not even realise it was a dog beach. Sort of a bit sad I guess, as it would have been nicer had a few people come over to have a chat and pat the dogs as we do try to show people how friendly they are, but it was not to be this time I am sorry your OH had that negative experience with the lady not liking Nala playing nicely at the beach. But I gotta say, not surprising. Being a fellow owner of a large breed, we often notice this sort of attitude from members of the public that are not dog savvy. OH and I are very big on trying to protect our breed. They get enough bad publicity as it is and the last we want is for BSL to get hold of them. So, we do try to avoid people feeling this way. We do not have to as long as we stay within the laws, but we choose to go out of our way sometimes to ensure the public are comfortable for the sake of our breed. But sometimes it does not matter how hard you try to make your dog appear cutesy and friendly, some people are fearful and you cannot change them, sadly. I make every effort to understand and appreciate that.
  16. If it is over approx 18 degrees and sunny, I will not leave my dogs in the car. It does not have to be a hot day for a car to heat up. I love taking my dogs on outings in the car and do it almost daily, but I always plan what I am doing, and do not do errands on the same trip, unless it is a cool Winter's day and not sunny... and even then it is a rare occurrence and only for 5 minutes, no more. Just not something I do. If I have to do errands, I do not take the dogs. They are better off at home where they can self regulate their core body temperature around the yard and house rather than being locked inside a makeshift oven.
  17. I use a Dremel. It is a fairly big bulky one and when I saw what my husband brought home for me from Bunnings I wiahed it was a smaller less bulky unit or a remote type, but nevertheless, I am now used to using it. I have a pup that I have used this Dremel on from day one, so she really knows no different, an older lad that i started using it on at around 3 months old and an older bitch that I started using it on around 6 years of age. All have coped with the Dremel very well. I spend a lot more time dremelling than I used to when I trimmed, but I do a much better job also. You can dremel a lot closer to the cuticle, therefore doing a more thorough job and prevent excessive length. The closer you go back to the cuticle encourages the cuticle to draw back also. If you do get the cuticle the dremel cortorises it, so there is way less bleeding than if done by nail clippers. Also if you do get blood, there is less chance of going too far into the cuticle because you are seeing what you are doing as you go. The only hazzard for me was when I literally spun my pony tail up into the Dremel when I was concentrating more on on the dog's nail than where my hair was sitting. That was a very frightening experience, having the Dremel stuck in my hair. Took me over 2 hrs to get the Dremel and the knots out of my hair.... but it was good for a laugh :D I swear by Dremel now. I would never go back to cutting nails. I love the nails on my dogs now. They are shorter and neater. I even do some of my friends' dogs nails and I enjoy it.
  18. agree with dyzney but its my female that does this. since her mum came home she definately eats quicker lol. but dyz can you tell kelari she is supposed to grow out of being fussy rofl, some days she still goes without meals but ya get that ;) she will eat if she is hungry :D Oh I hear ya emery... man they can be frustrating. Jag took til he was over 12 months before he decided to eat. He drove me nuts. Luckily I have never had an issue with the bitches, but I do feel your pain. Give her a few more months... even perhaps try training in drive with food. I have managed to create food drive when food did not even drive the dog. Amazed me too ;)
  19. Exactly what PF says. Added, from what I have read prostate cancer in neutered dogs is more common than testicular cancer in entires, but as with everything, people have differing opinions here. Either way, I would not call any of these risks common, and particular if you are planning on desexing around 18 months anyway. Most of these cancers are detected on much older dogs. I would much rather my dog have lovely dense and correctly formed bones and joints than risking this, which in a giant breed is way more likely to occur when desexing young than are the above cancers when desexing later on.... did that make sense Your boy is gorgeous BTW :D I have never come across a vet that recommends late desexing or no desexing. They are running a business.
  20. I am so glad Carter is doing well now. It is really common for many male Rottweilers youngsters to not be too fussed about eating. In my experience with some of these boys it is less about what they are being fed ie fussiness and more about just not really being all that focused on food and being happy to get by on the smell of an oily rag. If this is the case with your lad, I would suggest ensuring you are not allowing him to top up all day. Lots of small meals and treats are going to allow him to stay just full enough to never ever get truely hungry. Sadly it is really easy to fall into this trap when we worry about feeding with the youngies, I really do sympathise. Let him get hungry, and then when it is time to feed, feed him on a balanced food (whatever it is you decide on) and then remove the bowl if he walks away from it. I tend to agree with nek about dogs and boredom with the same food. I also find that putting less food in the bowl allows them to finish it without getting over whelmed with an obvious bowl full of less than they will eat. I find these non hungry types of dogs will not even bother trying to eat it if they think they won't get through it. You know he is not going to eat a lot so down the amount you know he will eat or slightly less, but not until he is hungry. And even though he is at a crucial age in development, it will not hurt him to skip a meal or 2 or even a day or 2 to get him hungry to kick start a new feeding plan. I have been through this before. they do tend to grow out of it, but unless he never gets hungry, he will continue this way, particularly if he is being hand fed. Lastly, I know it is hard, but try to remove your focus away from this eating issue as it will be stressing you which will not be helping. He is in a healthy weight range and provided he is being fed quality food which is correctly balanced and he is in good health, he will get to his finished state regardless. If you find it is more about fussiness, a little grated cheese, goats milk or liver sprinkles mixed through a meal can help. Best of luck.
  21. I would get the Bunnings compost panels and screw 2 of them (one above the over) to both the shed and the color bond fence. You can get those ring brackety thingies to loop around the mesh panel, then thread the screw through the hole to secure them. We use those compost mesh panels for just about everything doggie here
  22. She looks like she has plenty of weight on to me. Often in that position dogs look leaner than they would appear when standing normally as their body is extended. So, I would assume if anything she may appear to have more weight on her when in normal standing position? Either way, I certainly would not be trying to increase her weight. I always judge what to feed my dogs by how they are looking. I never go by feeding guides. They do tend to recommend over feeding from what I see.
  23. I agree with what others have posted, this pup is in a bad place... stressed out owner that appears to have little idea on what is expected when training a dog, sorry. Just curious... this Rotti, did she own it from a pup and was it her that put in all the training? I am guessing this is either unlikely the case or she was more relaxed and had more time then or she doesn't realise that every dog is different and needs raising differently. I think she should rehome the poor pup.
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