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Everything posted by Starkehre

  1. Oh Shit Dyz that is no good. I hope you do make it. Thanks BB. I will do my damndest to be there :D
  2. I hear your pain mirawee. I have pterygiums in both eyes, dry eye (I have punctum plugs) and light sensitive to the point where I get migraines if I am out doors without sunnies on and am short sighted to boot. I have been advised to always wear my sunglasses when outdoors by my specialist. I guess I have really crappy eyes :laugh: Anyway, yes I agree, one should not have to worry about wearing sunnies in the ring, particularly prescription ones such as mine, but I just can't help but worry that that the chances of my dog being put up might be dimished by wearing them. I am concerned that the judge will think I am being rude. That's just me. I did forget to swap them once and didn't even realise until I was going in for group :D
  3. Looking forward to seeing you and Fern Reb... if we get there... we had an accident on Sat and my car was a write off. OH's car was looking like it had done another diff yesterday, so we will have to see how we go. Still have a few aches and pains, neck mostly, so will be taking it easy. Still, don't want to miss it By all accounts Dyz faired better than us in the accident, so that I am very grateful for :)
  4. I know you wanted to know about other drugs than stilboestrol, but just adding some input anyway.. one of my bitches was put on stilboestrol a few years back now and we believe this was the cause of the onset of IMT (Immune Mediated Thrombocytopaenia). She died a short time later. Yes, IMT is idiopathic, so of course we will never have any proof of this or know for sure, but this drug is on the list of drugs that can cause immune mediated isses and like i say, it was the one and only thing we could put it down to. My next bitch to get IMT was put down to Rimadyl. I would never use either drug again.
  5. My favourite suit is my pale green pant suit and jacket with clean white sensible shoes. I find I blend well into the grassy background if showing outdoors (so I am not too much of a distraction) and my black and tan dog stands out. Fine black plaited fabric all in one slip show leash, bit of make up, hair neatly tide back and that's it. I too wear glasses, but still wear eye makeup. If it is really hot and a country show, I will skip the foundation, but just wear the eye makeup and lippy. I would prefer to wear my prescription sunglasses as I am quite light sensitive, but just prior to going in the ring I swap sunnies for specs as a sign of respect for the judge. I keep bling to a bear minimum, but usually have my nail color complimenting my dog and outfit.
  6. Hi PME. I am glad you and Kenzie are OK. It must have been awfully scary for you and her. I found this topic relevant to me as we too were in a car accident on Saturday - OH, myself and my precious girl Dyzney. Heading home from a herding clinic in Nyora, we were T-Boned by a car doing a u-turn across a double laned highway whilst travelling 80kph and ended up travelling a hundred metres or so along the centre medium strip on South Gippy Hwy in Tooradin. My car is a write-off and we spent all night in hospital on Saturday, til 5am Sunday. What you say is a good point. It was challening enough to deal with what had happened to us, the car with shock etc, but with the added worry for our dog, it was... well let me say, I still keep breaking into tears remembering how scared I was when I ran to the back of the car to open the tail gate to see if Dyzney was OK. I was terrified. What I found was when the ambulance arrived and wanted to take us both to hospital, I would only allow them to take OH (he was worse off than I was) because I had dyzney to sort out before I would go anywhere. I am so relieved that we had Puppy Bars fitted to our car late last year as I believe this is what saved Dyz. It also made everything easier to deal with whilst waiting roadside for all the police and ambulance stuff to be dealt with. She was contained, safe, could see where I was and I was very lucky to have an awesome witness approach me to offer support. Turned out this girl works at a animal welfare centre and she was dog savvy, so I asked to keep an eye on Dyzney whilst I assisted the ambos with OH's details and saw him off in the ambulance. Dyzney has been was checked out by her myotherapist and given the all clear. She was lucky not to sustain any internal injuries, but it so easily could have been worse if she had flown over the seat or even through the front screen. We are all very shaken, a bit emotional and bloody sore, but we are OK and very grateful for that. We all could have been more seriously injured or even killed. We are really lucky. PME, I hope you are dealing with your aches and pains OK and are coping with the emotional trauma. I never imagined an accident that you are not severely injured in would have effected me so much both physically and emotionally. I am still a bit fuzzy and confused.
  7. My advice is the first thing I teach all new puppies, before sit, drop, come etc is to be comfortable and confident in their own company. This starts within the first 5 minutes of arriving home. Of course they do not learn this immediately, but I commence teaching it immediately. Puppy's dependance on people or other dogs is much harder to "unteach" than it is to teach initially... and they will never "not love you enough" as time goes on anyway. Enjoy your new puppy. :)
  8. Love this thread, the Frenchies are just special!!! Have posted one of these before...
  9. Nice work, Reb, thank you. Please contact Dot Williams [email protected] I am sure she will be thrilled and grateful at your offer of a donation. K9+ will be donating a prize for Open Neuter In Show (K9+ Gazebo Mat)
  10. I am very, very excited to advise that I have just received an email back from Secretary of Harden-Murrumurrah Kennel Club, letting me know that the club has voted to go ahead with the offering of Neuter Classes 18 & 18A at all their future shows. She went on to say that this has come about from the letter I wrote to them back in August last year request same. I am offering sponsorship and putting in entries, even if we are unable to attend. Well done and thank you to the committee and members of Harden-Murrumburra Kennel Club, NSW. Is anyone else open to offering them some additional sponsorship towards these classes. I know they would really appreciate it. Dot works extremely hard finding on going sponsorship for their shows from local businesses and this is a big step for a relatively small country town club.
  11. Yes that is correct and I agree with you that the trialler etc is doing all the hard work. It has always been an aim of mine to include agility competitions etc, but whilst we may include other competitions in future years, I do not want to promise anything or give you false hopes. The pointscore in it's current format actually takes a fair amount of work to initally set up and then to maintain. I don't want to over commit ourselves to the point where we don't have the resources to properly administer it (and on a personal level, I still want to have a bit of a life outside of DOL :) ). I am doing a fair bit of work to the 2012 competition to improve the 'back-end coding' and to make our life easier on the administration side. If I think we will be able to manage another comp, I may test the waters next year. Absolutely Troy. I totally get what a massive amount of work it all must be. And seriously where does it end, how far do you go. I think you are doing a brilliant job with the point scores and being open to suggestions is fantastic. :)
  12. Have you had a look at the rules? They are actually already included in there. Please correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the only competition where participants can enter titles other than conformation titles, a Breeder Competition? So, for those training and trialling their dogs train and trial for the accolades to them be passed on to their dog's breeder? Am I correct in saying there is no competition for owners/trainer/trialler to enter their own dog/s into and receive points for their dog, but in their name? The breeder comp is a great idea, but does not really encourage the ones out there doing the work to enter the competition, when the breeder is the one receiving the warm and fuzzies.
  13. Thank you BB, Stolz and Tollers. Tollers, you would have noticed how poor Justin did not know what to do when he got to the second corner. He did not know how to run her around and they just stood there for a moment. The look on Dyzney's face was priceless. She was like.. " Uhmmmm... what do you want me to do Justin, I am happy to do whatever you want, just let me know please" And Justin handled it well, so professionally, he really was not sure how to turn her around, but he remained calm and eventually worked it out. I forgot to notice his shoes, dammit, but I thought the left over vegemite sandwich (or it might have been chocolate milkshake) in the corner of his mouth was just gorgeous. :D I was so disappointed, I thought I got it all on video and later realised I mucked it up I will be sure to get it next time.
  14. We had a great time at these shows. The highlight for me was watching Dyzney being taking into Junior handlers by a gorgeous 8 year old boy, Justin. She was older than him. I was delighted that his family asked me if they could take Dyz in as this is a huge compliment of her wonderful trustworthy nature. Dyzney trotted around with Justin (looking so dapper in his stunning grey suit and slicked hair) as if she was owned by him and free stacked for him beautifully (once he remembered to take the bait out of his pocket) :D He did such a brilliant job and it was the first time he had handled anything but Pugs. Needless to say Justin won his class with Dyz and asked me if he could handle her again at another show. The whole thing was a teary moment for me. Dyzney did me very proud. I did hear a few shocking "OOWWs! and AAHHs!!" whilst we stood around ready to go in. But as a Rotti owner you almost learn to ignore these and try not to take it personally. I would never have allowed Justin to handle her had I thought she would be anything but absolutely perfectly behaved which she was. Thank you to Justin, Tracey and Elaine.
  15. leopuppy, I had my 3yo Rottweiler bitch a couple of weeks post weaning her promised litter with her breeder and slightly less than 4 weeks prior to competing in Vic Top Jumping Dog of the Year in 2002. She bounced back extremely well fron the litter and spey surgery. Mind you she was also extremely fit and healthy prior to the litter. I am sure your dogs are all super fit and healthy, so I would be very confident of a speeding spey recovery.
  16. Hi Reb, I am now looking at getting one of these as a lighter weight alternative to our heavy Altegra. I am unable to get it out of the float by myself and although it is wonderful for specialties and weekenders, I find I never want to set it up if I am alone or just staying for a few hrs. I end up sitting in the car, which is fine in winter, but in summer it is too hot. I like the Deluxe Compact OzTrail 2.7 x 2.7 (not the short collapsing one, but the usual collapsing length), Blue Canopy. This one is $199 and the walls are around $36-$40 each, and there is no vent in the roof (which is why I am looking at the Bunnings one) Is this the one that you say is similar to your Bunnings one. And is your Bunnings one called Marquee? OH went and had a look this morning. It was $159, vent in roof, Blue canopy and we have to order in the walls (individually sold) for $28 I am tossing up between the two, but really like the roof vent. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. My Bunnings one is 3 x 3 and the oztrail walls fit it. It seems identical to the deluxe oztrail, not a compact. I can put it up by myself. Thanks Reb, is yours a Marquee and is it Blue please?
  17. Hi Reb, I am now looking at getting one of these as a lighter weight alternative to our heavy Altegra. I am unable to get it out of the float by myself and although it is wonderful for specialties and weekenders, I find I never want to set it up if I am alone or just staying for a few hrs. I end up sitting in the car, which is fine in winter, but in summer it is too hot. I like the Deluxe Compact OzTrail 2.7 x 2.7 (not the short collapsing one, but the usual collapsing length), Blue Canopy. This one is $199 and the walls are around $36-$40 each, and there is no vent in the roof (which is why I am looking at the Bunnings one) Is this the one that you say is similar to your Bunnings one. And is your Bunnings one called Marquee? OH went and had a look this morning. It was $159, vent in roof, Blue canopy and we have to order in the walls (individually sold) for $28 I am tossing up between the two, but really like the roof vent. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  18. We will be there, can't wait, should be loads of fun .... another one going for the Neuter Classes, Tollersowned
  19. We are coming along to one of Trudy's clinics this month. I am bringing one dog and OH is fence sitting. It will be awesome catching up with Trudy again, got so much from her last time, can't wait. It is just fantastic of Kate and Karen to bring her out here and offer us these opportunities. I feel very lucky. I will be bringing Dyzney, the old chook. I am pretty excited as we have finally seen a glimpse of some nice flanking on a Started A out run, rather than the usual crash and spread ... so I am almost feeling like there could possibly be a B Course coming up for us this year. ... and don't want to get too ahead of ourselves here, but maybe Started A ducks??? We will be travelling to the clinic each day as it is only a little over an hr for us. Sorry have no ideas about accomm.
  20. Hi SS, Altona is a great course. Probably the best course and the best run ET out of all the Victorian ET's. (Wells done to the GSDCV) Only the GSDCV use this venue. KCC can be very wet under foot and the weather on the day can play havoc with trying to complete the test. That said, it is a level ground with lots of paved areas on the course. Dally club hold theirs at Tatterson Park in Keysborough. The course is OK, lots of gravel and shared with small amounts of traffic. Again, can be wet if the weather is inclement. I actually like Canberra. It is a bit hilly and a bit more interesting as a course with the different levels of ground to cover. I never heard whether the ET at sale went ahead last year. Apparently there were only 2 entries so I don't know whether the club abandoned the test. Anybody know? M Terrific, another ET thread, well done AB Sale did go ahead last year. I am unsure of the amount of competitors, somehow 7 is coming up, but I have a terrible memory, could be only 2? Either way it was a 100% pass rate and they are scheduled again for 7th July this year. They said it will be running. I was going to enter Sale this year as it is the only one my bitch will be old enough for in this state (turning 2 on 27th June) but alas, I now know she will most likely be in season then, so not worth the preparation just in case. Plus we will be flat about with several other disciplines anyway, so all good. I would probably rather wait until Altona in 2013 anyway. I love that course also and I would prefer she had another year on her anyway, so all good.
  21. I love twilight shows and would enter any day of the week. I also believe more twilight shows during this time of the year is the way to go. I loathe showing in the heat and am only doing so over the next month or two chasing Neuter classes and even so will not be attending if it is really hot. My neuter bitch is a cool dog, otherwise I would not show at all between Dec and March. I say YES to more twilight shows
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