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Everything posted by Starkehre

  1. I would be suggesting you try changing the beef mince to chicken mince before I would look at swapping the BH. Beef can often be the cause of dry skin. Also look at everything else he is getting by way of treats etc. He may be having a reaction to preservatives, salt etc. Yes, it could be the BH, but IMO more likely to be the mince beef. Eliminate one thing at a time or you will never know what caused it. It may not even be diet related. Could be seasonal, environmental allergy, scurf owing to nerves/anxiety... so many things it could be. good luck getting to the bottom of it.
  2. Been feeding BH to all our dogs for almost 3 years now. They have always done very well well on it.
  3. Wings, You weren't at Rotti club by chance last night were you?? :) There was a lady there with a Dachy that Seven met.
  4. We've owned Dobes, Rotts and GSDs. Wouldn't have dobes or GSDs again, nothing against them, just don't suit what I like in a dog that's all. Have also owned Bull Terriers and a couple of bull mixes. Definitely want a BT again. TDX, if you ever come down this way, let me know and we'll organise some rotti kisses for you!! :D
  5. No, I hadn't noticed TDX... but it sounds as though there is a bit of a common theme going there... perhaps you and Dory are onto something Yeh, they LOVE kisses and cuddles. Jag is unable to give a dry kiss. When he kisses it is like you have been slimed :laugh: Dyz and Seven are far more clean kissers. Seven loves to koala you for cuddles. Got some cute piccies of Seven giving her breeder and her runner kisses and cuddles.
  6. How sweet of you Lasareina, thank you. Dyzney is in my banner on the right and yes she has a gorgeous gentle face doesn't she?! I had been biking Seven actually, but by the time the lady's dog came rushing over (and she was at least 30 metres behind it) we had finished and we were loading our bikes onto the back of the car and Seven was just on lead standing with us, very inoffensive. I am sure the lady was more taken aback by me asking her to call her dog, which of course had zero recall. It behaved as though she didn't even own it :laugh: Seven would have had this cute face on, Seven is the one from my siggie... hardly vicious looking at all, but then I am biased :D
  7. Last weekend I was told by a lady that "Oh, it's because I have one of those vicious dogs" after I asked her to pop her dog on lead because it was rushing at my very calm and well behaved dog that really didn't care less. I promptly said how dare she say that when it was so obvious how well mannered my dog was behaving. And that she should not judge dogs by their breed. She responded with telling that she used to own GSDs. So, I then told her that she of all people should understand why it is so wrong to call my breed vicious when she has also lived with a breed that gets tarnished this way. When she couldn't win that fight, she then told me that she can walk her dog off leash because she has been going there for 25 years and asked me how long I had been going to this place. No rationale I have made a decision that I am going to take the high road and not let peoples' ludicrous comments get to me anymore. Nor am I going to preach to them about their dogs being off leash when they shouldn't be. My dog can deal with their dogs, so live and let live I now say. Me getting upset is only putting me into an early grave and it isn't good for my dog seeing me this way. ..... starting from now. :D
  8. No probs. I took a couple more photos depicting the hooks better and also how the display becomes profuse and 3D. You can see how I used an entire hanger to thread the V medallions into, which works pretty well too, but not everyone needs to worry about those. Also I now have made a separate board for rosettes and just velcroed them on. Not sure how that is going to go tho, cause it already pretty full and I have more. So already rethinking that one. I think for rosettes you almost need one long horizontal display attachment to stick them on to?? :)
  9. Wow...that's neat. Do they slide off though or are they fixed on in some way Each hanger is hooked onto the bottom of the one above it. the ribbons are threaded through the slots in the hanger. Once you tip the hanger back into this upright position, it locks the ribbon in place. They can slip a little bit if you knock them, but they won't slip right off. When you need to attach more ribbons, you simply unhook the hanger you will slot them into, lay it flat somewhere (I do it between 2 chair rests).
  10. I have this for my sashes from Ribbon Mate. As each hanger fills, it becomes more profuse from the wall. You can purchase 3 different widths of hangers and just keep adding more. I love it.
  11. Just over a week ago, actually :) Wondering why the weather was so incredibly changeable on the Sunday of the champ show? It's because there was a Tasmanian in your midst! I was over to visit family though, not show dogs, and we only popped into the show briefly before heading off to do family things :) Was only there for a couple of hours, just enough to appreciate the horrid weather conditions - particularly for the poor veterans! Hoping to come up to Vic for the champ show in November next year, finances permitting :) Well there you go, I didn't even see you mate, sorry Ah, you must have been there on the Sunday for those weather conditions, pretty funky hey??!! Hopefully you will make in next year :)
  12. Too right HW, there is a lot of emphasis on movement and rightly so because the Rottweiler is actually a working breed and should be able to trot all day. He is one of the oldest herding breeds in the world. When the specialist judge watches movement, he is not only judging topline, footfall, reach and drive, pasterns, hocks, pelvis, croup, head carriage, tail carriage etc but also stamina, fitness and attitude on the move. Good or excellent movement can be seen by a good judge fairly quickly, but the latter can take many laps to judge fully. Yep, all that noise is the double handling that is not only permitted but expected in Rottweiler specialty shows as opposed to being a disqualifying act in AB rings. Double handling/baiting occurs in "clowns corner" during critiquing as well as during the running and interim stacking during the class. Hey Allerzeit, when are you coming over to the main land again. Haven't seen you for a while :)
  13. So so sorry to hear of Ricky's passing mysticpaw. Run free special man.
  14. I've always said my next GH will be a big black boy... I am very partial to them :D always tempted, always dreaming...
  15. Good one Pers My awesomest new collecting receptacle is the drip tray from the low fat cooking grill thingie (like a George Foreman) :laugh: It is long, narrow and fits nicely in between the back legs for a collection, very unobtrusive and catches really well. I love it. We have bought 3 of these grills over the years as the surface eventually wears out, so we keep the drip trays especially for urine collection. :D
  16. That was my first thought too. Get him off the fish oil immediately and see if there is any improvement. Certainly won't hurt to try. Symptoms sound very familiar.
  17. Hi Mish, sure thing, more than happy to share. Treadmill workout varies for each dog. We currently only have 1 dog in full work. She is only 20 months, so still slightly limited. She is swimming 3/4 times per week and biking 1/2 times per week, so she is only using the treddy 1/2 per week. I would have her on it more often if the weather restricted other exercise. This bitch does 30-35 minutes on the treddy in total. As she is cardio really fit at the moment I only do around 10 minutes of approx. 6.5kph trotting. The remainder of the time is warm up/warm down and mostly 3.5kph incline walking for rear muscle development. We are endeavouring to increase her drive and strength in the rear. We find the standard 10 setting for the incline is insufficient and have boosted the front of the machine by around 10cm. My 10 and half year old bitch has recently had a sub-total coronoidectomy of the cornoid process and is in rehab stages. She is on the treddy 2/3 times p/w and only does a very slow walk (not permitted to walk at a pace where she shows any lameness) for only approx. 50mtrs at a time, so not much at all for her. Prolly around 2-2.5kph only. We are working slowly up to decline walking for her in efforts to increase her shoulder/elbow strength. Up until about a year ago she was doing 1km of walking/trotting up to 5.5kph. Our 5 year old male just hops on for some additional exercise cause I have the girls on anyway. He sulks if he misses out :laugh: I only do around 20 mins with him, but he will trot around 7kmh cause he is a bigger dog. He is a bit weak all over, so I intermittently use incline/decline with him, but only at the walk. I do find the dogs trot considerably slower on the treadmill than on the ground. I am yet to decide 100% if this is because the speedo is out or the dogs aren't as confident on the treddy as on real ground, though they appear fine. I think it may be a combo of both. On the bike we can do 10-13kmh, so significantly more. That said, the treddy workout is still good and the benefit of the incline/decline is a real advantage. I also use T touch pads sometimes. If there is anything more specific you want to know, please ask :)
  18. We have a Fitfurlife Superior and since I now have experience treddying dogs, I would never attempt using a human treddy again for a large breed. BCs and similar sized dogs may be OK on a human one, though I still believe at a good trotting speed they would have stride restrictions. With Rottweilers, GSD and anything close to that size or bigger, what you find when using a human treadmill is that if used often enough you will retrain their gait to a restricted stride that judges will even notice in the ring, particularly specialty ring. Shortened and lofted reach. But not only is it about fitting the stride onto the deck, but allowing for room for error. The dog moves around as they gait. You can't have it so that they are just about to the run off the front or fall of the back with every stride, it makes them nervous and effects their movement. It takes a while to train a dog to obtain a good working trot on a treadmill, let alone if the equipment is not oozing stability and safety. Even the Superior that we have doesn't give our male a lot of room for error, enough but you have to keep a close eye on him and continually assist him with position. My bitches have a good amount of length on the deck, but I certainly would not put them on any less, unless I was using it for walking only. The deck is around 2 metres long (sorry don't have exact length measurement). We have a really good quality human treddy that was more expensive than the Fitfurlife. It is big, has a long deck for a human treddy and designed to carry a very large man. We tried it a few years ago with the dogs and it just isn't long enough. Also access to the controls just doesn't work and the raised section in front of the deck disturbs the dogs too much.
  19. Axolotls, rates, snakes and horses. Love them all, owned them all, but sadly doubt I will own any of them again. Just in a different place in my life now.
  20. Sounds terrific. Our block is zoned rural residential, so council laws are a bit more restrictive.
  21. disintegrates, are you on over 5 acres? I am not familiar with Won Wrong, but it sounds great.
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