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Bec n Shad

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Everything posted by Bec n Shad

  1. No offence, but your vet doesn't sound very "nice" (changed the wording to make it polite). If my vet brought up previous issues with the intent to emotionally blackmail me into ANYTHING, they would not only being getting a piece of my mind, but they would never have the pleasure of seeing my face (or my money) again IMO she really could have taken a different approach to presenting you with this information. I am no where near experienced on this topic, and because of that fact alone I would personally seek a second opinion. Good luck and I have my fingers crossed for you and your pup.
  2. Oh yeh of course he did! Because, you know, dogs plot with each other to destroy their owners... I can completely understand your situation OP. Having a small dog who is not shy to tell ANYONE to back off, makes it difficult at times in the park. We go for walks twice a day and know most of the regulars and are fine with them. But there is this one GSD who really is still just a pup, but the owner drives him to the park and lets him run wild. No, he's not aggressive but he is darn persistant and will charge out of the car and straight for my mini poodle if he sees him. Now, Shadow has been attacked before (dog slipped its leash and went after him from across an oval) so he gets on the defensive if he is charged at; though he knows that Mum means protection so always stays by my side when this happens. My issue is not so much that the dog is coming to attack, which he's not, but that that dog has much bigger teeth and a lot more weight behind it so that IF Shadow did snap to defend himself and the other dog decided that was a no-no, the bigger teeth would most likely win out. To make it worse, this dogs owner thinks this is OK, even though I have repeatedly told her how Shadow reacts to this kind of dog behaviour and if she cannot recall her dog to put it on a leash! None-the-less, because her dog likes to "play with small fluffy dogs" I now walk to the other side of the park and wait behind the trees until she is gone. Shadow never goes up to any dog unless I've given him the OK to, but, such is life
  3. Any kid within eyesite: "Oh, look! It's a POODLE!" Me: "Yep he sure is" Adult- 4+ weeks after clip: "Oh what's he crossed with?" Me: "Nothing. He's a purebred. He's just fluffy at the moment"
  4. Yes please! It may be a bit far, but I don't think it's as far as Carlisle.
  5. Could I get there number please? Midland isn't that far, and it's close to a puppy playmate :)
  6. Hi guys and gals, I'm in need of some help finding a decent groomer NOR in Perth. I have a 2 1/2 year old black Miniature Poodle, Shadow, who is kept in a lamb clip. Since I've been in Perth he's been going to Posh Pooch in Carlise (they are fantastic!), however I have moved to Morley and Carlisle is a bit of a ways to travel (about 30-45 mins). I have tried a few places around Morley but on all occasions thay have completely ruined his clip and each time I have to wait 4 weeks to take him back to Carlisle to have it fixed. Of course Shadow doesn't really mind (he doesn't look in the mirror after all :p), but call me a snob because I certainly do! To add to that he has come out of one of these "salons" with his tail between his legs and acting timidly- which is not a usual trait of his. This has made me incredibly wary of choosing a new groomer as I need to be able to trust them with my baby. So, I'm hoping that somebody here can please recommend a decent, or even better, a GREAT groomer around Morley to regularly trim my boy. I'm happy to pay good $$ for a good clip and a happy, non-stressed dog. I know that there are quite a few groomers in Bassendean. Has anyone has any experience with one of them? Thanks to everyone in advance :)
  7. OK guys. Calm down. It was an honest mistake. I've already apologised. Please only post if you have constructive criticism on the topic of Advance vs Pedigree Advance DOG FOOD. Thanks.
  8. Hi all, Thank you so much for all your help and advice! You lot are a knowledgable bunch and it's great to know you'r here! Shadow was sold as a "pet only", and his breeder was happy that he was healthy enough to send at 7 weeks. We would have held off except that with transport dates, etc, this was the only time we could get him if we didn't want to wait until he was 10 weeks. Can you explain these BARF patties a bit more? What's in them, where to get them, etc? He is only going to be on the farex mix for another week then he will be on the #2 diet. The amount he is getting is slowly being decreased. I always assumed chicken mince and chicken thighs were different? I.E. Mince is made of more than just the thigh bit... That's what I meant by introducing chicken His breeder is great and is involved in the diet change. They are very helpful with tips and recommendations. I will keep your suggestions in mind. I am more worried about him not getting the right amounts of vits and mins than anything else. Thanks again!
  9. Hi All, This is my first post so a bit about me... I have a Miniature Poodle pup called Shadow. My fiance and I plan to do Agility and Obedience Trials. Currently he is on a mix of 1. Chicken and turkey mince with baby farex and lactose free milk, and is being introduced to 2. Chicken, pasta and carrot. Anyway, I am wanting to feed him a dry food along with meat and vegies, and his breeder recommended Advance Puppy Rehydratable. Now when I googled this I found a Pedigree Advance Puppy Rehydratable and the simple Advance Puppy Rehydratable. I'm confused... They both claim to do the same thing??? I had a look in the ingredients and they both look very similar. Can anyone tell me what the difference is and which one they would recommend? I remember seeing a thread which gave star ratings to all dry and can food, and Pedigree only got 2 of 5 stars. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? And (yes, I know it's getting long! Hehe!), can anyone recommend a good diet to be fed in conjunction with the dry food? I used to feed My Dog cans to my old dog who is doing well on it, but the breeder says that this is an absolute no no. Now I'm at a loss to what to feed! I'm not a fan of the BARF diet simply because of all the prep that it needs and I'm lazy! Any help would be appreciated!
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