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wind in the trees

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Everything posted by wind in the trees

  1. I think some dogs just aren't ball oriented. I would say do as the other posters try and just keep gently encouraging her. Best of luck.
  2. Best of luck Stella. The success of the school and teacher varies from dog to dog and handler to handler. If you don't like what you are being taught then change.
  3. I would remove them in any dog as early as possible. I haven't had experience with the operations so can't comment on its severity. Best of luck.
  4. A breeder once told me he thought singletons were very robust. Not sure how it transferred to personalities, but his singletons always had the most personality.
  5. Glad to hear all is good. Best of luck with you new pup, sure is a cutie.
  6. Best of luck with all advice. I have had an adult dog that came with recall issues. Its so much easier to fix at the start.
  7. These pups are so cute. Love the look from the bath. All these puppies are gorgeous, but Martha wants to say a particular hello to the chockie labs.
  8. OMG Mr Sniffle and Boof. They are unique names for sure.
  9. He is getting a huge bone. Its a bit of a bummer when they don't really get into toys. Meantime the cockatiels are getting a new toy to share.
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