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Everything posted by Asari

  1. Wally atleast looks like he is very proud of what Daddy did and love's the new look.
  2. Easy when the RSPCA is corrupt to the core I hear that! not even our vets or council with go/use the rspca anymore.
  3. Was shocked when i read this in the paper i know it left me shaking my head thinking how the hell something so big can go so wrong
  4. Havent had time to my self the past few days to check in but i have been getting the dogs out even if it did kill me at times . Been dealing with a dog that was waiting for its owner to turn up and had to help out with some stupid ppl that didnt know what to do and there dog was having the puppy's now . they would not take her to the vet didnt wont to pay for it but they rang the vet to get phone numbers of someone they thought would pop in to help I think i need to learn the word no
  5. O to cute But i thought thats what furkids were for :D maybe im wrong??????????????????
  6. Have sent it to all my FB friends wonderfull page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Had a small walk last night and just took them out for a quicky as we may not get out later as i have to go pic a stray staffy up from the vets. Aleast he was microchiped but the owner cant get him till tomorrow morning as he is working till midnight This is all going to be new to Hudson as i dont think we have had a rescue come in since he arrived . Hope tho's that arn't feeling well get better soon.
  8. Just sitting here with OH laughing at Hudson and thought i would share. Hudson has always managed to have us rolling around with laughter so his nickname is the joker aroud here. Over the past week we had noticed that toys , plastic bottles and hats have been going missing and just put it done to the dogs hiding them around the house well today we went on a search for everything but didnt find any of the stuff. Sitting here in the lounge room trying to work out were everything is when Hudson took himself over to the back window stood on his back paws face pushed up against the window and talking stafford style we asked him to come away as we have done in the past so what does he do but grab Davids slipper goes over to the window were it was open pushed the screen and dropped it outside. What do we see on looking out the window but a pile of toys, clothes, hats, plastic bottles, even his plastic food bowl that had gone missing the day before the little bugger was putting the stuff out the window through a gap in the screen. We now have a basket of toys and all our stuff back, have fixed the screen and Hudson is not happy that he cant put things out the window anymore. The only problem is we didnt find any socks so that one will still have to stay a mystery
  9. I dont think i will ever understand some people , then again maybe i dont ever want too!!!!!!!
  10. 2 dogs 1 cat at the vet's i did go to. None at the one i go to now and its so much better not having my armed pulled out the sockets
  11. No never to old i would be in trouble if there were i have two that should have been in the ring early last year but due to unforseen curcumstances that was imposible so this year all going well i will get them there i have my fingers and toes all crossed. So goodluck with your new venture!!!!!
  12. Just about to head of for our walk today they are so loving all the walks and look so happy to be out mind you i am so tired it would be so easy to just say bugger it we will stay home. But i will get up and out the door and go and be a good mummy. Next week will be fun tho as the other 2 are coming home for awhile and that will make 4 dogs to walk now that will test me. Hope everyone else is getting out for walks and weldone to thos that are.
  13. It sounds like you had a great day Daisy We had a wonderfull walk today took the dogs to the river and walked along the bank but i dont think the water birds were very impressed the dogs kept finding them hiding in the grass but i think they should just think themselfs lucky that the dogs were on long leads and not just running around
  14. Didnt get out for a walk last night due to my OH taking me out for tea as we dont get out much so made up for it today took them out for a quick walk after work this morning and just got back from a 30 min walk . Poor Maya is pooped and Hudson looks like he could have gone another hour OH is convinced Maya has started loosing wieght but i think its alot of wishfull thinking we will see!!!
  15. OMG just worked out how to find a post as i couldnt find this one last night We had a lovely walk last night OH came along we even got to meet some of the local cows and a horse Maya thought they were great but poor Hudson when he realized how big the cows were had a stress attack Im going to put up a pic of Maya looking like a telly tubby so i can see later if all this walking is working and to keep me on the ball with the walks.
  16. The kids had a great walk tonight even if we got all tangled up a few times and the more i laughed the worse it got We did about 30min cant go to far yet as maya is so unfit. Was abit of a motivation problem tonight but i think i did good considering OH wouldnt come because futurama was on Welldone for tho's that got there walks in and welcome to the new walkers
  17. yahhhh! we got a walk in tonight the dogs loved it and we extended the walk an extra 15min . Its sooooo much cooler and been raining all day.The dogs had the aircon on till 3am as it was still hot but you should have seen there face's when i opened the door at 6 to let them out it was raining so hard one ran peed and ran back the other had to be pushed outside. Welldone for tho's that got out for there walks
  18. Have put ? by date in diary .... By the time the date comes around if i dont have Hudson's problem all fixed and they need a specimin to work with ill volunter him as he needs councelling The dam dog is driving me nuts
  19. Its still 40 here and hot so rd walk was out but i took them on lead with a torch out to the back padock to check on the horses hope that counts as a walk. Maya isnt coping with the heat she a few times today lets hope the cool change they talk about comes in
  20. Two staffords I buy bulk but its around the $10/15 aweek it includes chic necks/frames mince,rice,noodles,veg,fish. and home made dry dog treats. Nothing has color/flavors or preservative's When the other two staffords are home with me the cost only goes up another $5.00 go figure!!!
  21. Idont know if there are diferant one's around but i can say the ones that i have do a great job and have had no snakes in and around were i have them. They only do about 50sq metres so i have one were the dog yard is and one near the hay shed . The one at the hay shed proved itself within seconds when turned on as a snake came out of the shed moving so fast it took us by surpise all i can say is if that snake had legs it was running we always had/have snakes looking for a drink and had lost a few goats to snake bite we are now happy to leave a drink bowl out in the dog yard.
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