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Everything posted by Ravyk

  1. Day 2: Frustrated. Poor Rosie couldn't play with the other doggies without her muzzle, so she decided to make everyone feel sorry for her.
  2. That is amazing bjelkier!! I love the colours.
  3. On some places maybe. It's 11 am here!
  4. Well I'm off to a DOL meet today, so lots of photos to be taken.
  5. We can always post the photos in here too. Day 1
  6. Count me in too! Although mine won't be posted on flickr...I can't stand using flickr. Mine are on FB and should be able to be viewed by everyone. Ravyk's 52 Weeks of Spot and Peggie
  7. You're welcome I can remove it if you like.
  8. Link to my FB: 365 Challenge Will probably set up a blog later tonight too.
  9. not sure where I'm posting them yet. I've started on FB but might move to a blog
  10. What post processing did you do? I love the effect. Day 1 Narrow
  11. Anyone doing it this year? I am, I've made it one of my goals to complete it this year. What is it? The challenge is to take one photo every day for the whole year and upload them. People doing the 365 Challenge: Ravyk: Link TerraNik: Link Dust Angel: Link kja [unofficially doing it ]: Link MavericksMission: Link whiskedaway: Link Bjelkier: Link tlc: Link ~*Shell*~ LuvLottie Flick_Mac Zenith huga: Link
  12. I'll join in too, 52 weeks of Spot and Peggie.
  13. Mine don't get walked too often, OH is too tired after work and I suffer relatively bad shin splints. When they do get walked they are walked for about 1.5-2ks and run at the park for about 10-20mins, a bit of off lead obedience and then home again. We take them out every weekend [and during the week if OH isn't working] to the beach or park for a decent run. We play with them daily outside or inside depending on the weather. They'll also go riding in the car if we need to pop down to the shops for milk or to grab the letters from the post box.
  14. I've taken MANY that I love, so here are three of my faves. Spider Gums in Creek @ Nine Mile Road, Broken Hill Adelaide Storm Front
  15. Two years ago today, I picked up a male cattle dog X called Spot, flown from Canberra to Adelaide after being sprung from a NSW pound the day before he was due to meet an untimely end with the green dream. I'd only seen his pound photo, and somehow managed to worm his way into my heart from thousands of kilometres away. I couldn't have done it without some very special DOLers. :thankyou: His pound photo I can't believe it's only been two years...he feels like he has been here forever and is literally part of the furniture sometimes! His favourite places are wide open grass areas, and the beach to run and play fetch. When I first got him he was petrified of water in anything but a bowl. Made bathing him quite a tedious task [it still is!], so not to freak him badly. But now he will go 'swimming' up to about his elbows after a ball! He's done his fair share of travelling, not just by plane, but by car. He's been to four states of Australia, three of which with OH and I, and has met many DOLers and their dogs! He's done the Great Ocean Road, many trips to the Riverland and up to the silver city of Broken Hill. And there are many more adventures planned. He loves everyone and everything he meets, even my baby chickens [and not in a DINNER! kind of way]. Sure he can be a little bouncy, but he has a heart of gold and uses it to weedle his way into so many hearts...and the best spots on the couch! He has made friends with the mail lady who delivers the parcels, to the point he no longer barks when she comes in the gate and has conned her into bringing him treats, the little bugger! Spot filled a part of my heart I never knew was empty and has given me so much joy [and a bit of heartache and panic] in the last two years. Here's to many more years of mischief, mayhem, spot stealing and road trips! I love you mate.
  16. Because people are morons. It's cute when puppies and little dogs show aggression, didn't you know that?
  17. Because if PH is closed down permanently, those animals need to find somewhere else to go. In all likelihood they would end up at LDH or RSPCA. Kitten season is not kind to cats and kittens...many of them, if it came to that would be euth'ed on arrival at other shelters. Because everyone in rescue gets tarred with the same brush when something goes horrendously wrong. It's the same in the breeding world, one negative media report on breeding practices in the UK has tarred all Australian breeders under the brush that they selectively breed mutant dogs. And from that statement by the council EIGHTEEN months is plenty of time to comply and find [or reproduce] the missing paperwork. I am not surprised the council is taking such firm action, since by the council's statement, PH seems to have continually flouted their requests. Play by the rules or don't play at all.
  18. part of the issue has been PH's own supporters abusing this forum's members thereby diverting focus from the animals +1 It paints the rescue in rather bad light, even if it isn't their fault. What's that saying? Never bite the hand that feeds you. Same can be applied here. Don't insult those you ask to help your cause.
  19. Teal, I'm sorry to hear about the break up. I don't really have any advice to give other than hugs. If OH and I ever break up, the dogs won't be split up and will stay with the person who can most financially afford to support them, and as much as it breaks my heart-that will most likely mean OH would keep them. I'd keep my snake and frog, and probably the chickens but he'd take the aquariums.
  20. I am yet to try using LR actually. I should definitely get it to try. Thanks anyway!
  21. This is one I took awhile back, but here is my camera shot
  22. I was at a wedding last night and got chatting with the photographer [who let me play with his Mark IV! ]. He has a brand new Sigma 18-250mm lens for sale which I am interested in buying to replace my Tamron 18-250, due to my disappointment in the colour quality of the Tamron. I'm organising to meet with him next weekend to try it out, but does anyone have any experiences with this lens and want to tell me about it?
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