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Everything posted by Ravyk

  1. Well if OH would stop crashing/pranging the car it might make things a lot less stressful. :rolleyes:
  2. *sneaks back in* Sorry I have been AWOL...hectic life = no time to edit photos. Finally had a chance to get on the main computer [OH has been hogging it for work stuff] and edit up most of them. Just need to hunt down my other camera for the missing 5 days. There are too many for me to catch up on posting here, so look here if you want: Facebook Although...here is todays Day Fifty-one Cobs Most of my corn plants now has a cob or two on them. Can't wait until they are ready!
  3. It really depends on the butcher, like others have said. Some places are great, others are just down right horrible!
  4. I agree with Tigey's point of allowing her 15-20 minutes to eat her meal. Dogs who are allowed to graze all day tend to end up more fussy than those who have strict time limits for meals. It may take a few days for her to work out what's going on, but a healthy dog will not starve itself. I feed my dogs predominately on the RAW diet. They only get biscuits when I forget to stock up on their meat [so for them that is a treat! ]. They get a range of meat from chicken, beef, lamb, roo, turkey, etc, all kinds of cuts, carcasses, necks, flaps, bones, steaks, chops, mince, diced, etc. I would advise not to cook pet mince. Pet mince contains a lot of bone, and cooked fragments of bone could cause issues in the digestive system if there were any sharp pieces. If you are worried about her going off her dry, just give her different things as treats, and slowly over time increase how often you give them to her. Or you could add things to her biscuits too, like raw egg or sardines.
  5. I'm currently doing an assignment for Tafe on parvovirus, and was wondering if anyone has some photos of puppies/dogs with parvo and any photos of the symptoms caused by parvo, that I can use in my assignment? You will be acknowledged in my assignment for the photos.
  6. One of ours sits under the table, right out the way, and there is only two of us, so it doesn't bother us. The other sits/lies on the carpet in the lounge which joins the dining area. They don't beg, they just sit and watch [sometimes drool if it smells especially yummy to them]. They get to lick the plates once we are done.
  7. In summer? I'd say all it would do is dry the dog. Ok so I am worrying needlessly about that. I'll get OH to tell his brother to get a proper tether point and take the cover off when he takes her to the beach. Maybe also to towel her off before tethering her.
  8. poodlefan-the main reason hypothermia came to mind is because hee does it at night and even though it is 'summer' the nights are quite cool. Would wind over a dog tethered in the back of a ute who is wet be able to chill them down enough to get sick?
  9. The person in question is OH brother who we share a house with, he has been taking one of the dogs who lives here to the beach in the evenings/night time. Whilst the dog is not technically mine [not chipped in my name but the MIL's name] the dog is registered in mine and I and OH pay for food and vet bills. I don't mind him taking her to the beach, as she was part of their family before I moved in. I just found out last night that he brings her home from the beach in the back of his ute unteathered under the tray cover because she is sandy and wet, and he doesn't want sand in his car. Not only that, my OH see no issue with it other than the fact she isn't tethered. [i need to throw a brick at him] I'm also a little worried about hypothermia if he did tether her without the cover on while she was wet. I don't know if it a possibility or not which is why I'm asking. The closest beach is about 15-20min drive from here. I need to convince OH that it is not appropriate for a dog to be travelling, tethered or not under a tray cover, so he can talk to his brotherr. [long story why I can't]
  10. I need specifics please. Anything and everything.
  11. It's a soft tray cover, not the hard lid tray cover.
  12. A few questions I need some well thought out answers to. Do you think it is appropriate to allow a dog to travel in the back of a ute, UNDER a closely fitting leather tray cover like this one? Would it make a difference if the dog was tethered or untethered? Would travelling at night make it any more acceptable [as then heat from the sun is not an issue]? Would short trips be acceptable? What would consitute as a short trip? What kind of injuries could be sustained by a dog travelling under a tray cover [tethered or untethered]? How long would it take for a dog to get hypothermia if the dog was wet [ie, had been swimming and hadn't been towelled off] and travelling in the back of a ute at night? Not a particularly cold night but not a warm night either. How long would it take for serious problems to emerge?
  13. Another big catch up from me. Sorry haven't been motivated to upload my pics LOL. Day Twenty Barn Cat Day Twenty-one Second Valley Day Twenty-two My Veggie Garden Day Twenty-three Chickens
  14. Another big catch up from me. Sorry haven't been motivated to upload my pics LOL. Day Twenty Barn Cat Day Twenty-one Second Valley Day Twenty-two My Veggie Garden Day Twenty-three Chickens
  15. I can try to get a shot of my cattle X begging tomorrow. It's his new trick.
  16. I couldn't choose between two today: Day Nineteen Jealousy I am seriously insanely jealous of OH's eyelashes Anticipation Wanting, waiting to go for a ride!
  17. I couldn't choose between two today: Day Nineteen Jealousy I am seriously insanely jealous of OH's eyelashes Anticipation Wanting, waiting to go for a ride!
  18. Thanks huga. They were doing a controlled burn in the gorge near our house today. so I went to investigate when I saw the smoke.
  19. Nice shots everyone, sorry I have been absent the last few days. I have been photographing, just been too lazy to edit. DSO-I love that lavender shot, I think it's awesome. Day Sixteen Please? Day Seventeen Mulberry Syrup Day Eighteen Smoke Screen
  20. Nice shots everyone, sorry I have been absent the last few days. I have been photographing, just been too lazy to edit. LuvLottie-love the snake feeding one! Bje-that foal is GORGEOUS!! Nik-love the almost full one, Day Sixteen Please? Day Seventeen Mulberry Syrup Day Eighteen Smoke Screen
  21. Mine for today. Taken at our possible reception venue. Day Fifteen The Gallery
  22. so many great photos! LuvLottie-Love the snake...I have one myself Bje-YUM! Are they cranberries? *rocks up for a sampling* Mine for today. Taken at our possible reception venue. Day Fifteen The Gallery
  23. Haven't been around much, finally managed to edit the last few days worth of photos. Noting particularly special IMO. Day Twelve Underwater Jungle Day Thirteen Ominous Day Fourteen Buzz off!
  24. Haven't been around much, finally managed to edit the last few days worth of photos. Noting particularly special IMO. Day Twelve Underwater Jungle Day Thirteen Ominous Day Fourteen Buzz off!
  25. Yes the Pacers will help any dog regardless of parentage
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