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Everything posted by Ravyk

  1. Just want people to know that the domain name doesn't expire until FEBRUARY. I am not sure what will happen, the site may go down in the next few days, as jelly has said she has cancelled the hosting of it and won't be able to return until we reregister the domain.
  2. I feel for you...no one ever told me ACDs shed. Spot leaves clouds of hair when he shakes and when he sheds his summer coat the dust outside is 1/2 dirt 1/2 hair!!!
  3. The PACERS do help people who are going through problems like nasty divorces, DV, etc.
  4. when the website it reregistered [still waiting for it to expire], I will definitely make the font size bigger.
  5. try contacting the PACERS...I can't remember the email address, I'm sure another DOLer will be able to post Julie's email.
  6. there is also a fan page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Leos-Story/288143910554
  7. Looks like the domain name will cost us $16.50 a year OH has an account with the registry we are using, so he gets it cheaper.
  8. How much would the domain registration be? The registration of a .org domain name should absolutely not cost more than $14.95 per year. There would not be time to transfer the domain name, so it would need to be renewed with the current registrar. I think Allerzeit might be right. I will recheck with OH where he is going to register it through...I think he may have made a mistake with the price or time period. Will update when I talk to him.
  9. I have talked to Ambervale [as you can see], and my partner and I are more than willing to pay for the domain hosting, and host it on our server. This also means that Ambervale can change what ever she likes, when ever she likes, as we live relatively close to each other. The registration of the domain is $99 per 2 years. If people wish to help pay for it they can, but honestly I do not mind either way. Leo is amazing [very good cuddler too!] and his story should never die. The website MAY be down for a few days as we reset it up. My OH is in the process of pulling the information from the site now, just incase we can't get a copy from jelly and we need to re do it.
  10. Me and my partner would be happy to host leostory free of charge too. If you can keep a copy of the html, I am happy to purchase the domain name. I am in regular contact with Leo's current owner, I will let her know.
  11. Millie x 2 Ruby Chloe Clover Tinny (Tin Tin) Vada Tilly Holly Logan Finta Lucy, Tayla, Abbey. Hayley, Ella, Jodie, Bree, Tori, Becky Nala Peggie April
  12. I have a hard case for sale. Please see thread linked below. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=186952 May consider posting if someone is genuinely interested
  13. I might know someone interested. I'll show them this when they come on msn next. She lives in the area too.
  14. Just got a text from Ambervale. Leo came out of surgery fine! He's had four teeth removed and is apparently not happy and very stoned!
  15. Mutant bug in the Kitchen. OH reckons its a mozzie X dragonfly ETA-it is an Antlion Lacewing
  16. Oh If you insist Be ready to be Leofied!! Will post more when I actually find my stash of Leo photos.
  17. Mine for today...and I am breaking my theme tonight, as we ate down at the beach and forgot the camera. Computer Light Ring
  18. Todays shot...following on my theme of Dinners or dinner prep... I give you, King George Whiting
  19. We own one! Really good camera, we take it to the beach a lot. Decent optical zoom for such a small lens. We haven't dropped ours yet [although its inevitable to happen with a clumsy OH and two dogs].
  20. Two from me tonight...following on the food theme still. Carving the Lamb Lamb Roast Dinner
  21. Oh I love this!! I got the opportunity to photograph some firetwirlers awhile back. Was a lot of fun!
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