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Lab lady

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Everything posted by Lab lady

  1. Like a bitch on heat walks past at the same time every morning? I would say that considering that he barks and then stops when he gets fed, that he simply has his owners very well trained to do exactly what he wants. I agree, he's done a pretty good job at getting what he wants. If he were mine i would be bring him inside, crate and ignoring him and only letting him out when he had settled down. He will soon learn that barking only means he will be confined and ignored.
  2. Over the years i have had a few euthanised and none have been sedated and all have gone very peacefully. I have also worked in a vet hospital and i certainly don't remember sedation being part of the process.
  3. Glad to hear the pups are doing well :D what a nightmare for you Time for some photos ;)
  4. Absolutely the worst part of having a litter. Whelping and raising the litter is less stressful than making sure you have the right home. Most are fine but it's still stressful.
  5. In my last litter i had one yellow bitch with similar pigment This is at 5 weeks Again at 8 weeks The new owners did express some concerns at the 4/5 weeks, mainly about sun cancer and asked me to have the nose tattooed but after much consultation with other Lab breeders and my vet we all agree it was not a necessary to tattoo the nose and all felt the pigment would continue to improve. I did offer a full refund of the deposit. As for the return of deposit on the other pup that's really up to you...me i would give them their money back if they are having concerns about the pup then they may never be truly happy, better to have someone want the pup warts and all so to speak. This is the same pup at 6 months full pigment edited to add they are gorgeous pups skyehaven
  6. I just adore puppies but it has been a long time since i have had to go through the horrors of settling one in ( one of the big advantages of breeding, no settling in period) Just thought i would share a few pics with you. No chance of anyone sneaking out of this door unnoticed
  7. Is your question in relation to the 'winter nose' pigmentation? Winter nose is not due to bad pigment as far as i am aware. I have a 5 year old bitch that loses most of the blackness in her nose during winter and after she had litters but it returns to a normal black nose in the warmer months, she also has good pigment around her eyes, mouth and feet. this is Lucy (on the right) taken in july. The other Lab is her daughter ( from a Yellow to Yellow mating) as of yet she hasn't had winter nose. This is Lucy again taken in october
  8. I wonder how many people think Teddy is too fat? To me he doesnt look fat because he has a waist but maybe others would disagree with me? He is a she and that how i like my Labs, i keep mine lean until they are 2 then prefer them to fill out a bit more
  9. you been putting mr sheen on her coat again BM? I think too many Lab owners are just to soft and give in way to easy to those begging eyes.
  10. Not the behaviour you would expect from a Lab pup. If it were me i would put him back on chicken & rice for a day or two, if the he is still not returning to his normal speed of eating then get him seen to. Is he bright and alert? If he has any signs of lethargy or depression get him to a vet.
  11. Very normal in Yellows, i haven't found anything that stops it.
  12. I have trained dogs using the old method of check-chains and corrections and now train using only positive reinforcements and would say that the dogs learn much much quicker with the later. I still use the 'no' word where needed but where with the older style of training it was a firm 'NO' it's now a softer 'no' used more as a communication rather than a correction. Things like recall from memory where once only taught once the dogs was at a higher level but now taught from very early on.
  13. i was advised by my vet that 6 week intervals was sufficient but they recommend monthly to make it easier.
  14. i have a question regarding clicker training, i still fairly new to the clicker. Do you reward every click or only when you are teaching them something new? i was reading something the other day and it said you must reward every click but in the past i had been training using the "yes" and treating every 3rd or 4th once they had understood what i wanted from them. I have been working on my stays and give her plenty of clicks but have only been treating when i am close to her and at the end of the exercise have been giving her several treats once i have released her from the stay.
  15. great work rubystar i always love watching your girls work the second video doesn't load, comes up saying it a duplicate on the first one
  16. Last night i sat and read this thread and watch the videos and tonight at training i put into practice the clicker method shown in one of the videos. I am delighted with the results last week i could barely manage to take 2 small steps away from my girls but by the end of class tonight i was walking all the way around her at the full length of the lead (6ft) I thrilled and amazed at the result in such a short time. next step is to read up more on the steady feet and put that into practice.
  17. I wouldn't be worried about his barking at an obedience club, they will help you to train him to stop this. I have a girl that was a shocker when we first started, she barked at everything but with time and training she only occasionally barks now. Never feel embarrassed about any issues you have with you dog, i can assure you the trainers have seen it all and will give you credit for trying to resolve the problems.
  18. just out of curiosity, what has it cost you to have an ultra sound done? I had a bitch done about 2 years ago and it only cost me $45.
  19. The dogs behaviour at home could be quite different to that at the dog park. I have 2 young labs who have really surprised me in the last week. My mum is recovering from major spinal surgery and also uses a walking frame, she stopped by my place the other day to see the dogs ( her grandkids )as she had not seen them for a month and normally they get very excited to see my parents but they behaved in a very calm manner never once pushing or jumped up to greet her. When she walks around they just walked very calmly by her side. Having said that i have don't believe they would remain so calm in a dog park environment. It does seem odd to place such a young dog with a couple of that age but we don't know all the detail here.
  20. What about spraying the furniture with citronella, not sure if it would work or not but can't think of anything else.
  21. I have tried everything and I find that listerine works the best as well :D , if i catch them early they usually heal up in a day or 2. I have found a few this summer on my lot, i think all the rain and high humidity are to blame as they haven't had any changes in diet.
  22. Well after a long wait i finally got my DSLR (canon 450D) I haven't got must time at the moment to get into learning how to drive it but clicked a few shots the other day. So to get into the spirit of this he is a couple of shots. I have an awful lot to learn yet. wind Measure High & blue I am looking forward to next month challenge
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