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Lab lady

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Everything posted by Lab lady

  1. allowing your pup onto the bed and other furniture is fine as long as you don't mind it and are prepared to allow it for the next 15 years You need to set the ground rules now and stick to them.
  2. I don't think you should even consider getting a dog if there is any chance you may not be able to keep it in the future, puppies are a long term venture. Taking on a Labrador in those living conditions is going to require a huge commitment from yourself and your girlfriend, they do need space and get easily bored. I have 3 Labs, one is a barker, one occasionally barks and the other rarely barks, so it will be hard to say if any dog or puppy you got will be a barker or not.
  3. could be due to his adult teeth coming through.
  4. I was just going to make that suggestion too pebbles, One of my old girls did that and i found leaving her with the light on helped, she would wake up and be a bit confused as to her surroundings and bark for my attention. I also left the tv on so when she woke up she could hear normal house sounds. Hope you get some sleep soon, i know how distressing it is.
  5. thanks Pointeeblab , i did check out the list in dog world be i not sure of the layout of suburbs and thought i would take the easy way and ask here, I will do a bit more homework.
  6. I agree, if you don't have a pulling problem why not use a flat collar?
  7. Hi, i was hoping some of you might be able to give me some feedback and/or recommendations on training clubs for basic obedience in the Ashgrove area. Also any suggestions of a good puppy kindy? Thanks
  8. One of my girls torn one of her nails and required sedation to remove it, she had a bad reaction to the sedation and when she had to return to the vets a few days later she panicked, she was shaking and crying and it took 3 of us to hold her to get the bandage off, she didn't show any aggression. She had xrays done and the vets other clinic two weeks after this and was fine at this hospital, no fear or apprehension at all. I have over a few months visited the vets ( the first one), just walking her in she usually gets a treat and a game with the nurse and we leave. We have now got to to point that she gets excited when we pull up in the car park and pulls on her lead dragging me into the surgery. It has taken time and a lot of help and understanding from the vet staff to get her to this stage.
  9. they are with the compost bins. I got 2 for my pups and they have been great, get yourself some cable ties as well as the spring things work there way down and the pups can escape.
  10. at 17 weeks she's still a baby and baby's sleep alot
  11. not being familiar with the dry food you are feeding it's hard to say if the quantity is correct. Mine at 8 weeks are on 1/2 cup dry, a heaped tablespoon of raw mince, rice, veggies and yogurt. You could try adding some rice this won't do any harm and is unlikely to cause any tummy upsets. Vegetables provide a great filler for Labs, but they need to be added slowly.
  12. Feeding twice a day is fine for a lab pup, by the time mine leave they are on 2 feds a day. She needs to be wormed, my pups get wormed 4 times before going to their new homes. some pups do toilet a lot, but i am not familiar with the food you are feeding so it's a bit hard to tell if it's normal. Are you only feeding dry food or do you add anything to it? Edited to add; Have you spoken to the breeder and checked that the food is the correct one. Never hesitate to contact the breeder if you have questions most are more than happy to help.
  13. how much are you feeding? Is it the same diet that the breeder had the pup on? One word of warning, Labs love their food and puppies will often eat until the plate is clean not until they are full. I wouldn't be making any sudden changes in the diet these need to be done gradually to avoid tummy upsets.
  14. how many feeds a day is the pup having?
  15. Yes it's true and there are many more things that should also be avoided.
  16. Pineapple has always worked for my dogs If the pineapple pieces don't work add unsweetened pineapple juice to the main meal 2 or 3 tablespoons is enough.
  17. I introduced a pup to an older dog more than once and it has always worked out fine, gives the oldies a new lease on life and the pup gets some good lessons.
  18. I with you badboyz i don't recommend getting 2 pups at the same time. It's blood hard work. I think unless you are very experienced dog owner you can end up with all sorts of behavioural issues. I think it is far better to wait a few months before getting the 2nd pup. 2 pups at the same time will bond with each other and one will tend to dominate the other. A lot of people say to me that they think it would be nice to have a pup grow up with its brother or sister but the dog doesn't see it like that to them it's just another dog. If you do a google search on raising 2 dogs you will get lots of articles good luck
  19. not sure what else it could be. After you press select does it come up saying "uploading" some guru will come in and help i'm sure
  20. what beautiful words, your dad would be proud.
  21. I have a mac and had trouble if the photos are in iphoto. Drag the photo you want to upload to photobucket onto the desktop and you should be fine.
  22. i feel as long as the dog is not pulling then that's ok. i also walk more than one at a time and prefer longer leads so they are able to have a sniff along the way, rarely do they pull and they back off as soon as there is pressure on their collars, so for me i consider it loose lead walking.
  23. all mine get 2 feeds a day. Small meal in the morning and more at night.
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