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Everything posted by CrazyWestie
I know how you feel. The middle of the night toilet trips, picking up the things off the floor they have torn to a million pieces, standing outside waiting for them to go to the toilet, teaching them manners and tricks etc. Dont worry, it gets a whole lot better. My little boy is almost 5 months now and he is starting to become easier. He hasnt had any accidents in the house in a couple of weeks and now wakes himself in the middle of the night, goes downstairs, out the doggy door to do his business and then brings himself back upstairs and gets into bed and goes back to sleep. Hang in there and dont forget, they do grow up quickly and then you kinda miss the mischief they created when they were little and how teeny tiny and cute they were.
Hi. I have two Westies. They're just the best and I love how they play. From the time I brought each of them home I gave them a mixture of raw and some science diet. If I am being a little lazy, sometimes I give them canned dog food mixed with tuna and a little cheese. If you are going to change Cotton's diet, just do it gradually so as not to upset the tummy. Just a heads up, Westies, in my experience, are very strong willed stubborn dogs so any unwanted behaviour (even though it is adoreable) should be corrected. I learnt that lesson myself with my first girl! Goodluck
Oh dont be sad. Its a puppy thing. My little monster went through the same thing, it was sooo anoying. She would nibble my fingers when we were playing so I would fold my arms, turn my head and ignore her (someone on here told me to do that) and it worked, she would just play with something else. She hated being ignored. Dont worry, they eventually grow out of it. Hang in there.
We got our little bubba in winter and it sucked standing out in the cold waiting for her to pee. What we did was everytime she did a pee we said "do weez" and praised her when she did it and after a few weeks she got the picture and then when we took her outside, even at 3 in the morning for a toilet break we would say "do weez" and she would do one straight away and then we would go back to bed. I did so very many things wrong when she was little but this was the one thing that went perfectly. Now when we go in the car, I can take her out beforehand and say "do weez" and she wont have to go whilst we are in the car. Goodluck. I know it sucks heaps waiting for them to go, but try your best to see it out and things will eventually work for you.
When Miley had fleas I gave her fortnightly doses of that Advantage (? whatever its called) stuff and put a $5 flea collar on her from coles. Worked a treat and she's never had fleas again. We just leave it on all the time except for when she is wet. She hasnt even picked up any from the doggy park.
My Miley doesnt like kongs either, or many other doggy toys. She got a schmackos roll thingo with this meaty stuff inside for Christmas, you can get them from the supermarket, its called a chompit or something like that. She loves it heaps and plays with it for half an hour or so each time.
Hi I have a 6.5 month old Westie. Theyre awesome huh I feed her mostly raw food. I usually buy some mince, chunks of beef, steak & kidney mixture, steaks or whatever and then mix it with some processed veggies. I also give her chicken wings, chicken necks, lamb shanks or the bone from a lamb roast (its cooked but doesnt splinter). I also add some calcium to her food. Sometimes I cook the mince mixture just for something different. Probably best to change the food over slowly. If you have a problem with runny or hard poops when you change it, add some pumpkin and that should help in either situation (i read that on here one day). Goodluck
You beat me to it! I was going to come on and ask if anyone knows a professional trainer in the Parramatta or Blacktown areas. It was a pretty terrible experience for poor little Mojo, thankfully he was ok. I thought you should know that Miley was on the other end of the stick today. She had to sit next to Tasha ( 4 yr old black toy poodle) in the car today and Tash didnt like Miley looking at her so gave her a quick correction (Tasha had a tuft of white hair in her little black mouth!). The whole thing with Mojo is strange because Miley is so submissive to Tasha. Maybe we should throw them both in a room with Tasha so she can sort them out......totally kidding. Anyway if anyone knows a good trainer we should be pleased to hear about it.
My pup loves lamb shanks. She could play with them for hours chewing away. Just make sure you pup isnt naughty like mine by bringing them in the house and hiding them like my naughty pup. Otherwise freeze some meat into a kong, that keeps them amused and stops them from chewing other things.
I thought I would share with you what happened tonight. I was in my bedroom putting away all the laundry when I noticed my very cheeky Westie, Miley digging at the pillows on my bed. Next thing I know, she has pulled out the skanky dirty chicken wing that I gave her this morning from under my pillow! And there was dirt all under the blankets! Not happy! This was an hour after I noticed she had buried raw lamb meat in between the cushions on the brand new leather lounge, which she proceeded to do a second time after I caught her! My fault, shouldnt have given it back to her. Dont leave me hanging guys, does anyone elses pup do the same?
You guys are great. Thanks so much for the advice. The 'discipline' I was talking about just involved making her wait for her food, going though the simple commands again every night and generally perserving on commands and not letting her get away with stuff. We didnt let her on the bed or couch for 2 days. I couldnt handle it any more after that, I missed the morning cuddles too much. We started trying to groom her more this week and we rewarded her when she was good. Today we bought some clippers and managed to actually give her a clip ourselves! We just kept giving her treats and she didnt even notice what we were doing. Hopefully she will be right for the groomer and the vet next time! The accidents have slowed down, I think it may just have been a reaction to our new attitude. Miley went to my mother in law's the other day and they couldnt believe how much she had changed. She listened to them and only stole a shoe once! Thanks heaps!
I have a lovely 25 week old female westie named Miley. My OH and I recently took her to the vet who tried to clip her nails however she just squirmed all over the place and wouldnt let him do it. She does the same when we try to clip her hair or brush her. The vet told me that Miley doesnt listen to us because she views herself as equal because we let her sleep in our bed (she shares my pillow!) and we spoil her too much. I have now made her sleep on the floor in our room and wont let her sit on the couch and I am giving her more training and discipline and she is now listening to me. The problem I now have is, she is very distant and not her usual bubbly crazy self and to add to that, she has been having a few toilet accidents in the house. She is even refusing to walk on the leash. I am worried that Miley's personality has changed forever. Do you think this is just a reaction to the discipline and she will get over it? Your advice would be much appreciated.