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Everything posted by kathq
Sorry guys meant to put this in the training thread but somehow got it in this one. Went away to Coffs Harbour for three days of trials this weekend. Tried Coco on ginger tablets for her travel sickness issues with great success. There was no shaking/shivering and she didnt do the old dry heave on the hilly/windy bits of the trip. So that part of the weekend was great. Friday night was the first trial and as you all know we have been working hard at keeping it fun and upbeat-no pressure. Well I think we went too far the other way as she used the SB as an excuse for the most joyous run at 100 miles an hour with the nose in the air, gloves were a fail as well but the joy was definitely there. Saturday night only two errors had to be told to sit in the box twice on the first send out (a new blip) and gloves again, got perfect scores in SB, signals and articles though so the work was there as was a good level of enthusiasm. Sunday morning she moved all four feet as I left her in the CoP and that was our only mistake and cost us a quallie. Friends said she looked great and had the right level of enthusiasm but to me she felt a bit flat. Possibly understandable after three days of trials. So as a training exercise this weekend has been great. And I think we are on the way back to the right space for the pair of us in the ring. Feeling quite happy with the whole thing today, have some little things to work on now but have really got the feeling that the large part of the work is there we just have to concentrate for the whole 10 minutes and not have the occasional brain fade from the both of us and we'll be there.
I've had several entire bitches over the years, dobes getting their CDX and now Coco in UD and they all have worked/trained like brainless twits for a week or so prior to coming into season and then whilst actually in. One bitch was a 5 month bitch so taking a 5 week block out of each 5 months the fact we got past Novice was a miracle but she was a fantastic girl. Coco only cycles every 8 months so the fact we lose 5 or 6 weeks doesnt really matter. Gives her a chance to freshen up both mentally and physically as I believe giving them a spell is a must anyway.
Happens everywhere guys unfortunately. Thank goodness nobody was damaged at all. I wont walk my girls around here thanks to off leash dogs and when I go out to train there are four places I try each a little further away and never know where I will end up depending on what I find at each place when I get there. On occasion I end up coming home having done no training but giving the girls a nice 45 minute car ride. They are happy - me not so much. Tried a new area alongside a creek for an off lead run yesterday Coco loved the muddy ditches full of stinky grey/black mud to play in .
Well my new training program seems to be working. After the last two trials that just seemed to go from bad to worse ending with a completely shut down dog last week I decided to emphasise the fun this week and try and change my body language and attitude. Went into the ring with the goal of a happy dog didnt care about scores just wanted tail wagging joy back.. Completely different dog tail never stopped wagging and to top it off we only had one missed article thanks to a far more interesting smell on the ground nearby.. Didnt let my shoulders drop still kept it togethor and heavy interaction/play between each exercise and she picked herself straight back up. WOOHOO Good dog Coco now to keep it going.
Thanks for the help guys, makes sense. Have been out again today and did a double run through ensuring all scent work was done in long grass. Conditions were a little challenging with a very strong wind blowing but she used her nose properly all of the time none of this mad running about just looking. And no looking to me for help on the articles so maybe it was all a blip in the scheme of things for her and just a major melt down for me.
:D Congtatulations everyone for great weekend of trialling..
Needing some inspiration here..Apologies for the long post :D Walked out of the rings on Saturday night more than a little down, I know UD is not easy but I lost the plot in the first trial, Coco did a lovely SB, great first jump, pulled out of the bar jump and knew she'd done wrong, her body language said it all. Then went from bad to worse - brought back the wrong article, missed the sit in CoP and went to the box instead of the glove (it was very close in front of us). I thought we were training well - the SB has been an issue the last couple of weeks but she got that right. Had one of those "Why the **$$##%** do I try to do this moments". Went into the second trial determined to not let my body language get the better of her so she didnt get the SB, great jumps, refused to pick up the metal (first) article but got the rest, missed the sit again and great gloves. I remained upbeat, praised when she got it right used her NRM when she didnt. So decided I need to work on the SB in situations where she needs to use her nose not just sight so long grass is the go, and to stretch her concentration span. It was suggested to me that she is looking for her reward and rushing. And in the SB and articles she is looking for help from me when it is difficult. Took her out yesterday afternoon to somewhere I havent trained in months. long grass situation. The first SB she ran around a bit - stood and looked at me and I thought "No give her nothing make her think, I can last out a dog" she went back to work and used her nose at last and when found it Huge praise rewards, so did another one which she found using her nose without hesitation. YAY Same issue in the first article (metal) she stood and looked at me I just looked back dead pan, she worked it then and found it huge praise we did 6 articles in all and she had no problems with the rest and did not test me again. Did double of all exercises and no hassles with anything else. So am I on the right track or have I got this UD thing all wrong?
Your judge was soft LL!!! I was in the ring at the same time and we powered on despite the very very heavy rain! I had to really try to keep a straight face during scent discrimination because Ella was looking up at me and blinking and squinting and clearly not enjoying herself because of all the water in her eyes! Poor girl, she still worked like a trooper despite the torrential rain! Dont know about you Nic but I am sooooo over the **!!!*$%# rain. I wanna trial in fine weather again... Good girl Ella anyway. Edit cause I cant type.
Congratulations everyone some great results
Does anyone know if there are any spots still open for this? Just discovered it and thought might be interesting with my gsp girl..
Congratulations LL. well done for her first trial And to you as well xena98. Take my hat off to you doing somany runs with such consistent results.
Just home from the trial at Redcliffe.. Quietly happy with Coco - very difficult conditions.. Very, very wet and squelchy underfoot, long, long grass that had been mowed at some point and not picked up so lots of clumps of dead grass all over the place.. She did the Seekback at a 100 miles an hour and didnt find it but then only one dog all night managed it so no excuse but still .. Did everything else really really well only losing a handful of points across the rest of the work. When you consider that 10 days ago we were doing snatch and grab articles and had a total aversion to taking direction for gloves and she did all of them tonight with really good scores so major plus I think. And over and above everything else she never stopped wagging her tail and leaping almost over my head at praise at end of each exercise so one very happy working dog. So while I know no quallie again (bloody UD) am happy tonight with my pocket rocket.
Congratulations everyone!!!!!!!! Some truly fantastic work on the weekend. More titles are in the wind soon I think.
Hi kathq - I will try and find you and say hello :D although it might be at the end as i'll be to nervous to talk to anyone I was just wondering - do clubs usually let you know if/when they recieve your entry form?? No they dont let you know. The only thing with Redcliffe is parking is at a premium so dont be late, also there arent that many entries in CCD and Novice so I've been told so it shouldnt be a late night for you.. As for nervous we are all like that for the first couple of decades
Hi LL I'll be there -most likely the only GSP. Come say hi if you like. Recliffe is a nice place to trial..
You know what a worry wart I am about Coco and she has flown several times to Sydney and Canberra. I am pretty sure that I do it tougher than she does. Always gets off the other end talking and tail wagging..Coco that is not me.
Okay so who is actually coming to the Nationals in June?.. I'll be there with my friend (Coco's breeder) from Canberra..
Well done.
Congratulations ! Now for the hard part - the waiting..
There are some of us on here who are going to end up with the strongest characters in the entire universe thanks to UD. :p Me included
Way to go Kenz :D
Ditto to this!!!! Well done guys!! :D I did some shaping this afternoon, getting the girls to walk backwards and target an object with their back feet to eventually place both back feet on it. We had some fun! Love shaping with them, especially Ruby, she tries soooooooo hard!! That's not to say Millie doesn't try hard, because she does, it's just that Ruby is harder to motivate than Millie, but get the clicker out and Ruby's face lights up and I just love to see her enjoy it Ruby: Millie: Mind the alarms and birds going off in the background - and the extremely messy backyard! Thanks guys!!! Working hard at it as really want that title this year. RS looking good
Did some proofing work on scent discrim tonight.. Had OH spread favourite frisbees, tugs and balls through the articles increasing the number and favouriteness (if you know what I mean) each time. For a retrieve mad dog this was a big ask and she passed with flying colours. Then took the tugs and hung them all over her jumps and she didnt blink for that either. What a good girl she was!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhh LP I feel your pain. So close it will happen - at least thats what I keep telling myself to stay sane.
Good thing you didnt let the weather send you home early after all.. Those conditions were horrendous werent they? Still happy with my little girl I think I see light at the end of the tunnel