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Everything posted by kathq
If its just for home training make your own. Its easy as. Go down to Bunnings and buy some PVC pipe. Thickness is up to your wallet. Then buy some nylon rope. Cut pipe into 4 equal lengths (I made mine a metre each side) thread rope through and tie off. Hey presto you have a portable box that folds up to fit in the car.
What a start to the year! Congratulations!!
It is so much fun isn't it? Coco loves it! We've only been doing proper/sharp turns for a couple of weeks lots of bends first :) we go out early early here cause Joe Blake is always a worry and longest grass was this week up to Cocos belly. It was raining so figured any half decent snake wouldn't be out. At least I hope not'
Home from tracking training. Did a 350meter track with 3 turns, 2 of which were right angles with 3 articles on track and Coco nailed it. Start was a bit distracted but she worked it out and from there on it was like she was on railroad tracks. Such a clever girl!!! Very happy this morning
Thanks guys!! Was supposed to trial again next week but not sure if we'll go now. Think I'd like the euphoria to last that little bit longer before getting brought back down to earth :rofl:
Well I am up already, not functioning too well as didnt get home from Bundaberg until 3AM - yes I know just a little insane but dont really care. For some strange reason still cant stop smiling. :laugh: Should also mention that cause we went so far and had to take the old bag Pip with us entered her in the Rally for something for her to do - she's almost 8 and been retired for quite awhile. Blow me down if she didnt pick up 2 quallies as well. Scores are nothing to write home about but doesnt matter she thought she was important and it wouldnt be Pip if she didnt have her princess moments. Yes Ptolomy will work on the OC legs (amongst other thngs this year). I know the first one took a long time coming it only needed another 5 to actually get the thing. Maybe we're slow learners (well I am anyway) :laugh: Thanks RS I cant wait to see you guys out there it is soooo much fun.
Doing this on my phone cause I can't wait! First time out this year and we got our title!!! Picture major pixie dance and cartwheels!! Love my little pocket rocket!!!
Congrats on the titles people Wuffles well done on the pass and have a great holiday
Thanks guys. She is really working well since coming back. I think the tracking training is really helping!
Had such a great training session yesterday. Late afternoon, training field surrounded with bush, get set up, start the seek back, send Coco, look back to the start peg and there's a roo come out of the bush for a look. Start to call Coco off the exercise when she stops dead in her tracks, head up, ears pricked. Feeling panicky by now and still havent had the time to get the words out - when down goes the head back on track, finds the article and delivers to me perfectly. When we next look at the start peg no more skippy. How great is my girl?? :D
Congrats TO and Tassie. RallyO is certainly proving popular. First trial for us is Feb 4, cant wait for the old bag to come out again. :laugh:
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Well done at the first ever RallyO comp
I got those too ) purple for Coco, blue for Pip and green for the 4 legged grandchild Penny. They are great on the hands.
Looking good, take my hat off to anyone who can teach weavers. We were always hopeless at it or should I say I was always hopeless at it.
5 weeks in to our tracking training and this morning we laid a longish for us (350/400m)track with our first for real turn (have been doing gradually increasing curves so far) and my little pocket rocket nailed it. So pleased with her today, this tracking stuff is very addictive. Start back into obedience next week so its good the foundations appear to be there now.Its been a great summer break.
Thanks Tassie. That's what I thought but good to know I'm on the right track.
Okay we are a month in to our training now and Coco is going so well, I thought last night might make it a little longer and slightly harder. Went out to 300 meters and put a substantial curve into the track to the left. Ran into one foreseen problem - she overshot the turn/bend, lost the scent but circled and worked to pick it up again with only a little difficulty. The unforeseen problem was the guy walking his dog that toileted right along the track and then stopped to talk to us wanting his dog to play with mine. AH No we are a little busy right now!!! She got quite distracted by this and I was on the verge of calling it quits when she found the track and worked it well through to the end..Apart from me moving too far too fast (smack myself upside the head here :D )I was really really pleased with my girl. My question is how do you end a track if in that kind of difficulty but not let the dog think it has failed if you know what I mean??
They have always given me my tracking number when asked...you just have to send them your name & order number. I did the same as RS and got the same answer next day. Not that it mattered as mine got delivered the day I got the reply Was just me being impatient. They did leave something out of mine so I sent them another email with a reply the next day apologizing and saying it will be sent to me on the next business day. So cant complain with the service.
Wow shes quick but hes looks consistent too
what part of brissie? We have a little group Tuesday nights at Pine rivers that train if you're close.
Mine came today YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've done this today as am still waiting..... Might be a reply tomorrow when I wake up. I ordered on the 24th, it was shipped on the 28th. Not impatient or anything
I have a training buddy for my tracking but not for obedience though a group of us meet up one night a week to do our own thing in the same place. If you were closer to I'd invite you along but Victoria is a bit of a commute
21 days since ordered, 17 days since shipped...Not worried about it being stolen as have always had to sign for it before. I'm just impatient for this one as it has stuff for me not the dog.
We've been on holidays for just over two weeks and are well into our summer training program. Tonight was our 7th tracking training session and everybody came away feeling like the proverbial penny has dropped! Gotta love the light bulb moments