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Everything posted by kathq

  1. WOOHOOOOOO :p :p Congratulations! Where were you trialling?
  2. Just got to Grafton for the triple weekend and it is raining with the forecast of more and heavier rain at that. How do you do UD in the pouring rain? I must have rocks in my head
  3. Coco went almost 12 months in between Open trials with her last one being her title and she came out with no training and anaged a 2nd and a score of 180 something. We then went another three months for another 2nd and 193. Holidays can be good for them and Open is fun.
  4. I've been trialling for a long time huski and I still can't normally eat the day of a trial. My friends have learnt to read the signs and leave me alone when they have to. LOL! I step in the ring and I have a strong urge to pee and yet my mouth feels like the Sahara desert. We get this way because of our own expectatons nobody elses and definitely not our dogs. All our dogs expect us to do is what we always do and that's be there to tell them which way to go and what to do. Remember that and it helps. Remember also that every other person on the grounds has been where you are and can relate. Well maybe not exactly whre you are because look at what you have achieved with Daisy already which is truly amazing. Come hang with me at our next trial and e can talk each other down
  5. Best not to ask Sometimes I feel like giving up, I am a mess at trials, my nerves are ridiculous and it is effecting Daisy terribly Huski I have always been a basket case when it comes to nerves..So I have started doing what I used to do at uni exam time. Take Vitamin B. It works on the nervous system and for me manages to take the edge off so that I can actually function. I use an executive stress formula and take one tablet a day for a week before the trial. It works for me so I dont care if someone says to me it is only mind over matter so long as it works. Whatever you do dont give up!!!
  6. Feeling better this morning and able to see the positives in last night now. The things I put in place for our issues with DJ seems to have worked and it was the first time we have got through the whole body of work with no duck eggs. Thinking back she may have broken because it was cold and wet from heavy dew, or maybe it was that I looked down at her as I went around behind her or maybe I'm just looking for excuses and she was just messing with my head. There is always next week though isnt there..
  7. Feeling a bit gutted right now. Just home form the trial at Redcliffe and I thought for a while we might have our first qualie ........but the bitch who has never and I repeat never broken a stay in her life sat up as the judge was about to say exercise finished in the long down. Why oh why does she do these things to me????????????????????
  8. Do you mean the fur saver type? The vans at Durack usually sell them.
  9. we'll see you there. Keeping everything crossed she doesn't find another way th break her DJ
  10. Finally back from the GSP National in Sydney held on the weekend with some mixed results but still a worthy brag I think. Coco who gets very car sick (poor girl thought she was going to die last day on the road ) still managed to work well enough to win the UD ring (NQ as did the same jump in DJ twice), her SB was like she was on a piece of elastic to the article and she managed to ignore the big lake with all the birds landing on it that was right next to the ring. Her gloves were also incredible set up along the lake shore. She also managed a second place in Open with 193 (the winner got 197). we havent done any training in Open for ages as we have been focussed on the UD stuff so was very chuffed with this result. Pip on the other hand had such a wonderful time embarassing me that when she left the ring to say hello to the spectators between exercises I decided maybe it was time to retire her.
  11. We have been training the house down for the last three weeks, Leave for the GSP National today and the last two training sessions Coco has managed every variation of how to do directed jumping wrong. SHe is putting her own spin on it and seriously messing with my head. Oh well it will be a pleasant surprise if she gets it right on Friday. Wish us luck.
  12. Congratulations TerraNik and Smisch..
  13. I've got the XL for my two GSP girls had it for a couple of years and they love it. Very tough hard wearing but neither of my girls are chewers.
  14. Can anyone tell me where the best place to park is? I'll be on my own with dogs. Thanks in advance
  15. Well done LP. Big one for the first trial of the year.
  16. Glad all is well bedazzled. Scary stuff!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Had another excellent training session this afternoon despite the absolutely howling westerly winds. She is so enjoying her training at the moment. Why do gundogs go nuts in the wind? Silly idiot got so carried away at the training bag when we were finished trying to get her ball for a game she managed to head butt me on the mouth. Looks like I've gone 10 rounds with a heavy weight right now. Dont really care though it doesnt cancel out the great effort she put in in her session.
  18. Congratulations!! Any more talk of cake guys and I will be driving to southern river from training now on ;) ( I have been a bad girl, have not gone to obedience class for 4 weeks as I have had other stuff on and I also cant face the thought of being in class for an hour). Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mas1981 There are reasons I dont do club classes with my girls..
  19. Had a great training session after work yesterday.. Full run through no hiccups so decided to give the madam a big free run/walk around the big paddock where we went to train. Its surrounded by bush and huge so thought wouldnt hurt. Did not take into account the fact that I was training a half hour later than normal and by now it was close on dark did I? Out of the bush the local roos appear to have their dinner on the nice grass. Coco took one look and was away. Without thinking I just bellowed her name and come. Thanking all the gods of obedience right now as she actually stopped. looked and came. If she had got into that bush after the roos I would never have found her again. Not sure whether to feel ten feet tall with pride or eternally grateful. Never had to do a recall with that kind of distraction/need before.
  20. Pip came to me to show me that there are truly gentle souls in the world..and that it is okay to just be what you are. Coco came to show me that when everything clicks it is possible to have the type of dog trainers dream of and the sheer joy that can result from her kind of outlook on life
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