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Tempus Fugit

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Everything posted by Tempus Fugit

  1. The 10 Ampere rating of a wall socket refers to the maximum current that can be safely drawn through it without overheating and possibly starting a fire. It is not a limit on what it can deliver. Yes. A more detailed explanation is given in Australian/ New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 60479.1:2002 & 60479.2:2002. Effects of current on human beings & livestock. & AS/NZS 60479.3:2002 https://infostore.saiglobal.com/en-au/Standards/AS-NZS-60479-1-2002-115882_SAIG_AS_AS_242135/. & https://infostore.saiglobal.com/en-au/Standards/AS-NZS-60479-2-2002-115881_SAIG_AS_AS_242133/ & https://infostore.saiglobal.com/en-au/Standards/AS-NZS-60479-3-2002-R2016--115880_SAIG_AS_AS_242131/ You can buy the Standards but if you are lucky enough to be attending a tertiary education establishment you may be able to access them through your library.
  2. In the Vic POCTA regs: (i) the power of the collar must not exceed either 15 milliamps root mean square or 100 milliamps single pulse with a maximum duration of 3 milliamps per second; and (ii) the length of the stimulation period must be limited by an automatic safety cut-out; and (iii) the collar must provide for variable levels of static stimulation; and (c) a collar is not left on the dog or cat for more than 12 hours in any 24-hour period;
  3. and are illegal in most states and territories. Clicking on the 1st link in the OP seems to tell a different story. The article appears to be yet another case of PP advocates trying to convince people that their opinions are the only correct ones. The are like people who want to make it illegal to smack a child for misbehaviour. The trouble is that to challenge the RSPCA would require an expensive court case similar to those mounted by people challenging councils over dangerous dog declarations. I know of only one successful challenge against the RSPCA over E collars, a defamation case in the Federal Court of Australia: Orion Pet Products vs RSPCA (Vic) [2002] FCA 860 (5 July 2002). This ultimately led to E collars being allowed in Victoria albeit with severe restrictions. It would be interesting to learn how many successful prosecutions there have been for cruel misuse of E collars, as a proportion of the number of owners using them in those states where E collars are legal, e.g. Qld, WA, Tas etc.
  4. Apologies if this has been posted previosly: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lcdocs/inquiries/2550/Terms of reference - Animal cruelty laws in New South Wales.pdf?fbclid=IwAR37ePPn1lRlQLOqqppQq8YiM0_qgEdzcVG5Btjui_nDqMYTBWC5TljzfhI
  5. So was it a genuine burn from the electric current or pressure necrosis?
  6. Two issues which come two mind are: The 'rights' of Declared Dangerous Dogs: Many jurisdictions require declared dangerous dogs to spend most of their lives confined to a child-proof enclosure in the back yard. They are not even allowed inside their owner's house unless muzzled. For mentally ill people, the distinction between a psychiatric assistance animal and an 'emotional support' animal. There seems to be a very grey line between the two although only a genuine assistance animal is allowed the access rights under the Disability Discrimination Act. I recently saw a person with a dog that had a jacket labelled 'Emotional Support Dog' in my local supermarket. Shopkeepers, taxi drivers etc are often confused by the distinction.
  7. Dogs & Lancaster County bring to mind the ongoing fight between rescuers and Amish puppy mills. The newspaper appears to be on the side of the Amish.
  8. Fish hooks hidden in dog treats https://10daily.com.au/news/crime/a190322ubx/warning-fishhooks-hidden-in-dog-treats-on-popular-walking-tracks-20190322?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_content=tnn-facebook&fbclid=IwAR3hU3xgo44k0SYckl-lGXl6h-N-bzaHf-Y4tdOYtRgrAbCBn4rpsX3FrEo
  9. Another alpaca has been killed, just across the border https://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/act/another-alpaca-dies-after-mauling-by-dogs-this-time-in-sutton-20190321-p5164w.html
  10. Anyone notice an FB post re a dog (Neo I think) that died on the Tassie ferry recently allegedly of stress induced bloat?
  11. https://www.9news.com.au/national/2019/02/02/13/23/melbourne-news-greyhound-attack-baby-cranbourne-west
  12. Well there was once in import ban on German shepherd dogs, it did nothing to eradicate the breed in Australia and was eventually repealed. For people from overseas, like Scratch, Australia, like the USA, is a federation of states and territories. The import ban is federal law since the federal government has jurisdiction over imports. Restricted breed legislation (RBL or BSL) is the province of state and territory governments to enact or not and is generally left to local government to enforce. The ACT (equivalent to US DC), for example, has no restriction on pit bulls, preferring a 'deed not breed' approach. In other states there have been some expensive (to councils) court challenges on breed identification making councils reluctant to enforce RBL. I understand BT's and crosses are popular with pig hunters as catch dogs while one hears from time to time of underground dog fighting. Surplus pups from these sources find their way into the community through ads on Gumtree.
  13. Quite a few dog meat eating people in SE Asia agree with PETA's assertion that eating dog is no different to eating chicken or lamb. In South Korea meat dog farmers want meat dogs classified as 'livestock'. Early antarctic explorers ate their sled dogs when food became scarce. You could always attend the PETA event handing out brochures encouraging people to visit the Yulin dog meat festival. The Chinese government might even give you social credits for encouraging tourism
  14. Lots of countries, epec eastern europe, have stray dog problems far worse than in aus.
  15. Many years ago in Melbourne, I saw a blind man belt his guide dog on the backside with a leash after it dragged him across a road to another dog that was barking at them from behind a fence. Some assistance dog people make it appear that the dogs will respond perfectly all of the time, like robots. Autism anchor dogs have been around for years. The hard part is to get them to respond only to the child's carer and not walk off with the child.
  16. The new legislation doesn't seem to have solved the problem: https://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/act/almost-220-dog-attacks-in-horror-five-months-for-act-20180706-p4zq0g.html There seem to be many straying dogs at any given time going by the Canberra Lost Pets facebook page.
  17. This is from the existing NSW Companion Animals Act: COMPANION ANIMALS ACT 1998 - SECT 33 Meaning of "dangerous" 33 MEANING OF "DANGEROUS" (1) For the purposes of this Act, a dog is "dangerous" if it:
  18. An update: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/police-hunt-for-men-after-man-dog-attacked-with-machete-in-home-invasion-20180403-h0yanu.html
  19. For a kelpie, you should be able find a good muzzle from a farm supplies shop, either physically or on line, rather than from suburban a pet shop. The Baskerville Ultra is more designed to stop biting than eating, while I'm not sure a Jafco provides adequate ventilation in our hot summers.
  20. Apparently another dog belonging to SA Correctional Services has had to be euthanized: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-25/advance-dermocare-dog-food-voluntarily-recalled-megaoesophagus/9584518
  21. Well now there's been another attack in Melbourne and the media is howling. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/kids/its-time-to-ban-dangerous-dogs/news-story/f9f662204dac7f9c5eadf1915dc75ca0.
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