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Tempus Fugit

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Everything posted by Tempus Fugit

  1. I am pretty certain these are illegal in NSW. Section 16 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 No 200 states it quite clearly: Schedule 1 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (General) Regulation 2006 list the devices that are illegal. They include: However, I am sure a lot of people still use them in NSW. I am not personally against them. But I wouldn't use them if they are illegal. Odin-Genie has not quoted the full text of Shedule 1, Whereas the remote control e-collars are therefore illegal in NSW, the ones used for invisible fence collars are allowed under Schedule 1. Collars are available that can be used with both a hand-held remote control and buried wire. I am not sure of the legal status of these.
  2. Another hazard for dogs: SMH story
  3. To protect our beaches we should eliminate all marine life, especially whales. Whales are much bigger than dogs and with bans on whaling their population is increasing annuaally. Can you imagine the amount of poo that emanates from a pod of whales? Then we need to get rid of seals, fish, seagulls etc, all of which crap in the ocean. On land we need to get rid of all feral animals, especially birds, which crap wherever feel like - I have seen sports grounds where kids play covered in bird droppings.
  4. I would have thought a PD's main value is to find a hidden suspect or track/ catch a fleeing one. For close in work police should be able to use Tasers if deemed appropriate instead of firearms. There also seems to be quite a few publically acessible websites out there showing how to overpower and kill an attacking dog such as a PD or MWD. You wouldn't know whether the person you are sending the dog against has studied these or not until it is too late.
  5. They are also used by the Chinese for: 1. Dog fighting 2. Meat dogs, generally crossed with other breeds, eg german shepherd, to produce a more docile fast growing puppy with plenty of meat eg Meat dog breeding farm. China didn't invade Tibet just because the CIA had planted communications listening devices all along the Himalayas.
  6. I agree with Ravyk. A soft muzzle has the front open so the dog could still nibble on bait - unless it is so tight the dog will have difficulty panting. Personally for inland use I prefer a wire basket muzzle, while for the beach I use a plastic greyhound kennel muzzle - there is less to rust and they are reasonably sturdy. Have a look at this Austrian site - customer photos show a variety of breeds other than sighthounds eg aussie shepherds, BCs, huskies etc wearing greyhound muzzles. Allowing to dog to pant and drink while muzzled was my key consideration. I allow my dog to sleep in the tent at night at the beach so barking doesn't become an issue. If you search, there are a number of videos you can download from the web on the subject of 'Training a dog to wear a muzzle' (apart from attack training). As to tethers, I would only use the corkscrew type in firm ground. In my opinion they are too short to hold a large dog in sand. For sand, I found the 'Detangler' stake e.g. from 'The Vet Shed' to hold very well - I simply bashed it into the sand with a lump of driftwood. Later I just pulled it straight up and out.
  7. Here is the NSW law: PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS ACT 1979 - SECT 16 Certain electrical devices not to be used upon animals 16 Certain electrical devices not to be used upon animals (1) In this section: "electrical device" means a device of a type prescribed by the regulations. "sell" includes: (a) auction or exchange, (b) offer, expose, supply or receive for sale, and © send, forward or deliver for sale or on sale. (2) A person shall not: (a) use an electrical device upon an animal, (b) sell any electrical device, or © have in his or her possession or custody any electrical device. Maximum penalty: 250 penalty units in the case of a corporation and 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months, or both, in the case of an individual. (3) Nothing in subsection (2) prevents a person from: (a) using an electrical device upon an animal belonging to a prescribed species, or (b) selling or having in his or her possession or custody an electrical device for use upon an animal belonging to a prescribed species. PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (GENERAL) REGULATION 2006 - REG 10 Prescribed types of electrical devices and prescribed species 10 Prescribed types of electrical devices and prescribed species For the purposes of the definition of "electrical device" in section 16 (1) of the Act, a type of device listed in Column 1 of Schedule 1 is a prescribed type of electrical device unless it is used for a purpose or in circumstances specified in Column 2 of that Schedule. I can't get the table below to format as a table so here is a link Column 1 Column 2 Type of device Purpose or circumstance Electro-immobiliser Restraining cattle, but only if used by a veterinary practitioner for purposes other than as an alternative to analgesia or anaesthesia Electric stock prod Driving, herding, mustering or controlling weaned cattle or sheep Controlling horses being used in a rodeo, but only for the purpose of getting a horse that has stalled in the chute to exit the chute and not if used on the horse once it has started to exit the chute Loading or unloading weaned pigs onto or from a vehicle for transportation purposes Electric fence Confining, controlling or protecting animals (except dogs and cats) Electro-ejaculator Collecting semen from conscious cattle or sheep Collecting semen from animals that have been tranquillised and administered with an analgesic or animals that have been anaesthetised Electric stock grid Confining stock animals (except poultry) Electric fightback lure Training coursing dogs Electro-fishing device Catching fish species under licence, permit or authority under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or in accordance with the Animal Research Act 1985 The device sold under the name Pingg String (including any similar device delivering an electric shock of no greater intensity or duration than a Pingg String) Confining dogs or cats, but only if used inside a fence through which dogs or cats cannot pass and that is not less than 1.5 metres high Canine invisible boundary Confining dogs, but only if used inside a fence through which dogs cannot pass and that is not less than 1.5 metres high Electronic bird deterrent device Deterring birds from roosting on building ledges and other external building surfaces Any other device producing an electrical discharge that is used in such a way that the animal in relation to which it is being used cannot move away from the device Incidentally the Austlii web site has links to all state's laws. Just search on 'dogs' 'animals' 'cruelty' etc.
  8. In Germany, BSL varies from state to state, just as in Australia. There are also federal government import restrictions. Information on import restrictions are on German customs website You may be able to find some more info using the links from here:Anglo info website for Berlin You could also try Googling on 'Kampfhunde' (the german word for fighting dogs). For example there is a Wikpedia site that lists BSL. It is in German but you can use Google's 'Translate' facility to tranlate the page from German to (poor) English.
  9. Mmm, Maybe the list of DDs on this site is out of date: Anglo info?
  10. Wouldn't denying a dog access to a drink of water, especially after exercising on a warm Sydney day, be a breach of existing animal cruelty legislation?
  11. If you want to learn more about the factory farming of meat dogs in China, do a Google search on the chinese phrase "edible dogs". Use Google's 'translate' facility to translate the phrase from english to Chinese characters, paste the chinese characters into the search box and search. Then use Google's 'translate' facility to translate the chinese search results back into english. You will find the web sites of meat dog farms eg www.hnyxyz.com , http://www.rougouyz.com/, http://www.fankuai.com/ plus heaps of material from the chinese equivalents of our state agriculture departments on how to raise meat dogs, including technical papers, On-line videos and books that you can order on line. Rott vealers: " German Shepherd lambs for the chop: Apparently the male pups are castrated at 8 weeks (no anaesthetic) and are then either confined to crates or chained up to pillars or posts as per the photos to resrict their movement in order to convert as much food intake as possible into body mass, as well as to prevent fighting. At between 4-8 months of age, the fateened pups are sent to market for slaughter. In some cases, as well as being fed growth hormones, a technique called 'narcotic fattening' is used whereby the puppies are drugged with barbiturates or other appetite enhancing narcotics into a wake-eat-sleep routine to further reduce movement and accelerate fattening - (the fatter the pup, the fatter the profits). The narcotic also keeps the dogs quiet so they don't disturb the neighbours. Studs and bitches used for breeding are luckier? in that they are not sent to market until they are around 8 years old - before their meat gets too tough. If the above disgusts you, consider supporting Animals Asia Foundation or similar organisations that campaign against dog meat eating.
  12. Found this on another website. I left in the BSL stuff in case anyone is interested (Bavaria is one of the German states, like NSW, and has its own state laws): Where dogs are not allowed Dogs are not allowed in grocery stores, butcher shops and other shops where fresh food is sold. Some confectioneries or cafes don't allow them either. Establishments that don't want you to bring your dog inside will have a small sign affixed on the window. It usually shows a picture of a dog and will read something like, "Wir müssen leider draussen warten" ("Unfortunately, we must wait outside"). Warning! Some certain breeds are considered dangerous in Germany! After a number of fatal dog attacks on children, the state of Germany decided to ban certain breeds of dogs (so-called "Kampfhunde"). This "Kampfhund"-law forbids the uncontrolled breeding and owning of following breeds: - Pitbull - Bandog - American Staffordshire - Staffordshire Bulllterrier - Tosa Inu In spite of vehement protest by dog owners and breeders, the German Supreme Court confirmed that these dogs display a more aggressive behavior than other breeds, and are thereby considered dangerous. Since 1992, the illegal owning and/or breeding of a "Kampfhund" is fined with up to 50,000 EUR! Importing a "Kampfhund": It's very very difficult to get a license to legally own one of these dogs. The owner can't have any police record plus you'll need a psychological certificate for both, the dog and the human. If the dog and his owner meet the requirements, they face a high licensing fee, must be neutered (the dog, not the owner) and must be muzzled and kept on a leash whenever they are off the owner's property. Bavarian law even defines a second group of breeds to be potentially dangerous. With these breeds, an increased aggressivness is assumed. There is no outright ban on the import of class-2-"Kampfhunde", but they too must be submitted to a viciousness test. The owner has to prove his dogs' harmlessness by certificate. If they pass the test they are treated like any other dog. But if they fail they are subject to the same rules as the Pit Bulls and Terriers (neutered, muzzled and leashed). List of Class-2-"Kampfhunde": -Alano -American Bulldog -Bullmastiff -Bullterrier -Cane Corso -Dog Argentino -Dogue de Bordeaux -Fila Brasileiro -Mastiff -Mastin Espanol -Mastina Napoletano -Perro de Presa Canario (aka Dogo Canario) -Perro de Presa Mallorquin -Rottweiler Get a dog insurance! With these and all pets, the owner is legally responsible for anything the animal does. They are subject to huge lawsuits if, for instance, a dog runs a motorcyclist off the road and he is disabled for life. A personal liability policy arising out of ownership of a dog costs about €70 a year in Germany. It's a good idea to obtain this insurance.
  13. They are called Neck-Tech and are made by by the german company Herm Sprenger. I would imagine their legality in Australia would be the same as that of traditional prong collars. I also think there was a product recall on this product due to a problem with the links.
  14. The people in the picture don't appear to be showing much fear of the dogs. Also while the headline says 'Men mauled to death....' the article then goes on to say only one man was mauled while alive, the other had already died from a heart attack before the dogs started to eat him.
  15. Ruff Ware have a K-9 first aid kit. You might want to add a muzzle depending on the type of dog you have. Some poop scoop gear might be handy.
  16. You need a decent antenna to pick up the signals from the GPS satellites, similar to those in GPS enabled mobile phones and car navigation systems. An implanted microchip antenna woudn't have sufficient gain to get a reliable signal. Have a look at GPS collar website. I think some of the (pig) hunting dog gear suppliers in Australia stock GPS tracking collars nowadays.
  17. Brings to mind the book 'Dog Boy', a (fictional) story, by the South Australian author Eva Hornung, about a child raised raised by the Moscow street dogs.
  18. Ok. I may have commented off the top of my head earlier. The following is from the NSW Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 No 200: 13 Certain animals not to be ridden etc A person shall not: (a) ride, drive, use, carry or convey an animal, or (b) where the person is a person in charge of an animal—authorise the riding, driving, using, carrying or conveying of the animal, if the animal is unfit for the purpose of its being so ridden, driven, used, carried or conveyed. Maximum penalty: 250 penalty units in the case of a corporation and 50 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months, or both, in the case of an individual.
  19. Great links!!! Thanks. I didn't know anyone except RJ Walsh was making dog sulkies. Have you -- or anyone else -- had any experience with Chalo sulkies? Sorry, No. Don't forget that unlike the USA, I think in Australia like the UK it is illegal to use a dog for draught work on a gazetted public road (including the adjacent footpaths). The sled dog fraternity here generally only use forest trails or private land. Buggar! I have a private limestone track that runs out behind my property, which should be ok for starters, but it would really be nice to be able to use public roads. Do you know if that's a national or a state law? Btw. A book called The Pawprints of History (S. Cohen, 2002) gives a wonderful description of the outlawing of dogs as draught animals in the UK , and all the horrible consequences (tens of thousands of dogs died, many poor families lost their companion/draught animals as a consequence . . . and child labour was often brought in to do the work that was once done by dogs. The second legislative triumph of the RSPCA -- after banning bull baiting and dog fighting -- came in 1839, when dogs were outlawed as transport animals within 15 miles of London's Charring Cross Station. Animal welfare laws are State laws, generaly administered by agriculture or primary production departments. Go to Laws and look up 'animal welfare' for your state. Bear in mind that being in sulky behind your dog may not be regarded as complying with leash requirements under local government department dog law. How would you control your dog if it saw a cat?
  20. Great links!!! Thanks. I didn't know anyone except RJ Walsh was making dog sulkies. Have you -- or anyone else -- had any experience with Chalo sulkies? Sorry, No. Don't forget that unlike the USA, I think in Australia like the UK it is illegal to use a dog for draught work on a gazetted public road (including the adjacent footpaths). The sled dog fraternity here generally only use forest trails or private land.
  21. For a dorsal hitch sulky you need a harness designed for a dorsal hitch with a padded saddle pad to avoid the shaft hitting the dog's back: Chalo or Dog scooter
  22. The "C" tick is a radiocommunications compliance label administered by the Australian Communications & Media Authority. To get the C tick an electronic item needs to comply with a particular Australian Standard (the number of which I can't remember) which is supposed to guarrantee that it won't interfere with other radio communications services. You can find more details at ACMA. In the USA the regulatory authority is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) The rules for short range devices such as e-collar transmitters only require the importer/ seller to certify that the equipment complies. No Australian laboratory testing is required. Given that the major e-collar manufacturers, (Dogtra, Tritronics, Innotek) export to many countries, you will probably find the US manufacturer will ensure that equipment complies and will affix the C tick or whatever regulatory label applies to the country they are sending to the equipment before dispatch. It wouldn't be done by the local dealer. So you may be able to buy equipment direct from a US manufacturer that is compliant but as has been mentioned earlier the advantage of buying from a local dealer is the ability to easily phone the dealer and berate him and get warranty service if the item breaks down, which might prove difficult if bought overseas. In practice, remote control e-collar transmitters are only used in short bursts so it would be difficult for them to cause interference or be detected causing interference. On the other hand, signals from ínvisible fence' systems obtained from a local dealer and supposedly compliant come through loud and clear on my AM radio. Hopefully now that digital radio broadcasting has commenced since last week we will soon be able to ditch AM.
  23. Au revoir, my sweet beautiful hawkesbury princess. When I left you that morning I didn't realise you were going away across the bridge. As the song says 'I didn't mean to be unkind'. Forgive me.
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