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Everything posted by LOVE GSD'S

  1. oh, poor you! I once laughed at a friend cause she would not leave her dog to go to a country wedding. Now I have Ava, I cant leave her either!! or if I do, it is only for the shortest time possible. I have no answers, just compassion..
  2. When I got my GR Sam, he was afraid of everything (rescued at age 7 months). He got a fright at the local park and took off, luckily ran home. It took a long time for him to gain confidence. Eventually tho I realised he would subtely place himself between me and men he wasnt sure of. He was very sensitive to people and twice growled at guys I would have said looked a bit sus. one night he was barking his scary bark, telling me someone was near, and when I went out, he had bailed up a young man in the garage. I think I must be doing something to teach my dogs to do that, just wish I knew what!
  3. I am looking for a distributor of the Rawleighs products, around Hastings 3915. I need the salve for the dog kids.
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