Hi there, I'm urgently seeking any tips or hints in treating flea allergy dermatitis.
Poor Molly, my beagle x is suffering badly. She's been with me now for just over 12 months and has never been this bad. See attatched photos. Since the weather been heating up BOOM her FAD has flared 1000x worse than its ever been. I've been to the vet, who got her an injection, prescribed antibiotics and ilium cream, while they have helped, she started clearing up the skin was healing, she has flared up again.
This is what I am doing at the moment:
The dogs are outside dogs not by choice. (live at home with mum in a nearly completey cream carpet house) - that and Molly does not get along with cats.
We have a two storey house, downstairs is just the garage, a concrete area for the dogs and a laundry. The rest is dirt. However, I have since gravelled a large area under the house 2m x 5m and have changed their beds from hession bags to shadecloth. I have limed all under the house (powdered white stuff) aswell as sprayed all areas, beds etc with Malaban.
The dogs have sentinel spectrum every month aswell as Molly having frontline every fortnight - now changing to advantix as soon as i arrives from pp. Harvey is not affected.
Nothing seems to be working??!??!!! and I am getting distressed for this poor girl, nay tips or hints greatly appreciated