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Everything posted by Coopz

  1. He's always on a lead but I never muzzle him (not required).
  2. Hi first post. I have a 2yo exracer greyhound called 'Tee', he is a brillient dog, smart, obedienent, gentle and loyal. He isn't fussed about other dogs but he is obsessed with cats. I don't have one but when I'm out walking him if he sees one it's a bit like a sidewinder missle 'target acquired'. He locks on and trys his best to give chase even if the cat just stands there, he is also a very big and strong boy. Yesterday while crossing a road he saw a cat and just stood there stationary in the middle of the road waiting for the cat to bolt, I had to pretty much pick him up (all 40kg of him) and lugg him off the road. I know they have a strong preydrive but is there any tips for getting him to back off? I try blocking his view if he sees one, or I see it before he does (rarely) I turn around and go another way (which seems to get his suspicions up anyway). The funny thing is his brother is not fussed about cat... any help welcome:)
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