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Anna H

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Everything posted by Anna H

  1. yelping didn't work for my GSP boy either, like black magic, it only made him more excited. What I've found to work is keeping a small water pistol around and squirt when he goes to chomp, it distracts him enough to listen to my sit/drop/shake command at which point I've been rewarding him. He's pretty good now and fast learning a few things... 1) I'm in charge 2) his obedience & 3) he gets more attention when he is being good. Is Vicks even safe for dogs??? I've not heard of that one, but I can see why it would work. Ewwwwwwwww to tasting Vicks!
  2. Anna H


    We've got some lightening / thunder here in Perth too tonight... it's the first time my boy has experience thunder since being with us too. Thankfully he couldn't give a rats about it - he's outside playing in the rain at the moment : My girl was a bit of a wuss when it came to thunder when she was younger.. what I did (and I'm not sure if it is the 'done' thing) was took her outside under out covered patio area and played some games/did some training with her. I basically ignored her sooking, and carried on as if nothing was going on. She got over her fear after a few storms... nowadays, she doesn't like them, but I don't worry about her panicking or anything if I'm not home.
  3. I'm so glad I taught this as well!!! Makes walking much nicer and no need to worry about embarrasing poo stops (tho I still carry a yellow bag JIC). I walk my two separately - I'm not strong enough to hold both should they see a cat etc. Yes, I know, they need more training! I tend to do both a mix of training/heel work and loose lead walking - no sniffing until we get to the park then they can 'read the paper' to their hearts content.
  4. thanks for that link Amypie... I might have to investigate this club myself (tho I'm NOR river so might prove to be too much of a hike) Crest Fallen - Try Northern Suburbs Obedience Club or Joondalup Dog Training if you are NOR
  5. I'm in WA so probably not much help, but a few of our suppliers over here do a 'buy five bags, get one free' deals (which are awesome if food is on special) - or loyalty cards that give good discounts. Maybe worth a ring around to see if you can get similar deals over in Sydney?
  6. RIP Kangaroo. Glad to hear you got out and checked on her - seen too many when people keep driving.
  7. I've used all of these vets over the years (I've moved a bit!!!) and these have all been brilliant! I also quite like Balcatta Vet on Erindale road which is a 24 hour vet. Ballajura Vet was brilliant with sewing Chelsea back together earlier this year when she got attacked by another dog. OUt of all of them, I liked Vic Park vets the most - they were a great team there. I might be a little biased though as the location played a big part of me liking them - I literally lived across the road at the time (in the cream townhouses for those that know the area)
  8. Anna H

    Puppy Collars

    I'm using one of these on Ollie (our 15 week pup) at the moment, for the same reason. I've had Ollie for just over a week - and come home to find him missing a collar twice so far. Once the collar was hooked in the fence, the other time in the middle of the lawn (I assume my two had been playing) so for all I know, the collar could have already saved his life
  9. I've got Chelsea on Supercoat at the moment - she seems to be doing well on it these days (a few years ago it didn't agree with her!?)
  10. Snooza beds are great... I bought 2 of the futon ones - both of which get washed every fortnight.... they are probably just due to be replaced now (five years on!!!) great product
  11. That's also know as cartophen isn't it??? If so, then the stuff was fabulous in the early to mid stages of arthritis in my late Cougar - and I still found that over winter it didn't seem quite as effective (cold weather??) so rugged him up and kept him inside with the heating a lot more often. He was on it for a few years and it really bought a new life to him. It didn't work when the arthitis got really bad though - that's when we sent him off to the bridge ETA: It took a few doses to start working though at the beginning of the course.
  12. I use the canine tranquil formula from time to time. Like maya said, it takes the edge off. I don't give it everyday like it suggests on the package - I'm a little wary as the active ingredient has safety concerns in humans when used in large amounts on a daily basis.
  13. Well as an insomniac sufferer I'm really pleased you posted this!!!! I'll give anything a go... though Valerian is great anyway. Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm not sure how 'severe' Chelsea is right now, so I will give these a go and see if it has any effect on her...then I'll post here for those interested. I'd much rather start here than go straight for vet prescribed meds, but if a behaviourist recommends, then I will do so. We just can't get to our preferred person for a few months (husband needs to accrue some holiday leave so we can head east) so we have to do our best until then. maya - my friend bought it from Friendlies Chemist
  14. I was given a bottle of 'Canine Tranquil Formula' by Vetalogica from a friend today as she saw it in the chemist and thought it might be of help for Chelsea since she is really nervy/reactive after her attack. Does anyone know about this supplement... is it safe to try? It contains a lot of vitamins (mostly B's) and Tryptophan. On the bottle it says to administer daily, does this sound right, or is it usually used for specific situations? We will be seeking help from a behaviouralist in a few months, but any assistance until then would be of great help!
  15. I had reasonable focus from Chelsea around other dogs previously, not perfect, but good enough to compete at the obedience club with no problems. As to around other dogs, I've always been nervous around loose dogs as many people around here have absolutely no control of their dogs off lead.
  16. Hi all, Most of you would know that Chelsea was badly attacked a few weeks ago, she's healing well now and I've started taking her out for short walks. Whenever she encounters another dog, she lunges hard on the lead (she doesn't give a stuff about the prong), she will bark at dogs on the other side of the road. This is concerning enough to me, but this morning a loose tan coloured dog (of similar look to the one that attacked her) walked past the house and she went totally nuts, ignoring all commands, hackles up and barking at this other dog - it took a good 5 minutes to stop her barking which was long after the dog was gone, she was still highly aroused 15 minutes later. I took her outside and did some fast paced obedience work with her in the backyard by way of distraction and she settled eventually, but was highly distracted even in the yard (with no view of the street outside) I need to get this sorted before it becomes a big problem. Where can I get help?
  17. (1) Is Chelsea generally fearful shy anxious? She is a bit of an anxious dog, not shy at all, and rarely has shown fear (2) Past experience? a few near misses, and scares. Obviously this attack is a biggie (3) Training? Lots! Are you an anxious owner? Yep, and not ashamed to admit it. (I have an anxiety disorder, well managed)
  18. Thanks all... Sarah, I will take you up on that offer all going well once Chels is all better again, I'm sure she'd love it (I hope!). I'm kind of lucky in that the attack happened off our 'usual' walking route - I wasn't there, only my OH & son, but I am still very shaken as I've had a few 'close calls' in the past with loose dogs so it's been a fear of mine for a while. I will be sure once I am more confident, that I do walk there again someday - probably more for me than Chelsea's sake. The biggest thing I am concerned about is the beginnings of fear aggression, she had only just got to a point of being able to walk past other dogs in the street without lunging... she has been threatened (by a similar looking loose dog) bad enough about six months ago that this behaviour started. Now she has been attacked, I'm somewhat worried! ETA: Now that would be a nice thing to come out of this. Chels certainly loves to test me whenever she thinks she has a chance! I have noticed that since she has been home, she is like my shadow which is unlike her. She is usually Miss Independent to the max!
  19. As some of you would be aware, Chelsea was suffered a sever unprovoked attack on Sunday. Now whilst it is going to be a little while before she is up and about walking the streets again, I would like to know if there is anything I should prepare myself for training wise with her? The attack happened just as she was sitting to cross the road - she didn't get a chance to face the other dog before it attacked from behind. I am, of course, hoping there will be no psychological effects on Chelsea - but what is the best way to handle things from this point? I am well aware that my mental attitude will need to be adjusted as at the moment, I am pretty scared of venturing out into the streets as well - I don't need my stress to pass to Chelsea. Any tips or thoughts would be appreciated.
  20. OMG... I am so sorry to hear this news. I'm sure Juliet knows how much you loved her even if you didn't see her as much as you would've liked. Rex will keep an eye out for her and show her the way. RIP Juliet :rolleyes: Run free Big hugs to you...
  21. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and kind words. All your support is really helping me through this tough time. I found this picture taken of Cougar a few days after I bought him home... I scanned it so I could post it.
  22. Sending big hugs to you for the loss of Sonar. Such a stunning dog. RIP Sonar :rolleyes:
  23. Steve @ Applecross is absolutely brilliant... I'm just sad that I live too far NOR nowadays to visit that clinic.
  24. I don't come in here often either... just read this, so sorry to hear of your loss of Max.
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