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Anna H

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Everything posted by Anna H

  1. Chelsea does this as well... always amazes me how gentle they can be sometimes with something so fragile. Doesn't take her long before she chomps too hard tho!
  2. Elmo - I use dry cat food fairly often for rewards as well, as long as it isn't in big quanities... I can't see it doing any harm. Cat bikkies are jus tthe right size for training too... tiny morsels that the dogs just vaccuum up.
  3. VIP petfoods makes a product called 'chicken chunkers' (chilled area of supermarket)- my two will just about do backflips to get a 'treat'. I break them up a fair bit as they are just too big for a training aid... but I just divide a whole bag up into little freezer bags and freeze the lot.. makes them quick to defrost too. Or make teeny mince balls out of chicken pet mince myself and freeze in batches. All else fails, cat bikkies... the dogs go mental for 'em.
  4. My two get fed a combination of raw food and supercoat.... it did take tham a while to eat it intially, but I gave them half an hour to eat it, then took it (the uneaten food) away... and didn't feed them till their next meal time. It took about 2 meals and then they wolfed it down. Never had a problem feeding it since... Funny enough, it took the cats a while to get used to Supercoat (for cats!) as well ... they were previously on Whiskas. The shop was out of Supercoat for cats today and had to buy Whiskas again. yikes I had forgotten how brightly coloured that stuff is... and the cats wont touch it. At least Supercoat is not full of colouring like some of the other supermarket brands.
  5. Mmmmmmmmmm... I LOVE the smell of Ice Water... yummo. Make sthe coats come up nice and shiney too.
  6. Christina77, I've ditched the head halter completely in my training of Chelsea... she hated so much (even after proper introduction) that I couldn't get her to focus and the moment she did stop trying to get it off her face, her drives were so low she honestly looked like she'd been beaten She also learnt to overcome the head halter and after a while, she still pulled like a train even with it on (just with her head turned sideways, which can't be good) K9's advice is pretty much spot on in my opinion regarding these halters. :D Still, that been said, if you do wish to try one and see how you go, you are more than welcome to use my BlackDog one, just PM me and I'll post it over to you. It should fit your pup/dog as it's very adjustable. The blackdog one looks less like a muzzle than the others and I have never had it come off (they are a very snug fit).
  7. If you have a bath... there is a hose & shower ehad attachment you can buy that works well. Added bonus is that they are really cheap (less than $10 at Bunnings or Big W) and most types come with a brush type attachment too. My GSP is easy to wash, but my Kelpie x has a thick outer coat and this hose works really well on him. Also, like Soniq said, wet them down, then add shampoo and wet down some more will help get the water thru the coat.
  8. Maybe it was just my two then.. Chels is pretty hyper to start with! Mel, I only said 'decent' food... not top quality stuff :p . I had a bag of Supercoat in the back of the cupboard as back up food and just used that. Prolly not the best example of dry food out on the market, but certainly not the worst... I don't know what it was in the food that caused the problem (and I can't think of anything else that would have caused this hyperactivity either )... but now I have a bag on Advance as back up food should I get stuck again. I'm sure that is much better quality. Maybe I fed too much too, tho I did feed way less than recommended. Like I said, not the most scientific experiment, but thought others might find it interesting.
  9. Hi peoples... Just thought I'd share my 'accidental' experiment with you all and see what you all think. Due to one thing or another (wont bore you with those details) I wasn't able to get to the butcher for raw bones etc last week and so both my dogs were fed entirely on decent quality large breed dry food for the week. I've noticed such a massive difference in BOTH the dogs.. and it was less than a positive one. I'd just like to point out, that during the past week, both the dogs were exercised the same as usual. After only one week of this diet, both my dogs were hyper active nut cases! . Cougar is pretty mature in years and even he has seemingly gone nuts.. but Chelsea was by far the worst affected of the two, driving me totally insane (I've never seen her like this, ever). Either way, neither of them can sit still for a nano-second without whining like idiots. And whilst their coats are still nice and shiney, both of them have gained a little weight around the middle despite me feeding a fair bit less than the recommended daily amount of food. I just came back from the butcher/supermarket this morning... I'm off to 'un-do' all the chaos. I cannot think of any other reason for this change in behaviour other than the dog food, nothing else changed in their routines in any way...
  10. Speak to your vet about your dog, but fasting for one day a week might just start to help get that weight moving. Both my dogs are of healthy weight and are fasted one day a week anyway... My mum has a 'cuddly' JR, and the vet has recommended to add large amounts of grated to carrot to his stingey meal portion so that he feels full and pleads with Mum less...
  11. Thanks for listing that product! Will keep an eye out for it... can cats have it as well. My four all get bones, which does a pretty good job, but my vet will also scale teeth for free (as long a said pet doesn't need anesthetic to do so!)... thankfully, except my aby cat, the rest will tolerate it.
  12. Woo hooo! My Cougar got 45.3years... that's 14.3 years younger than average!
  13. K9's advice in using a long line to teach a dog to stay nearby is how I am teaching my 12month GSP to stay nearby... I'd happily use a remote collar as I've heard people have a great rate of success with them, but not in my budget (this week anyway)
  14. So what's the news on little Kierra this evening? She feeling better now?
  15. Kierrasmommy... poor little tike, sounds like she is not havign a good time of it at all. I'd probably head back tot he vet, she's had runny poos for a few days now, long time for such a tiny little dog. I'd be worried she'll get dehydrated... tho good that she is eating. Doesn't sound like the latest medication is having a lot of success either... maybe just phone the vet and see what he/she says? Give her a cuddle from me (but don't squeeze too hard! )
  16. Or maybe if the full strength oil is too much, a tea tree based doggie shampoo might be OK? I use an all-natural soap free tea tree based bar for cleaning my two, never seen a flea in this house. The added bonus is that they smell scrummy after using it, hides doggie odour well (not that you get much of that on a poodle )
  17. So, how is little Kierra today? Has the vet isolated the problem?
  18. I've also heard that it's OK to give dogs catfood, but not visa versa - I asked my vet as my dogs often pinch the left over cat food.... though I cannot possibly see how it could be healthy on more than an occasional basis. The make-up of the two types of food are completely different... But like showdog said, boarding kennels usually charge fairly high fees so I'd expect my dogs to get fed top quality food for my money. Might be different if it were a rescue and it was donated or something... I would still expect that the diet would be lacking considerably in doggie vitamins, unless they were supplemented.
  19. Brandi, I'm no vet, nor even an expert in this sorta stuff.. but it does seem far to coincidental that she throws up and is sick every time she has these tablets for my liking. Maybe try calling another vet for a second or third opinion.. or the helpline on the back of the packaging? But if she is throwing the tablet up, then she isn't getting the full protection from it, so she may need to be re-dosed (ask vet first) Poor little thing, feel sorry for the little mite.
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