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Everything posted by wish_4_cockerspaniel

  1. We are in a similar situation - it's his second day home, he just wants to be with us all the time, but we're off to work tomorrow (needs must!) and want him to get used to entertaining himself... I know it just takes time but so hard to listen to him crying ! Fingers crossed it's first few days settling in, I encourage you to be brave just as I'm trying to tell myself!!! It will all be worth it tho as cockers are the coolest and will give us so much joy when we're in a routine that works for both us and them! I'm off downstairs to charm the neighbours with a pre-emptive bottle of wine!
  2. Hi all - we live in the Sydney Eastern suburbs and would love any recommendations on puppy training schools to enrol with - any advice gratefully received! Thanks!
  3. Thank you all for your comments, it's great to be able to learn from people who've been through it! Thanks also for the book recommendation Miranda, will definitely be getting that.
  4. Hi all We're hoping a new furry family member will be joining us in the new year! Both my partner and I work, but we've spoken to a breeder and are sure we can give her a great life. We are gathering practical ideas before we decide for sure... working from home some days, plenty of exercise and love when we are home, puppy school and training... but would love any advice people have. Once she's 8-9 months old we'll be able to get a dog walker :rolleyes: to take her out during the days when we have to be at work, however while her bones are still growing and to avoid hip problems later we are looking for plans for her during the day, we'll exercise her in line with our breeders recommendations in the mornings and evenings. If you have any ideas, we'd love to hear them! E.g. - Puppy day care in Sydney Eastern Suburbs (where we live) or Lower North Shore (where I work) - You've just got one too and would love mine to come visit during the day so they can keep each other company! Thanks so much in advance for any advice you have.
  5. It's my first time on these forums and couldn't believe it when I read your post - perfect topic, did you read my mind?! We are planning for a cocker spaniel too (just got permission from our landlord - hurrah! ) but my biggest worry was balancing her happiness with my work - clearly giving up work and spending all day with her would be my first choice, but those lottery tickets just don't seem to be paying off! However, reading your posts made me feel that it's going to be ok... I'm going to speak to my boss about working a couple of days from home, and on the other days hope to either find someone to pop in at lunchtime, take her to daycare (!) and when she's old enough get a walker. The evenings/weekends will be quality time. We have our fingers crossed for the puppy of our dreams to be born in an upcoming litter... hopefully by the new year we'll have a new member of our family! ;) Appreciate any further advice people have. PS. Barkly is gorgeous!
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