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Everything posted by Evolving

  1. I paid about $680 to have my dogs tooth removed a year ago.
  2. If you search for it on google you can find some at about $700. And I am sure I saw something the other day in junk mail that had it at about $1000 with two lenses.
  3. I hope you get good news tomorrow and is back to his old self in no time.
  4. Maybe I will go out and buy a new camera anyway. I have been meaning to for a long time but I do not really have many things to take photos of.
  5. I would like to join the game except for two tiny problems. I have no imagination and I go not own any type of camera. Ok I do own one that still runs on film. I will still have fun looking at peoples amazing photos.
  6. I think I started of teaching Bob to drop with food to get him down starting from a sit. It progressed to me being able to put my hands down to his level and using one finger make a sweeping motion towards the ground and he dropped from a walk. Now I can be standing and just move my arm from waist height to the ground with no command and he knows what to do. I think what helped him was when he was a little puppy I used to play a game with him where I would point to the ground and tell him to go there and kept at it until he touched my finger with his nose while laying down and then making a fuss of him. I would move my finger and get him to move to it and he sort of put pointing to the ground and laying down together in his head. I Bob is just an easy dog to train who I think had the perception at school that if he did not do what he was told I would not love him/leave him there, not that I ever made him feel that way but he is a little clingy.
  7. You would not have to worry about tetanus unless the dog had some open wounds in the mouth when eating it. If eaten it is killed by digestive enzymes.
  8. Would a gun dog get along with a little white fluffy dog or see it as something nice to catch?
  9. That was a great result for you and Zero, Shell. All your hard work put into him paid off for you today. You must be very proud with how Zero is improving.
  10. If you do you end up with cats called Sooky la la, patches, socks and fluffy and a bird called feathers (ok I was 2)
  11. I am just about to leave to take my dog off to get clipped. I always put it off to late but usually get him done once a year when it starts to get hot. But it has not really been summer weather to push me towards it. I hope that I got my times right but if I turn up and they say it was the wrong day/time I will just leave.
  12. Not a nice surprise. It is the reason I will not give my dog bones or such unless I am able to watch him eat it. If I am not there he is likely to hide it under the bed somewhere and I will not know until the smell starts to come and by that time I do not want to go anywhere near it.
  13. Mine did the same the second he came home from the vet. licked/chewed one of the stitches off. I rang the vet and they told me to bring him back in and they put a new stitch in and gave him a nice collar to keep him away from them which did not work so well without some modifications.
  14. http://www.bunnings.com.au/sustainability_...-clippings.aspx Second from the bottom.
  15. Wayyyyy too creepy ! Those fly things creep me out for some reason and now I know why.
  16. I once had an expert on animal immunization tell me not to get it for your dog so I have kept away from them.
  17. From one of the old thread about it the stock number was quoted as 3160000.
  18. I think I turned into a medic when my dog cut open his whole leg and after a few weeks I had to take him away and ended up having to change the bandages myself. The vet gave me some type of gel that was suppose to keep it moist to help it heal. One of his favorite things was to use his wrapped leg to ram into things and to lip around when I was watching for added sympathy. Lucky for me he is small and very calm. I think I could chop off one of his legs and he would take it with little fuss. I hope he makes a quick recovery and is running around the back yard again very quickly.
  19. Being such a dry country you can not rely on your next meal walking past you. You need to kill quickly and efficiently as your dinner may be long gone by the time they die. If a frog manages to get into the water you may very well have lost it.
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