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Everything posted by Evolving

  1. What do you want done about it? Ban fishing? Put a 1 minute limit on landing the fish? If you cant get meet the target you have to cut the line leaving it with a hook, sinker and length of line trailing after it until it get snaged, killed or infected. I would have though 10 minutes is not that long for some types of fish to be fighting on a line
  2. Where I was when the rain came in And what I came home to.
  3. Mine eats all the fruit off the three different fruit trees in the back yard.
  4. Poor Bob is to slow for super Echo now. She stole the toy and he wanted it bad.
  5. I can try but there are no guarantees it will turn out any good.
  6. I'm in melbourne. They have been on the tree like that since january I think. I have no idea what to do with them. Echo seems to love them that is about all they do.
  7. Echo is a very cheeky Finnish Lapphund.
  8. I have not tried them. I am sure Echo has and they meet her standards. But when your standards also include spiders, bugs and gumnuts I don't know how good they are.
  9. When you have a quince tree in the backyard. Echo thinks they are much better than balls as there is a constant supply of them at her grabbing level. She prefers to chase a quince around the backyard over the balls she has. Today she has decided to share the love by brining at least three of them in the house through the doggy door. She has also taken a liking to the nectoren tree and the other fruit tree when it was ripe. What other things do peoples dogs find in their backyards to amuse themselves?
  10. I got my order today. Now to put it to use.
  11. With Echo I put the crate near the bed and if she got up whinging in the morning I got up took her outside to pee and put her back in her crate. I would then turn the radio back on for her to listen to to get back to sleep.
  12. Just so people know if you sign up on the site you can watch quite a lot of last years crufts for free.
  13. Magpielane. There was a domino like her in the next litter. Here brother is also a domino but lives in Sydney I think. Don't worry she has only just stared to allow me to get cuddles and with all those dogs you have little chance of keeping her attention.
  14. She is trying to catch a treat. She thinks that if she opens her mouth it will magically fall in there. She did not catch it that time, or ever when I have tried to take a photo of it. Here is a different attempt.
  15. Echo's registed name is really apt for her. She is prone to day dreaming in the backyard and is just a tiny bit wild. She is almost 5 months old and growing in leaps and bounds. And as a little baby
  16. Happy birthday to Kibah. This date must have mystical powers having so may stunning dogs born on it.
  17. A few of my attempts. This first one I don't know if it is the right ratios as I am not smart enough to figure out lightroom atm so I guessed. Bob hates the water but today there for some reason he wanted to go in and dig around. He had to psych himself up first. Sorry I take way to many photos.
  18. Happy birthday Ivan. Lovely pictures Ruthless.
  19. I may have just bought something from there. I would have to wait until Echo learns to tug before I start spending all my money on them.
  20. Did you go strait for the under $20 area ness or are you sights set higher than that?
  21. I took a week off work when I got Echo. I had to go out most of those days though and I left Echo in the house in the bunnings compost cage I bought for her. Bob was only slightly bigger than Echo and in reality he was in more danger of being hurt than her as he is so gentle with her and she is quite happy to use him as her chew toy. He had the scabs to prove it but he never complains about it. When I went back to work they were left alone together in the backyard as I did not want to lock her up for such a long time by herself.
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