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Everything posted by Evolving

  1. Lots of Photos from today's Kepala meet. Pointers are trying to take over the world. Echo and Neo (I think) KiKi Dakota Hector and Dextor Sohvi
  2. Welcome back Jed. What a great day to see you are getting better.
  3. Um I though I messed with the saturation but it turns out I just decreased the Hue. It is mostly an increase in temperature. I just realized that was a different picture than the first one. Thats what I get for doing something quickly.
  4. Love this. Iam however interested to know how the photo would look if you brought up the temp a bit and saturated it a bit more. Like this? Or saturation the other way? See no idea what I am doing.
  5. Yes I bought a friends of the Zoo membership so I can go as much as I like to take photos of the animals. Sunday was the first time I used it after I went to the photo expo. I am just a little obsessed with taking photos of animals and came home with the card full the other day from just the tigers and elephants. I always seem to pick a day that is raining when I go to the Zoo but it is helping me to learn how to use the different settings on the camera as at home I usually only go for action shots.
  6. Ok here is one of mine from the other day. I darkened them up a little (or maybe way to much) but I like it like that.
  7. I just play around with all of the options until it does something I like. I have no idea what I am doing and have no plan in mind when I start.
  8. I would but I suck at editing my photos.
  9. Echo sleeps on the bed with me. She will go down the bottom corner most of the time and jump on and off depending on how she feels to sleep in the bathroom. She is one of the more active Lappies and was a little to busy playing exploring as a puppy for cuddles. Over the last few months she has really become a cuddle bum and demands to be patted with your feet down her whole body.
  10. Echo took to the doggy door pretty Quickly. Bob refuses to use it at all. No matter how much you coax him or leave him outside he will not budge on using it. The only way to make him go through is to put his head and front paws through yourself. Maybe I should put up a sheet for him but I have not even put the door up recently as I have had problems with Echo barking and now it is starting to get muddy.
  11. Get well quickly Lincoln. I am glad you took him back to the vets for a second opinion.
  12. I am going to assume only the one with the cub on the shelter was taken through glass. I think all the others were taken from the part on the enclosure that was not behind the glass.
  13. Some photos of Mali from yesterday. She had grown quite a bit.
  14. I went to the Zoo yesturday to get some photos. I got quite a few that I like so I am going to share. I am still working on my ability to take nice photos. I have problems getting a correct focus.
  15. Yes it is the first. It took me quite a while to get those ears back after Echo stole them off Bobs head. It involved me chasing her around, bribing her with treats and eventually chucking another toy away when she had settle down to chew on it and running to take it off her before she came back for it. She did not fall for that trick the first few times.
  16. Ok I was quickly onto this weeks photo as I bought some elephant ears yesterday for echo to play dress ups in. It is not easy to get her to stay still and not knock it off. My fingers will tell you that after letting her chew on a treat to distract her. All she really wanted to do was this
  17. And here is Mali. She has almost tripled in size since she was born.
  18. I like the meercats. It was to rainy today to get any photos of them.
  19. Ok today was a day at the Zoo in the rain to see the new tiger cubs and Maili. I was trying to take photos on manual, using manual focus and in RAW format. All things I don't do.
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