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Everything posted by Evolving

  1. There have been a few other dragonfly pics already but there was a pair in the backyard for ages daring me to be able to get a shot in focus of them so it has to be todays photo. Day 7
  2. Bugger, I was looking forward to it !! Never mind just have to put up with a day at the lake and off leash runs at home. Feb is going to be a very busy month ! Hey evolving don't forget your entries !!!! Yes I was just thinking yesturday I had better check when the entries need to be in.
  3. I think I am getting to involved in taking photos. Yesturday my brother said to me be careful in the back shead it is red back central in there. I had to kill 4 of them today. I told him he should have waited so I could get a picture of them first. I love the pic of the colt running into mum. You pic today is very nice Nik.
  4. its ok CF there was not a great deal of us going anyway. My girls are going to be devastated. No off leash time with doggy friends for 3 months. So will my brother as he will not get a dog free weekend.
  5. I will be there with my three. I just looked at the weather and it says 24 and cloudy.
  6. No just some destructive Lappies who think all Stuffed toys need to be on the grass to get watered. From yesterdays picture Echo loves eating the trees and pulling up large bits of wood while Alera goes for plastic pulling up my irrigation system.
  7. Those houses look like a giant lego set.
  8. Yes the other day at a show Alera's sister came RUBOB beating a full grown male dog (Elliott)
  9. Toy (and not really toys) graveyard- day 4
  10. On flickr if you click on the photo you have uploaded and then the action square above the photo there is one that says View all sizes. There are some different sizes of the photo and if you click on the one you want and then right click on the photo and view photo info and you will get the size you want to use. All you need to do is wrap it in image text.
  11. The reason my fruit tree does not have lower branches. The dogs love to eat it as much as the birds.
  12. I have not really looked into the genetics of Lappie colours.
  13. Alaska has just fathered a litter in the USA where there have been two wolfsable puppies born.
  14. I tried not to teach Alera sit as I wanted her stand to be solid for showing. It took her a few days from being home to sit on command as she watched the others put their bum on the ground and get a treat so she thought it was worth a try.
  15. I started this week. Bob is such a better model compared to the girls. I can ask him to stay and call him out when I want the photo. The set is here: 52 weeks of dog
  16. A photo for today. bobby doing his impersonation of the flying nun.
  17. I am going to start off this year with a pic of both the girls. I just love the expression on Echos face when Alera jumped over her. the set is here. Photo a week
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