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Everything posted by Evolving

  1. The BIG for the Terriers was a Border Terrier. BIG for Group 5 was Aussie - Brock RUBIG Sheltie Baby Puppy Aussie Puppy German Sheapard.
  2. Is this the same Lappi that went BIG at Sunshine KC? Yes the same boy Louis.
  3. Group 2 was won by the Bedlington Terrier who went on to win best in Show.
  4. Group 5 BIG Finnish Lapphund RUBIG Sheltie. Baby Puppy- Aussie Puppy- Corgie The Lappie Went on to win RUBIS and Open in show.
  5. The Cheeky one again. This time on the table outside the kitchen so she can look in and eat spiders/spider webs.
  6. I like Marlo in the hood. Good to have the beach back. I really need to take the girls one day.
  7. wow I think I used to pay about $60-$70 for Bob and that was with no nail clip or wash.
  8. I will be coming up for it with my Lappie. Albury will be Lappie central that weekend with about 5 showing.
  9. Yes Echo is very happy. Making someone chase you is the best game ever and not only did she have me chasing her but Bob and Alera.
  10. Week 13. Not the best photo even I wish his face was more in focus but I just love pictures of Bob bounding.
  11. Week 13 Echo the Cheeky dog. She made me chase her for the pigs ear and this was her come and get me look.
  12. I dont think so I will be showing at Bulla. Maybe if she gets knocked out early i can come after
  13. I have my crate dividers still if you want it. I think one of them has to be a 42" crate.
  14. When I went looking for my first purebred dog I was looking for a dog but when the litter was born it was mostly girls and I changed my preference. I was looking for a boy because that was all I have had in the past. My second was also a girl because I was looking for show dog and the only dogs available for showing were girls.
  15. I have been a bit slack posting in here. Here is week 10 week 11 and week 12 of Bob.
  16. Yes it was good. Took a little bit to get used to and weighs a tonn. When I went back to my lens it felt like I was holding nothing.
  17. Yes you just need to leave a little room for the dogs to dodge past you.
  18. Thanks. It was nice meeting you again. I let you into my inside tricks to tell them apart. They do look alot alike.
  19. I like this one. You are all bad at bringing the lure back so I will just do it myself. He managed to take it half way back on his own.
  20. The Iggies and I got a nice series of the Black dog and and the white and tan with your lens.
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