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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. Hi Dogmad, I have phoned her, she gave me her first name and said she had been breeding Yorkies for 35 years, I checked the Yorkie breeders pages for Qld and a woman with the same first name has bred some pretty good Yorkies. I think she is genuine, but to put a notice on a scrap of paper on the noticeboard seems an odd way to re-home them.
  2. There is an ad, written with pencil on a scrap of paper, on the jetty notice board this morning: Good Homes wanted for 3 female Yorkshire terriers ph...... I have phoned, and it appears that this woman, who says she is a breeder of Yorkies for 35 years has obtained them from an elderly woman who has gone into a old peoples home, she said that she is the Rescue for Yorkies in this area. there are 2 females...seem to be FTGH, mother & daughter...6 & 3 years old, not desexed, have papers, but they can't find them. they have been clipped right back she said. If this breeder is Yorkie Rescue in Qld? I would have thought that the dogs would have been desexed before going to homes, then sold for $200, but what do I know. I did a quick check of the Qld breeders and she is on the breed pages. Perhaps someone out there who will get these girls to a good home? If you want to PM me I can give you the mobile number
  3. I was asked by a teenager and his dad if I could bring Mac around to their place to mate with their maltipoo-something, I said ok but he will cost them $1500 for a stud fee. They had nothing much to say after that...I should have, perhaps, charged less, as Mac is desexed
  4. Nope,poop is the same with my three
  5. after you have returned it, go to a charity store that does sell electrical items and buy one, then buy some mangoes, peaches and chocolate with the money left over
  6. Dog Rocks http://www.dogrocks.org/ if you do buy some make sure that it is the Dog Rocks brand, the others don't last as long.
  7. I usually do mine in stages in the food processor...pumpkin with cabbage + unpasteurised ACV and a couple of peeled oranges, then sweet potato + cabbage + some bananas + cold pressed olive oil (Aldi have an Aussie one for $19.? for 4L), carrots + leaves/herbs/mustard/ginger/couple cloves garlic + eggs with their shells+ apples with no pips. I mix each load until it is a colouful slop, if it isn't mixing well just pop in some water Each load I tip in a bucket and mix it all up and put into some made-in-Australia- round-containers-in-a-little-netting-bag at Crazy Clark's. Then freeze them. If you don't have a food processor you could check out the garage sales (or dump shop) for a cheap one. Mine $10 one is great even though I have to put the stone mortar in the lid to stop it flying off across the kitchen.
  8. This article is from the Courier Mail so maybe needs to be taken with a grain of salt. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/breaking-news/head-of-rspca-to-face-court-over-cruelty-claims/story-e6freonf-1226225088449 THE head of the RSPCA will appear in a Sydney court on Monday over alleged animal cruelty. RSPCA president Dr Peter Wright was absent from a Sunday media announcement that the NSW government was contributing $7.5 million towards refurbishing the organisation's Yagoona animal shelter, in Sydney's southwest. Media were informed Dr Wright was absent because of a family illness before NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell fielded questions about his court appearance. "The rules apply to everybody, whether you're associated with an organisation or you're a member of the public," Mr O'Farrell said when asked about the matter. "There's no favouritism. The laws apply equally and the courts get to determine whether or not charges are proven." Katrina Hodgkinson, the minister responsible for the RSPCA, said: "We'll just wait and see what happens in the court tomorrow." Asked whether Dr Wright would be standing down from his position, RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman responded: "That's a matter for the courts". Court lists show a hearing for Peter Wright is listed for mention in Downing Centre Local Court on Monday.
  9. I Googled them, and man, aren't they GREAT! https://www.google.com/search?q=Komondor+dogs&hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=ES1&channel=fs&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=UfTsTqTADOeTiAe_pYygBw&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=582
  10. Maybe, at first, make it with just a pinch, soaked in 1/2 cup water, give him a little of this mixed with his meals for a week, then gradually increase the HR amount a little each day...it doesn't matter if it is weeks before he gets the full strength as his body will still be taking advantage from it.
  11. Can you mix a little of the Herb Robert tea with some minced turkey/chicken (get human grade) and/or dried food, just a little so that it just starts to soak in. If Grumpy likes sardines or mackerel you could mix a little HR tea with that. Don't Give Up!
  12. Before submitting, spellcheck. Or.. maybe it's the correct spelling if you have a NZ accent.. I vote New Zealand accent .. Yep, defunutly a NZ accent
  13. At least it is not a stinkin' scam. Perhaps there has been a family problem...surely no one would risk their good name or the police knocking at their door for $100.
  14. Did you see the ad in Locanto? and was the pup an excellent price? and were you asked to pay with Western Union?
  15. He had saved up enough money to go to Germany but the circus closed down, his heart was broken and he died. The End
  16. Penny does her poo on a raised ledge, the rocks around the garden, plantpots and I once found a little pile of poo on the top of a 4 litre paint can. She also walks along when she does a wee. I think it comes from being in a concrete-floored pen with a raised ledge, she does it so her feet don't get poo or wee on them I think. It is a bugger picking poo out from between the rocks.
  17. You need to click on it to see it I clicked and I saw a line up of scissors on a pretty orange cloth Becks
  18. That would be a sight to see! dogs running and jumping as fast as they can go.
  19. Thanks very much...it all makes sense now...I saw a piccie of him doing an agility task but didn't connect the letters...senior moment
  20. What a sweetie. RIP Pusuke http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-06/world27s-oldest-dog-dies-at-26/3715832 World's oldest dog dies at 26 The world's oldest living dog recognised by the Guinness Book of Records has died at its home in Japan. Pusuke, a male cross breed, died at Sakura in Tochigi prefecture at the age of 26 years and nine months - equivalent to more than 125 in human years. Owner Yumiko Shinohara says Pusuke had been showing a good appetite and kept up with his daily morning and evening strolls until Monday morning when he suddenly refused to eat and appeared to have difficulty breathing. He died peacefully in the afternoon, about five minutes after Ms Shinohara returned home from running errands. "I think (Pusuke) waited for me to come home,'' the 42-year-old housewife said, adding that she wanted to thank Pusuke for many good memories through the years. Pusuke was certified for the Guinness title in December last year. Kyodo
  21. A friend was writing about their dog, they put these letters after the dog's name: AD JDX GD SPD SD Can someone tell me what they mean? (just so I don't seem too stupid when I meet up with her) Thank you
  22. I think that people really do have to be more aware. There is an on-line selling site that constantly have "cutie westie puppy ready for a new home now - $400/English Bulldog Puppy (home, crate and potty trained )- $200/Akc Dachshund For Free Adoption/Cute adorable golden retriever puppy for a new home/registered english bulldog for christmas - $300" If it really sounds too good to be true........
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