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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. These are good...yes they can help arthritic dogs http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/p/canine-cooler-pet-bed/
  2. I would also not buy dog treats from China. Here is some more info from Hoax Slayer in their January 2012 issue http://www.hoax-slayer.com/122-22.shtml
  3. If Grumpy eats mostly a fish diet, can he eat dried fish fillets instead of his Bambi ear? This is assuming you have a food dehydrator and are willing to stink out the neighbourhood when you are drying the fillets :D
  4. Irish Wolfhound Lakeland terrier Scottish terrier Wirehair terrier Chow Chow
  5. Excellent news Howie, you will be so happy to have her back home :-)
  6. I hope she is ok today,
  7. Poor Grumpy, I hope he is feeling better soon and back to his old self, Sheridan edited to put in a comma, because the sentence is stupid without it.
  8. Yes, that would be good, I don't know who to contact here in the Brisbane area (though I have emailed Ams as she may know of someone who can help) Someone in this area must be in rescue that could 'hold' these girls until they go to a legitimate rescue/foster carer.
  9. I'm actually pretty disgusted that you didn't say anything and didn't report him to the RSPCA. I am also pretty disgusted that I didn't say anything as well Snook, if it is any excuse, I was on my own in the workshop, that particular customer was always aggressive (and the RSPCA inspector was 60k's away) His brother, who was a sweetie, took the dog after MrNastyMan died. And now we had better get back on topic
  10. Penny was vomiting foam, it was a pig knuckle that had stuck down her oesophagus, the vet removed it under a GA, it showed up clearly on an x-ray edited to correct bad grammar.
  11. sounds good to me (and she probably doesn't look at Pet Rescue)
  12. Awesome. How passive aggressive are you! Someone got killed so you were happy? Dear god. katdogs, best to see your GP. also happy he is no longer with us as he lived with his granny and beat her up also, not passive/agressive, I just wait for his well deserved karma comeuppence to kick-in
  13. That reminds me of a customer who came into our shop (a few years back), he parked his ute out the front and he had a wolfie x in the tray, she barked, so he punched her a couple of times on the head, and I didn't say anything! I did think evil thoughts and less than a week later his backhoe rolled on him and killed him, I was pretty happy about that.
  14. Carrie, why don't you just contact her and tell her you want to adopt the dogs.. she obviously doesn't care too much what happens to them. I am thinking I agree with you here Michelleva, I have PM'd Carrie with the woman's phone number and offered to pick up the girls' and take them to the mainland, (or pick up Carrie at the jetty and take her to this person's place)...the problem is that I don't much like people like this woman and may open my big mouth and say something rude.
  15. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-30/britain-loosens-pet-quarantibe-rules/3752044 Australians taking their pets to Britain will no longer have to leave them in quarantine for six months after the UK relaxed strict rules designed to keep rabies out of the country. As of January 1, Britain will allow animals from the European Union and listed countries such as the United States and Australia to enter with just a rabies vaccination given 21 days beforehand. Pets coming in from unlisted countries such as India, Brazil and South Africa will also need to have been vaccinated and take a blood test, but the subsequent quarantine has been halved to three months. The six-month rule which is being superseded has been in place since the 19th century. The new measures will bring Britain in line with other EU nations while at the same time ensuring the risk of rabies entering the country remains "extremely low", according to officials. Announcing the change in June, environment secretary Caroline Spelman said: "The UKG's quarantine system was designed to combat the threat of rabies in the 19th century and has now been left far behind by scientific advances. "It's time we changed these outdated rules which have caused hardship to generations of pets and pet owners, and those who rely on assistance dogs, with too many animals cooped up unnecessarily." ABC/AFP
  16. I have sent you a message Carrie with details and stuff
  17. Well an ad at the jetty here is probably not going to get them a good home....this is BYB city here. does anyone know of a person who wants to give a couple of Yorkies a home? (and that they will desex) I’m horrified that a breeder would simply give away two un-desexed pedigree dogs, that had belonged to someone else
  18. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-28/chimp-from-1930s-us-tarzan-films-dead-at-80/3750258 Tarzan's chimp Cheetah dead at 80 Cheetah, the chimpanzee that starred in the Tarzan films of the 1930s, has passed away at the age of 80, according to the Florida sanctuary where he had lived for more than 50 years. "It is with great sadness that the community has lost a dear friend and family member on December 24, 2011," the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor announced on its website. Cheetah had performed in Tarzan The Ape Man (1932) and Tarzan And His Mate (1934), classic films about a man reared in the jungle starring Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan. The chimpanzee - who arrived at the sanctuary in 1960 - loved finger-painting and watching football and was soothed by Christian music, the sanctuary's outreach director Debbie Cobb told the Tampa Tribune. "He could tell if I was having a good day or a bad day. He was always trying to get me to laugh if he thought I was having a bad day. He was very in tune to human feelings," Ms Cobb said. Ron Priest, a sanctuary volunteer, told the Tribune that Cheetah stood out because he could walk upright with a straight back like a human and that he was distinguished by other talents. "When he didn't like somebody or something that was going on, he would pick up some poop and throw it at them. He could get you at 30 feet with bars in between," Mr Priest said.
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