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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. Those are lovely tags but I ended up buying some of these for my little guys, they don't go clang clang clang on their food bowls when they are eating, the noise was driving me nuts http://www.arcatapet.com/category.cfm?catnum=255 They are not too bad and the writing was really clear after I baked them.
  2. Yes, the desexing was/is my main concern...if there is a loving home available the new owners would most likely desex, so it would be logical to desex first and add the desexing fee on top of the rescue fee (if there is one).
  3. Yes, the initial post could have been read in different ways, depending on where one would put a comma or fullstop. If it is not too much trouble next time, jess live die, could you pop in some punctuation...it really would help...just a suggestion, I am not meaning to criticise at all, but I did find your first post confusing, and confusion makes my brain overheat.
  4. If you are giving fish oil to your dog it is a wise idea to supplement it with Vitamin E https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=fish+oil+and+vitamin+E+for+dogs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 and an interesting DOL post here.. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/210570-i-almost-killed-my-dog-by-giving-him-fish-oil-tablets/
  5. Excellent news Clyde, I am so happy for you that the little bugger is home where he belongs
  6. Just turn your back while I whisk her away :laugh: You are a lucky-duck fostering her, she has that Westie "I'll do what you want if I feel like it" look.
  7. Buy an electric meat mincer and mince up turkey necks, my lot get them mixed with vegie slops (+ ACV, fish oil, ginger, mustard, herbs, orange ,bananas, apples). They are doing well on this. (I also add a tiny amt of Vit E powder) Try giving Indy a turkey neck instead of the chicken wing, he may get enthusiastic with that instead. Here is a mincer, good price if no-one else bids on it :-D http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-Heavy-Duty-Electric-Meat-Grinder-Mincer-Reverse-Sausage-adapter-Food-pusher-/200699288397?pt=AU_SmallKitchenAppliances&hash=item2eba9c1b4d
  8. I was a landlord once, we had a big Queenslander we had restored, we rented it. The new tenants asked if they could have a dog, ok, we said, but just a small/medium one. They bought an adult GSD and within 3 months all the beautiful red cedar French doors that led onto the veranda were gouged out at the bottom from her scraping to get in, she even scraped marks on a glass door. The skirting boards were chewed and scrapes on the polished floors. These were nice clean people but had no respect for anyone else's property. If I were ever to become a landlord again, yes I would rent to a tenant with a dog or two, but it would be a bomb-proof house and a very large dog-bond would be charged.
  9. O No, I clicked on your thread this morning K9, hoping that Lucky was a little better only to find that he had passed away. Poor sweet little boy. RIP Lucky.
  10. I didn't watch the whole lot, yes it was sad but I couldn't help thinking that it was odd that they had videoed the situation leading up to the death of Oden as well as his final moment. I though it a bit off that they would do that.
  11. I was just going to write that very thing Sandra! Yes, they do carry ringworm so keep a look-out for dots/bald patches appearing around his mouth or on his paws. http://www.dog-health-guide.org/RingwormInDogs.html
  12. It is between Lutwyche Rd and Webster Rd, it is a little suburb tucked in between Lutwyche and Stafford. I used to live in Lutwyche years and years ago, an Iggie may like to live there :-)
  13. that's how he got the sports lexus...from being a guilt-free tight-ar*e
  14. According to the blurb they take on the ambient temperature, so hot in summer and cold in winter, that would not be good for an arthritic dog. I had read some info about the beds, here are some of the links: https://seniorpetsupplies.com/arthritis-joint-care/canine-cooler.html http://www.online-pet-store-4u.com/product_Canine-Cooler-Bed.html http://www.mypet.net.au/CanineCooler.htm my three lie on them in the winter, they also have soft-mattressy beds to lie on, but prefer the dog water beds. Thanks for that information, very interesting and contradicts the information on the other site, they appear to be much better quality too. Do they feel warm in the winter if you put your hand between the dog and the bed ? I haven't put my hand between them and the bed, I don't know why I haven't either, I didn't think of it! I think, as it is a waterbed, it takes the pressure off the parts that take the weight while lying down...hips, shoulders and ribs. While I was looking for those links I posted I noticed that there are heated waterbeds. http://petsnthingsonline.com/2010/08/16/a-water-bed-for-dogs-offers-comfort-and-pain-relief/ Bugger...I can't find a link now, the link above goes nowhere. If I wanted to warm the waterbed I would put one of those pads they use for hermit crabs or bunnies underneath http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/items/_W0QQ_sopZ12?_nkw=hermit%20crab%20heat%20pad&_fromfsb=0&_trksid=m270.l1313 http://www.nextag.com/small-heating-pad/stores-html
  15. According to the blurb they take on the ambient temperature, so hot in summer and cold in winter, that would not be good for an arthritic dog. I had read some info about the beds, here are some of the links: https://seniorpetsupplies.com/arthritis-joint-care/canine-cooler.html http://www.online-pet-store-4u.com/product_Canine-Cooler-Bed.html http://www.mypet.net.au/CanineCooler.htm my three lie on them in the winter, they also have soft-mattressy beds to lie on, but prefer the dog water beds.
  16. These are good...yes they can help arthritic dogs http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/p/canine-cooler-pet-bed/
  17. I would also not buy dog treats from China. Here is some more info from Hoax Slayer in their January 2012 issue http://www.hoax-slayer.com/122-22.shtml
  18. If Grumpy eats mostly a fish diet, can he eat dried fish fillets instead of his Bambi ear? This is assuming you have a food dehydrator and are willing to stink out the neighbourhood when you are drying the fillets :D
  19. Irish Wolfhound Lakeland terrier Scottish terrier Wirehair terrier Chow Chow
  20. Excellent news Howie, you will be so happy to have her back home :-)
  21. I hope she is ok today,
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