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Jacket Suitable For Boating And Water
Boronia replied to black_dog's topic in General Dog Discussion
The life jackets may do the job as they have a wide chest/belly strap and the length goes down to the tail. There was a topic on them here--> http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/233507-comparing-dog-life-jackets/page__p__5708827__hl__%2Blife+%2Bjacket__fromsearch__1#entry5708827 so you can click on the links and have a look at the different varieties. -
Traditionally most of the terriers tails were used to pull them out of the burrows The Wire Fox Terrier is a breed of dog, one of many terrier breeds. ... bred to chase foxes into their burrows underground, and their short, strong, usually docked, tails were used as handles by the hunter to pull them back out The Glen of Imaal - The Glen of Imaal Terrier is more of a working terrier than a fashionable show dog. One of its original jobs was to dig into burrows to root out nuisance badgers - its weight and strength matching the badger's, and its powerful tail acting as a handle for being pulled from the hole, if necessary. Scottish terrier: They had to have strong tails so that the hunters could pull them out of a burrow if needed. The West Highland White Terrier, or Westie, is a small breed of dog that was first developed to hunt rats in underground burrows. ... that the dog can be pulled from a hole by the base of its tail without being injured. I reckon that if the dog was uncomfortable with it they would soon let us know
+ 1 with the dust in the eyes. Doncha just love people who get down on the grass to give a dog a hug! Pearl is just so lovely and her new servants seem to be prepared to do their duty :)
Remember that dogs do get confused when they look at you and see a 'thing' in front of your face, he could be telling you to put it down. Dogs can't understand cameras. He could also be telling you to chuck something in the water for him to get :) I thought there was a ball or a lump of wood floating in the water beside him that he was interested in.
Ad I Saw... Isn't This Illegal?
Boronia replied to tdierikx's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
I hope so!!! +1 It was an awful notice on GT Tigerspit and I feel for the poor owners who could have been searching for their dog in all the logical places, never thinking that it is at some obscuro rescue. Glad you took it off. -
Yep, A snip and cauterize would be the go...much less traumatic than trying to tie a piece of cotton around the stem of the lump while Cooper is trying to check out what you are fiddling around with on his face. They may be able to do it with a local anaesthetic after they have given him a calming/light sedation injection as moosepup said.
Kerry blue terriers, not kerry terriers. :) And yes, water, all over the floor but not for long cos they like to wipe their beards on the carpet, furniture and you. :laugh: For anyone who wants a lakie, there is one on Gumtree. I have emailed a bunch of breeders and posted in the UK Terrier thread. fixed my gaffe :laugh:
Ad I Saw... Isn't This Illegal?
Boronia replied to tdierikx's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Who is this? if you Google 'Have you found a stray dog or litter of pups maybe?' you will soon find it. -
A few years ago my old dog Harry had one similar to that dangly-bit on Cooper's face, it also had a a really thin piece where it attached. I asked one of the vets that came into our shop what to do...she took a look then said just gently tie a piece of cotton around it...firm, not tight, and every couple of days just tighten it a little. Well that worked, it didn't hurt him and it just fell off after a couple of weeks. It never re-grew. I got the impression that she knew exactly what it was and that was the easiest way of removing it without surgery.
Here you go 3amigos :) http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=Silence+is+golden...Duct+tape+is+silver+t+shirt&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=Silence+is+golden...Duct+tape+is+silver+t+shirt&hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=ZCS&channel=fs&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=jLV4T4jMJaa4iQfqmZDRBA&ved=0CEkQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=58f49d81b0cadcfc&biw=1024&bih=582 edited because my fingers are not spelling correctly
So glad that he is home, excellent excellent news!
Is the aviary on concrete or wood? (not on dirt), if so, you could buy a can or two of chain lube (the sticky goes-on-runny-and-sets-to-a-sticky-grease stuff) and spray it right around the outside of the aviary as a sort-of grease-trail moat. I sprayed it all around the steel house stumps of our high set house, it worked a treat until the vines grew...the ants then used them.
Congrats To Seniors & Silky Rescue
Boronia replied to ~Anne~'s topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
I Googled Adelaide All Breeds Dog Rescue and at the top of the Google list was this: Adelaide All Breed Dog Rescue adelaidedogrescue.com/ This site may harm your computer. Hi Admin ! Why So Serious? I'm RyuK From Malaysian HacKer Crew ! We Are From Malaysia And We Just A Security Tester... We Just Want To Inform You Tha (the Google heading ends at 'Tha' ) What does it mean? has the site been hacked? -
Dogs such as Samoyed, Bichon and Westies don't have the white spotting gene. They are recessive reds which also carry a phaomelanin dilution. Thanks for that espinay2, appreciate it. Now off to read about recessive reds...Google is my friend...
That is interesting that Boxers have two white genes Steve, does that mean that dog breeds that are normally white..Malts, Samoyed, Bichon Frise, Maremma and of course Westies have only the one white gene?...I was wondering about this as I don't know of any problems of hereditary blindness in these breeds. This forum is interesting, especially when DOLers who are breeders or have knowledge of genetics are posting.(the other posts are interesting as well :) )
Glad she is ok dandybrush, the hours go slowly when you have to wait before you can get them home, and reception don't let you put their special blankie :laugh: in the hospital-cage with them...suppose it's understandable, but you worry that your dog may think it has been abandoned.
My OH will take good care of them, if we both died our son gets the house and will also get the dogs, if he doesn't look after them in the manner they are accustomed to I will come back and make his life one hell of a misery. just sayin'
I took Penny there to get a lump that was waaayyy up her bum (yes I know that's not the precise medical term for where it was, but you get the picture) cut out, the vets were pretty competent, friendly and explained the procedure. One of the reception staff was a dragon...no smile or pleasantness when she took my $1000+ she was a mean natured woman, the receptionist that we saw on arrival at least had a little smile and something nice to say. If it wasn't for the excellent specialist surgery they perform, mine was a referral from my vet, I would go elsewhere...the reception staff don't seem to want to be pleasant and the one that was a little pleasant seemed hesitant to be nice...as if it was verboten. So yes...the vets are good!
It is the back molars that have the tarter Erny, I will try to do it with the mouth closed, that'll fix the tongue problem...doh, didn't think of that :laugh: it just seemed to be easier to lift the lips back if their mouths are open. May not work very well on Daisy as she is missing those three teeth behind the canines and her tongue can pop out in the toothless gap (her previous owner said that she had only ever gone to the vet for shots hummmm) Thanks for posting the YouTube video, it is really informative. What a polite and calm Schnauzer Greta-Marie is.
okey dokey, I'll try the pick-and-flick method again...I wish they would stop suddenly flicking their tongues up and licking their teeth when I'm doing it...Their little tongues Are In Danger!
Hi Sway, I have bought one of those from you but don't use it very often as my hands shake and I am concerned that I'll spike their gums. Do you have any of the chisel-ended ones like this one http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=dental+scraper&hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=80d&channel=fs&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=582&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12548968809648658882&sa=X&ei=HSFyT_WnMKXEmQXetaXHDw&ved=0CJgBEPMCMAk and a little OT but 'Hello' Erny you said for me to say hello...I was that woman who poked you with the table-decoration-orchids at the evenings end. Ernie = Calendula, Boronia = Herb Robert :)
This makes me cross, I have lived in rural/remote towns and delivery costs are a little higher but rents/rates are MUCH more reasonable along with incentives for water tanks and solar power, the comment (my bold and pretty colour) is a joke. I think they may be having a lend of you and your Rescue.