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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. I was looking at the Natural Pet Store site this morning Erny and I see that they have Calendula Flowers, I dont know if the price is comparable to where you get your flowers from but it may be of interest to other DOlers. (I bought some dehydrated FoodiePooch Real Mischief with Chicken for forgetting-to-take-their-dinner-out-of-the-freezer emergencies and some Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil) The Calendula flower link is here--> My link
  2. Wow...that swaddling bandage did work a treat WM! here is hoping the Thundershirt does an equally good job. A little OT but Penny is quite distressed in storms and I found that if I put on her wrap-around-doggie-lifejacket it settled her. Unfortunately, because Penny had been frightened by thunder, the other two have now decided they are also in fear of thunder, so if there is a storm during the day they all have their life jackets on, at night it seems to be a different story, they reckon that if they sleep on the bed they are safe :laugh:
  3. Good onyer for finding Oliver the best of homes WM...he has certainly landed on his feet since he was rescued. Go Ollie
  4. one smart little dog! The agility weave poles cups are the best. http://www.youtube.c...bed/M21V3jIUgnA If someone can embed the video it'd be good.
  5. Just a thought...perhaps he was following the older dog inside (or outside) through the dog-door and it has swung back and hit him in the face, this happened to Mac a couple of times and it took ages to get his confidence back to use it again...he now waits a minute after the other two have gone out before he uses it.
  6. Maybe give him one leaf of Pennywort a day, it is excellent for human arthritis. You may even have some growing around your place.http://www.thegarden.../tag/pennywort/ Oh my goodness, I have that stuff growing like a weed here. We have been looking for a poison to use on it before it starts invading the horse paddocks. How interesting, I will look into that more! I am on the Central Coast? Pennywort: if you scroll down a little on this link Isabel Shipard has explained the differences--> http://herbsarespecial.com.au/free-herb-information/gotu-kola.html for some more info--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Pennywort is it is different to Kidney weed Dichondra repens ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichondra_repens) and different to the native violet Viola hederacea They do look very similar
  7. I think it is wonderful that he has been nominated for that medal, these are some of the categories: Pride of Australia Medal: Class/Category: Numpty Division: Sub Section: Great Australian Tuggers
  8. Maybe give him one leaf of Pennywort a day, it is excellent for human arthritis. You may even have some growing around your place. http://www.thegarden.../tag/pennywort/
  9. Bit unkind to Rhesus Monkeys, don't you think? I was going to say that very thing No1, I am wondering why Reverend Jo is negative about Rhesus Monkeys.
  10. The FB link goes to the group (Adelaide Malamute & Husky Owners) of the man it happened to posted in not a shared post, and has a lot more detail. It is frightenong that someone could be so brazen in the attempts to steal dogs. yes it does certainly look legit, pretty scary!
  11. maybe a facebook hoax as it looks a lot like this van in the UK----> http://www.hoax-slayer.com/white-van-dog-stealing.shtml
  12. You can buy different widths of ribbons-off-a-roll....all sorts of designs and patterns, at Lincraft (or similar shop). You can then make collars like Hardy's Angel's ps...love the little bow HA
  13. I have never heard of chickweed being used for treatment of cancers....I use chickweed as a soothing eye wash. I have heard of Radium weed, Euphorbia peplus, being used to treat skin cancers....are you sure you have the right weed :) It ha been a remedy ever since I can remember Sheena, my Grandmother used it (she also fed her pet budgie with it :laugh:) and the Aussie old-timers/farmers used to use it on skin cancers Here are a couple of links (the first one has nothing to do with my Grandmother) http://grannyearth.c...tellaria-media/ http://www.holistic-.../_Herbs/h45.htm Yes..I agree it is used as a soothing agent...I use it myself, as I said. But I think when they are talking about this other stuff, I think they are referring to something that burns skin cancers off. Chickweed will not do that but radium weed which looks very similar will. :) That is the stuff I have in the garden Sheena...I thought it was chickweed ,(silly me) I just Googled it an there is a good photo here (on scumtree) http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/joyner/miscellaneous-goods/milkweed-radium-weed-euphorbia-peplus-plants-milk-weed/315674511 It has a white sap when you break it. Totally different name...the Radium weed is Euphorba peplus, no wonder it's sappy, it being a Euphorbia, some of them can really irritate the skin. Grandma must have fed the budgie chickweed though as it didn't turn up its toes and die :laugh:
  14. I have never heard of chickweed being used for treatment of cancers....I use chickweed as a soothing eye wash. I have heard of Radium weed, Euphorbia peplus, being used to treat skin cancers....are you sure you have the right weed :) It ha been a remedy ever since I can remember Sheena, my Grandmother used it (she also fed her pet budgie with it :laugh:) and the Aussie old-timers/farmers used to use it on skin cancers Here are a couple of links (the first one has nothing to do with my Grandmother) http://grannyearth.com/weeds/chickweed-stellaria-media/ http://www.holistic-online.com/herbal-med/_Herbs/h45.htm
  15. Maybe you could use Chickweed Stellaria media instead. This is what it looks like (Google Images) https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Stellaria+media&client=ubuntu&hs=BSa&channel=fs&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=My66UbjkA4GGiQez04GwCA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=582 It works on cancers
  16. http://www.gympietim...tonish/1904812/ Dogs set to astonish IN CONTROL: Sean Barrett works with his dogs during a demonstration. SPECTATORS at the Teebar Rodeo will be delighted and educated by the antics of Sean and Evonne Barrett's working kelpie dogs. The couple has been training working dogs for more than 16 years. They will demonstrate their skills and knowledge when they bring several of their dogs to the rodeo on Saturday. The couple has a registered Australian Working Kelpie Stud and also runs clinics for farmers wanting to learn how to train dogs. Mrs Barrett said she was looking forward to taking the dogs to Teebar. "We are very pleased that the rural community sees a necessity to keep using the working dog to its advantage," she said. "In our demonstrations we promote the use of good working dogs to calmly move stock in which ever path we choose to take." The acquired skills have taken Sean to America to teach and he plans make a trip to Europe in the future. The couple has done some extraordinary things, including training the cattle for Baz Luhrmann's movie, Australia. Mr Barrett was asked to train wild rangy cleanskin shorthorns at Bowen before they were trucked to the movie set. To make things more difficult and for authenticity, Baz required cattle to be sourced straight from the scrub. Their dogs are not only a very effective tool in the handling of all types of livestock but are also family pets. Mrs Barrett said the proposed law to ban working dogs from farms due to cattle stress was ill-informed. "If you have the correct type of dog and train them right it's quite a calming job," she said. "If your dogs are calm and controlled so are the livestock and that is what every stock producer is aiming for." Fore more information on the clinics visit theblackdog.com.au. ( June 15 all-day event. Teebar is located 40km west of Maryborough Qld)
  17. Hi Puddleduck - thanks for popping by - yes I like the idea of a portacot and I saw some on gumtree which were very reasonably priced - and I liked the idea of the floor in them and their height would be easier on my back - but having no experience with them whatsoever, I was unsure whether the mesh would stand up to him, the floor would be stable enough and whether or not it would be big enough? He doesn't need a paddock but needs to be able to take a step or two and turn around to 'nest'... and yes the pillows is a really good idea - and I have tons of those! So do you think they would be big enough, is the floor stable enough for him to walk on without falling over and do you think the mesh would be strong enough? Thanks tons PD... as I said I know absolutely nothing about them... My toddler is 14.5kg and couldn't knock it over. I know in the US they are often used as playpens so must be able to take some shoving. The floor is usually a lightly padded mattress but if you wanted something more stable (and it's going to be a 'permanent' type setup) you could get a piece of plywood cut to fit? I'd also have one side against the wall to add stability. For a little dog it would be plenty big enough, it would probably be larger than the appropriate crate for his size. To be honest you could probably even score one off freecycle if you put out a wanted post. It's one of those things everyone buys when they decide to go away for 2 nights then never gets used again...like so much other baby crap. :laugh: I'm thinking I'll have to join this thread soon for my old boy doofus.....he seems to be showing early signs of dementia with lots of barking, not good for a big dog in a unit block! That is probably so true PD, in which case WM should head off to her local Tip Recycling Shop (I wrote that with capitals as it is an important place ) there are sure to be some useful pens or porta-cots there.
  18. Maybe you will have to get one of this design (I think it is Pers' pick) at least it has a floor so you could place it near a corner and put a heavy weight on it or push one side under your bed (if your bed is high enough http://www.crazysale...CFUw3pgod4hMAUA also this one as well http://compare.ebay.com.au/like/271180166209?ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&clk_rvr_id=489026825546&crlp=1_262691_262711&UA=L*F%3F&GUID=3f31920f13e0a5edcdd43bf4fff7678d&mt_id=641&query={query}&fitem=271180166209&linkin_id=8077022&kw={query}&crdt=0&sortbid=21&ff4=262691_262711
  19. That one is pretty good but what if he puts his front paws up onto the top...there seems to be no way to stop it tipping over. He also may just put his head on the walls and just push the pen all over the bedroom floor when he does his 3am exploring Maybe you can stop it from tipping over by running a strap around the outside and attaching it to a wall bracket (or to the bed frame). You could use a ratchet tie-down strap from Crazy Clarks or Supercheap.
  20. Hi Bianca - thanks for the suggestion - but as Perse pointed out earlier (I didn't think of it} soft would be better for a dementing boy with deteriorating night sight, a tendency to pace at 3am... I can find one of these used locally for $50.00 which seems a fair price. Its 130 cms in diameter, will fit next to the bed at a pinch, is as close to circular as Perse suggests as I can find, has no toxic materials and I could put a rug under it and a bed and blanket in there for him and he can move around at night without disturbing the whole house. What do you think? What haven't I thought of? oohh... this is the sort of thing I had in mind :) LINK to Ebay Australia I saw them as well Pers, they look good but they may tip over if WM's Mac tries to jump up on the side, though he will still be ok...the playpen will just be upside down with Mac still inside.
  21. Found these on Gumtree http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/adelaide-region/other-baby-children/jolly-kidz-playpen-play-pen-with-extension-pieces-60-ono/1021223163 http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/morphett-vale/other-baby-children/childrens-playpen/1021323228 http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/magill/other-baby-children/playpen-jolly-brand-coloured-wooden/1021314819
  22. hahaha, saw this one which is full of unhappy pups--> http://www.quicksale...8-panel/1681854
  23. These are a good idea but may be a little expensive--> http://www.zanui.com.au/Versatile-Playpen-Extension-17942.html?utm_source=myshopping&utm_medium=price_comparison&utm_content=zanui&utm_campaign=products&wt_pc=au.price_comparison.myshopping.products.zanui.ad I'll keep looking as it's raining and I'm stuck here at home and really wanted to go fishin' today
  24. How about one of these WM,It is on special , you could put his blankies in it to make it comfy---> http://www.oo.com.au/Aquaspirit-2-Ring-Inflatable-P_P19522C914.cfm
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