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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. If you're just after a regular wire crate you can't go past Vebo. If you want something fancier have a look in the Show Ring forum - I've seen a few recommendations in there :) WM, don't start a new thread until you have looked at this crate which may be near you (well it is in SA) :laugh: it is a Black Dog brand http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/norwood/pet-products/medium-sized-black-dog-crate/1036944748
  2. That stroller of Perse's would be good, you could take off all the top stuff if you wanted to, it also has the added advantage of being able to turn readily...the Pennymobile (offroad version) does turn but the turning-circle is rather large as the trolley has fixed wheels only. Fast-Red is definitely Mac's colour
  3. The stroller is a Steelcraft and you will find there are probably a heap of them at the dump-shop. The upholstery is easy to remove, I cut ours off with a knife. You can unbolt the sunshade. Make sure you don't take too much frame off as many of the triangular sections are needed for stability. If you check my photos... OH cut the handles off above the triangular stays...that's ok but do not cut off any more than that, you don't need to take off any more frame than is shown in the photos with Penny sitting in her Pennymobile off-roader version---Post # 46 There is a bracket on the parcel-shelf at the handle-bar end (the end with the foot-brake) that needs to be moved forward to give the parcel-shelf-holder more stability, this is fairly important. Maybe you could take it to a engineering firm, it wouldn't cost much at all to get them to weld it...probably a couple of 6 packs of stubbies. Here are a couple of photos to show what I mean edited for grammar
  4. I phoned the council this morning, the woman took down all the details including the owner's phone number, I got a call back in around 10 minutes saying that they couldn't do much as the phone number (a mobile) didn't match any of their databases. I have an idea the council are not allowed to phone someone and trick them into giving them their address. I could phone and pretend I'm interested in the pups but my phone number will show up on their phone and the owners did look kinda feral, so I am not going to do that.
  5. WM, it may be an idea to print my close-up photos of Pen's Off-roader and go and chat to your nearest Men's Shed, there are some near you http://www.mensshed.org/Find-A-Shed/.aspx?search=Adelaide+&distance=25&filter=-1 ask them if they can adapt a buggy, if so, go to your nearest dump recycle shop and buy one
  6. Meant to post these photos last week, Penny just loves her new trolley and sits up and watches everything as we all go for walks.
  7. Maybe build (or buy a box and cut holes in it) to make something like this http://www.halepetdo...ty-barrier.html eta this pic from that link-->
  8. You really need one similar to this---> http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3073391 Amazon also have them but be careful and check the postage to Australia as the postage shown is for the US http://www.amazon.com/Ideal-Pet-Products-Ruff-Weather-Telescoping/dp/B0017JWARY here is an Australian based one http://www.fishpond.com.au/Pets/PetSafe-482-Extreme-Weather-Pet-Door-Small/0729849109841 If you type 'cold weather dog door Australia' into your search bar there are some that you can check-out
  9. I was telling a woman in the library and was overheard, three of the overheard-me-library-patrons (one was a bloke who looked up the cruelty complaints number on his phone) headed off to the IGA to get the rego number and to find out any more info to notify the RSPCA. Library peeps are not wimps where doggie-welfare is concerned
  10. Went to the local IGA this morning and lo-and-behold the guy that is selling the pups was there with the pups and mother in the back of his tray-back, he has the For Sale notices sticky-taped to the sides of the tray. The mother is in dreadful condition...ribs sticking out. The pups were still suckling while she was standing up. I have rung the RSPCA and put in a complaint --> ( Cruelty Complaints & Animal Emergencies (including Wildlife) 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625)
  11. In a nutshell...yes. eta, my comment is a little unfair as I reckon the ranger will contact the owner to have a chat about the numbers of dogs on the property anyway, but as to the pups ages there is nothing to be done
  12. Very helpful woman at the council said that she would try to find the relevant data and email me back. I think she has contacted the RSPCA as well as the email may be a cut and paste (there is a reference to "Your Customer") I have inserted XXXX's where the names were This is her reply... Hi XXXX I have investigated the matters raised by you on Wednesday 15.01.14 and have been advised of the following: Unfortunately our processes are still being updated but hopefully the information below will assist. RSPCA have jurisdiction to address this matter as a welfare issue. It simply may be something that the owners require being educated about only. The following is off their website: RSPCA AUSTRALIA Puppies gradually wean off their mother's milk at around 8-12 weeks of age. By this time they are ready to eat puppy food and will be spending most of their time away from their mother, playing, eating and sleeping. RSPCA Australia considers the minimum acceptable age for a puppy to be removed from the mother dog for adoption or purchase to be 8 weeks of age. Waiting until the puppy is at least 8 weeks of age will help to ensure that the puppy has received an adequate supply of milk from the mother dog. Milk contains important nutrients needed for normal puppy growth and development and confers a certain degree of immunity to disease (puppies will still need to be vaccinated, please see your local vet for details). There may be certain circumstances where puppies are weaned earlier than this, such as when they are orphaned or require intensive care. There are a number of theories about how old or how young a puppy should be when it goes to its' new home. Research was conducted on line and the laws in each Australian State and Territory were referenced including what they have to say about the legal age for selling or giving away puppies. The results were based mainly on Pet Shops and Registered Breeders, however because the codes of Practices etc may only have pet shops in their title it also covered breeders - registered and not - see the ACT example for instance: * ACT - Puppies must stay with their mother and siblings until they have attained 8 weeks of age except under exceptional circumstances - Check out the ACT Code of Practice for Pet Shops at http://www.tams.act....petshopscop.pdf and be aware that the code explicitly states that it covers anyone selling puppies or kittens in the ACT * Queensland Code of Practice for Pet Shops (The State of Queensland, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries 2008) (f) Minimum age of animals for acquisition for sale, subject to maturity, should be: (i) dogs-eight weeks (seven weeks for large breeds) (ii) cats-eight weeks. (g) Unweaned animals should not be accepted by pet shops. (h) Any animal that is classified as a restricted or prohibited animal should not be acquired, displayed, offered for sale or sold by a pet shop. (i) Animals that are not accepted for sale at point of delivery or cannot be sold should be returned to the breeder, re-directed to a local government pound or shelter such as RSPCA (Qld) or AWL (Qld), or euthanased as a last resort. (j) Concerns about sub-standard animal sources (evidenced by, for example, repeated viral diseases, malnutrition, injuries or premature weaning) should be referred to appropriate authorities. If you require any further information, I am happy to look into this for you. If your customer has any further contact details regarding the owners/sellers of the pups that they would like to provide us, we could definitely give them a call and just 'have a chat' with them about owner responsibilities and what is best for the pups and allude to RSPCA's minimum standards also. If your customer requires it, the RSPCA Cruelty phone number is 3426 9971. Kind regards, XXXX me again....so really we are not much further ahead as the code of practice is for pet shops and as my local council's processes are being updated I cannot get much sense on the local laws regarding the minimum age for homing pups. At least they are now aware of all the details on the Pups For Sale notice
  13. Aussie Dog have some stuff but I can't find a kangaroo http://www.australianmade.com.au/licensees/aussie-dog/dog-toys--enrichment-items
  14. The holder of the permit must not sell an animal of a litter which is a dog, or otherwise dispose of the dog, unless the dog is at least eight- weeks-of age I doubt very much if the parent(s) are even registered. The permit only seems to apply to petshops. On checking local-laws there doesn't appear to be much the council can do apart from checking to make sure that there are no more than 2 dogs on the property over and certain age, (ie, not pups) or have a permit for 3 dogs. microchipping is at 12 weeks. I'll give them a ring and find out more info/council policy this afternoon
  15. Well I did phone the RSPCA and spoke to a very helpful woman who suggested my phoning the council, speaking to a ranger and ask him to talk to the owners of the pups (by the way the ad says 'ready now') advising them of the drawbacks on homing the pups at such a young age. The RSPCA woman also said that I should make it clear to the ranger that I am concerned about the lack of socialisation the pups will have if they leave home in 5 weeks. I will phone the ranger tomorrow
  16. There is was a notice on our local noticeboard this morning for 5 week old Bull Arab/Mastiff pups for sale. I contacted our local council to find out the minimum age for sale of pups, the counter-person phoned Animal Management who told her that if I felt that the pups were at risk or too young I needed to contact the RSPCA. I asked the counter-person (politely) why should I contact the RSPCA as I was of the understanding that the minimum age is 8 weeks and what does the RSPCA have to do with Qld or local government. Anyway...is there Qld legislation on the minimum age? If so, I will send it to Animal Management for their education
  17. Haven't quite finished as we may take off the handlebars and put on a puller like Danny's Darling's trolley/barrow Here are some piccies of the not-finished-trolley he needed to move a 'stay' forward to make it more stable more piccies tomorrow :)
  18. How to make your own evaporative cooler here--> http://www.fiscalgee...air-conditione/
  19. or maybe something like these garden hand-carts http://www.ebay.com....=item51b79a79c6 http://www.ebay.com....=item2a34e3fa28 pity this one is so expensive and in the states :laugh: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Little-Red-Wagon-Pull-Cart-2-Seat-Ride-On-Kids-Toy-Bumper-Pack-4-Wheel-Vehicle-/161191233138?pt=Outdoor_Toys_Structures_US&hash=item2587bf0672
  20. Penny (15) is just the same WM, she will always rely on the lead being taut to help pull her along, it makes walking the dogs a chore rather than an enjoyment. My o/h is in the process of making her a cart from a $5 garage-sale Steelcraft pram...the ones with the parcel-rack beneath the seat-part. He is removing the top (seat & hood & frame) and is going to put brackets in the parcel-rack frame to keep it sturdy. I may will get him to attach a pulling-rod-type thing (like on golf-carts) so I can pull the trolley instead of pushing it as we have a dirt road and pulling is easier than pushing. I will post some piccies and a diagram if it works out. He is doing it today....he'll do anything for Penny! :D
  21. When we had the high temperatures last week my lot spent most of their time on their cooler beds, I also had the fans on (until the power-cuts) Here is one for sale on Gumtree WM---> http://www.gumtree.c...hion/1034934802 I have the el-cheapo brand (top piccie in link) and also one of the more expensive brand http://www.dogstobed.../coolingpetbeds found these as well, don't know the price but they may be worth while (that woman certainly looks happy with hers) :laugh: http://www.coolgelmat.com.au/ http://www.coolgelmat.com.au/find-a-store.html
  22. The RSPCA are obviously uninterested in these cattle as well: l http://www.gympietim...furore/2134431/ Curra 'animal cruelty' furore DISTRESSING: Lynne Partridge with one of the underfed cattle on an absent neighbour's Curra property and (inset) another of the starving beasts. Tanya Easterby EIGHT hungry cattle and one goat were sharing a tiny paddock of woody stubble and dust at Curra yesterday. They had problems of their own, including thirst and hunger, and were unaware of the mini-furore that has erupted over their welfare. The issue has involved angry neighbours, police, the RSPCA, an accused Darling Downs "bogan," a wild emu and a Brisbane man said to have been away on holidays while his nine cattle and two goats suffered in a "three and-a-half acre" enclosure. Neighbours said they had been forced to obtain police permission to cut a chain on the paddock gate, so cattle stuck in mud could be dragged out. Another animal had died, two of its hoofs left sticking out of the shallow layer of clay used to cover its corpse. But the RSPCA had said it could do nothing to help the animals or prosecute the owner, according to neighbours in Settlement Rd. "The RSPCA doesn't seem to care," one of those neighbours, Lynne Partridge, said yesterday. "An inspector came out and said there was nothing they could do. "I told them never to ask me for another donation." A spokesman for the RSPCA denied the organisation was uninterested. "We've been out there twice," he said. Ms Partridge said she had been told there was nothing that could be done, a contrast with the organisation's readiness to criticise the Darling Downs man, currently being prosecuted for cruelty after freeing an emu from a barbed wire fence. His offence was to take a mobile phone "selfie", pretending to ride the bird, before letting it go and posting the video on Facebook. RSPCA media officer Michael Beatty said the comparison did not show inconsistency in RSPCA enforcement of animal cruelty laws, because the Darling Downs man was being prosecuted by the police, not the RSPCA. The Brisbane-based owner of the cattle at Curra told The Gympie Times he was aware of the problem and that he was taking urgent action to find extra pasture and was feeding them regularly in the meantime. "I dropped three bales of hay off (on Tuesday) and we've had the RSPCA out," he told The Gympie Times. "Thank you for the call, but I will look after my cattle." Ms Partridge said the man had been absent while cattle went hungry in a dust and stubble enclosure, with eight cattle and one goat on only about 2ha or less. The animals had no feed yesterday and had become shy of drinking from the property's dam, because its level had dropped and two of them had become stuck in mud. Another had died and had been buried in the bank of the dam, which is in a watercourse. Another neighbour who did not want to be named said they had to ring the police to get permission to cut the chain on the gate. "So Lynne could pull out the calf that was stuck," he said.
  23. Here is a handsome Cocker, pity he is not black though --> http://www.adpost.com/nz/pets/4585/
  24. A trip to Rotorua may be an idea---> http://www.petsonthenet.co.nz/ads/index.php?a=2&b=104638 there is also a Japanese Spitz at Waikato--> http://www.petsonthenet.co.nz/ads/index.php?a=2&b=104094
  25. Bathing in diluted apple cider vinegar (the non-pasteurized ones like Melrose or Braggs) can be beneficial. This video also may be of interest: Itchy, Smelly Dog? Yeast Infection May Be the Problem http://healthypets.m...like-crazy.aspx
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