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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. Boronia


    I thought about him this morning WM, just out of the blue he popped into my head. I hope you are doing ok
  2. Me too Good onyer Devon! a Westie this year and a Scottie last year, how good is that!
  3. I wonder if Red Collar rescue in Biggenden would like them LG? Ams always spoke highly of Sharyn and Russell, they do good work. Here is the link to their web page http://redcollarrescue.org/ I also looked at one of their links to a dog food company: Ocean Forest Farm...it is the most irritating site...my eyes my eyes
  4. Yes! you are exactly right LG, that is why I asked the question her, it is just not quite right
  5. Thanks both of you, yes it was about the cats, the first part said: On 25 February 2016 Renbury Farm Animal Shelter put to sleep over 20 healthy cats and kittens. Well that is pretty bad but what else can they do if homes cannot be found. If anyone wants to read the whole message I suggest they Google Fairfield City Council : Independent audit of internal practices at Renbury Animal Shelter O Nooooo I just checked other headings in that Google search and PR facebook page is one of the petition sites...well that is a good reason not to sign :laugh:
  6. When he has his bath it helps to rinse him with a mixture of apple cider vinegar...(the Cornwell's brand will do) and warm water, I use about 1/2 cup of vinegar to about 2L of water, I just leave it on, don't rinse off Dip his feet into a cup of this mixture and swish them around, this will kill the yeast, he will probably lick his feet afterwards but this is good as it'll get some ACV into his system, if you use the non-pasteurised for the foot-wash it would be better as it is more beneficial. a dog's skin pH is more neutral than a human. The pH of dog's skin is about 7.5 where a human skin is about 5.5 on the standard pH scale from 0 to 14. (The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is). The dog shampoo and conditioner are fairly alkaline so the vinegar rinse can help 'up' the acid part of the pH and help kill off the yeast bugs
  7. Is he walking on the pavement on the way out but walking on the grass verge on the way home? I was thinking that perhaps the pavement is making his feet hot
  8. I received an email in my 'in box' (from a petition site) about Renbury Shelter. In part is written: we demand an independent audit to review the following aspects of Renbury Farm Animal Shelter operations. I can cut and paste the body of the email here leaving out the links to the petition site but I am unsure if it is allowed. I do have a question though: is Renbury is doing the right thing or is it lacking in its treatment and care of its dogs and cats? I am careful signing petitions as occasionally there are hidden agendas so I'd like to know some more details.
  9. In the Guardian this morning scroll down to close to the bottom http://www.theguardi...l-and-a-whippet here is a small version of it
  10. I got this mail-out from Blackmores this morning, it may be of interest PAW Fish Oil 500: Veterinary Strength http://www.pawbyblac...DMbJswLgOWBE%3D edited to add the title of the link
  11. I am sorry for your loss Isabel if you are going to get another dog perhaps contact Danielle at All Westie rescue http://www.allwestierescue.com/ Danielle is a good woman. and here is their facebook page if you would like a read https://www.facebook.com/All-Westie-Rescue-210408315642997/
  12. some clippers for sale on DOL Marketplace http://www.dogzonline.com.au/classifieds/forsale.asp?cat=2
  13. Happy Birthday Little Red Man doggie xxx's from Penny, Mac and Daisy
  14. My friend has been using it on her 18 month old Scottish terrier for a few months and it dawned on her the other day that he always scratches the day after. Her GSD is ok with it. She is now going back to Advantix for the little guy.
  15. is it my eyes or is the German Shorthaired Pointer a little chubby? and what type of dog is the very serious-looking small brown dog 12th photo from the bottom and lovely Skye Terrier and some scary looking woman there lol http://www.theguardian.com/sport/gallery/2016/feb/17/the-animals-of-the-westminster-kennel-club-dog-show-in-pictures
  16. So sorry Jules, you do love and take care of your dogs so well. What a lucky dog to have you to take care of her. Such a happy life Renae would have had at your place. She will always have a warm place in your heart. xxx
  17. Lovely dog Huski. She is amazing...what a credit to you. Happy Birthday Blaze
  18. A few weeks ago I was at the vets when a woman and her husband came in with a lovely standard poodle. They were there to say goodbye as her dog had collapsed from heart disease. They paid and left. My vet and the nurse carried the dog to the consult room. I was next to see the vet...she told me that the beautiful dog had to be euthanised, they gave her some liver teats and the nurse cuddled and talked to her while she went to a better place. My vet was moved as she had been treating her for some time. That lovely dog did pass over knowing she was loved and in someone’s arms. So your dogs can be treated with respect and love even though you are not there Isabel. I do like Working Dog Lover's solution though, it seems to be a gentle solution.
  19. Is that the photo of her not eating as she thinks you are trying to poison her DDD? Give her no-sugar home-made yoghurt then Willem will go away happy https://www.easiyo.com/easiyo-product-details/skimmers-unsweetened-yogurt.html or this one which is really yummy https://www.easiyo.com/easiyo-product-details/greek-unsweetened.html
  20. hahaha, this made me laugh She is so full of spit and vinegar I love the action photo!
  21. collect some tiger or lion wee T (surely you, if anyone, can get a bottle of this) just spray it on the grass...that'll keep them away
  22. I'm hoping it works in large quantities! My dog has been on chicken, rice and pumpkin the last 2 days and stole a takeaway container of bone broth off the bench. It was still frozen and he managed to eat 2/3 of it...he found it, stole it, opened it and ate it in the 15 mins I ducked out (and he's not a counter surfer as a rule). yep, he knows what is good for him! LOL
  23. If you are going to buy Turmeric the best place is Country Park Herbs http://www.countrypark.com.au/ has a high % of curcumin lovely deep ochre colour, not like supermarket stuff Westiemum put me on to this company, they are lovely to deal with. They are in NSW and Qld Remember, herbal/holistic remedies can help with (perhaps) slowing down cancers but in most cases are not a cure. Modern methods like surgery, chemo and radiation therapy (where the little ba$tards are blasted to oblivion) do get excellent results
  24. chicken bone (frames) broth has been known as an excellent aid for digestion in humans, my grandma used it when us kids were feeling seedy or had a cold. here is some info anyhow...the info on the right hand side of the Marcola page is the shortened version http://articles.merc...h-benefits.aspx eta I meant to include this link as well, read the section titled 'Nutritional facts and benefits of Bone Broth' http://divinehealthfromtheinsideout.com/2012/05/bone-broth-nutritional-facts-benefits/
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