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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. I know that Westie rescue were happy to take the nearly-full-bottle that I had left over, maybe contact your favourite rescue, I know that Puppypaws ( https://www.dolforums.com.au/profile/14416-puppypaws/) uses Vetmedin but she has a Shih Tzu so maybe not the ideal dosage (she does get hers made up by a compounding chemist as well)
  2. My three died in August last year, some days they don't visit my heart and then some days they all visit at once and I am gutted once again...not crying-gutted, just so sad. Thinking of you
  3. I am sorry your best buddy has passed away Madcat. If you Google 'Bull Mastiff Dog Urns Pet Cremation Urn For Ashes' there are some nice urns/boxes listed https://www.google.com.au/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=Bull+Mastiff+Dog+Urns+Pet+Cremation+Urn+For+Ashes+Xlarge&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=o0QnWcKfN-bc8weNi5eQAw
  4. woops, I also posted this in the 'News' DogsAndTheMob, never mind, between the two of us we should be able to get the message out
  5. This cat food has been taken off the shelves(Pet Stock) but just in case you have some left in your pantry ABC link has a video http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-05-20/weruva-best-feline-friend-cat-food-still-under-investigation/8540552 Weruva vows to stick with 'distressed families' as investigation continues into pet food and sick cats The founders of a US company behind a canned cat food brand removed from sale in Australia, after owners reported their pets becoming sick after consumption, have issued a video message to "families in distress". Key points: Best Feline Friend foods have been unavailable to buy in Australia since early May Tests of food underway following reports cats becoming seriously ill Pet Food Association of Australia and the Australian Veterinary Association also investigating It has been more than two weeks since cans of Weruva's Best Feline Friend (BFF) were pulled from shelves at Petbarn outlets over "potential product issues" and as a precaution, customers were warned to not feed it to their cats. Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) said it has received reports of sick cats displaying unusual neurological signs such as strange head or eye movements, wobbling, repeated circling or difficulty in walking since mid-April. Dozens of accounts have emerged on social media since, from pet owners claiming their cats becoming seriously ill after being fed a diet of BFF. Some said their cats were later euthanased. Testing is underway to find a possible link between BFF and the sick cats. Weruva founders David and Stacie Forman took to Facebook on Saturday to issue a message to "Australian families in distress" and promising to continue the investigation. "We just wanted you in Australia to know our hearts and all our thoughts are with you at this difficult time," Ms Forman said. "We're working tirelessly to get to the bottom of the issue we're facing right now." Photo: Best Feline Friend canned cat food have been off the shelves since early this month. (Facebook: Weruva Super Luxe Pet Food) Mr Forman said customers waiting for answers were right to feel frustrated. "We understand your frustration in Australia. You're out there in Australia and we're in the States. It does seem very far away but we are here for you as much as it may not seem that way," Mr Forman said. "You're looking for answers, you don't have answers. This can be very frustrating and confusing and you're right to feel that way. "We've asked you to be patient many times and we understand that's not what you want to hear, but we're working to get to the bottom of it." Tests focus on potential vitamin deficiency Mr Forman said initial tests showed heavy metals were not likely the problem, and that other tests were underway. "Further veterinary consultation has shown that thiamine deficiency may share many neurological symptoms with heavy metal toxicity," Mr Forman said. Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is a vitamin necessary for normal carbohydrate metabolism in cats. Important product advice from Weruva regarding Best Feline Friends (BFF) cat food. Please view the following URL link for details: https://goo.gl/Hgk8rL Stop feeding Best Feline Friends (BFF) and receive a refund in-store. If you have any concerns, please contact Weruva on 1800 108 382 or [email protected] Website Vetary says thiamine deficiency in cats is associated with vascular and neurological damage and can be a potentially life-threatening condition. AVA's head of policy and advocacy Melanie Latter said they have been looking into the matter in association with Weruva and Pet Food Association of Australia. "We continue to encourage Weruva to provide the AVA with analytical results to assist in our investigations," Dr Latter said. "This may enable us to provide vets with specific advice about treatment, and potentially help prevent more cases from occurring. We eagerly await these results." Dr Latter called for pet owners with cats exhibiting signs such as strange head or eye movements, wobbling, repeated circling or difficulty in walking to take them to their veterinarian for assessment. The AVA said it was unable to confirm how many reports of sick cats fed BFF they have received from veterinarians around the country. Topics: people, human-interest, brisbane-4000, australia Contact Patrick Williams
  6. My two's stomach-clocks say 5.00 is dinner-time, Henry is the one who is most insistent on this time, then he then wants to go to bed as soon as it gets dark, he was an outside dog that had a cubby to sleep in so I suppose dark-time meant sleep-time. He is still puzzled that we stay up so late...8.30 is so late for him. We do get up at 5.00 though.
  7. Pretty pretty dogs, the dark Hermione is a stunner!
  8. Woollies Homebrand Mackerel in spring water is a good cheap alternative to tuna (and is a more sustainable fish). Here is a piccie of the Mackerel in oil; the mackerel in water is similar in appearance. It costs around $1.70 Henry and Saffy think all their birthday's have come at once when I put it in their bowls
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/05/experience-my-dog-rescues-cats We needed a quick learner; one small enough to fit into the nooks and crannies cats hide in. Mostly, we needed a dog with no desire whatsoever to chase cats Colin Butcher 23.00 AEST 09.10 AEST Molly is the world’s first trained cat detection dog. Her job is to rescue missing moggies. We had been looking for a dog with a particular temperament and intelligence to join our team of pet detectives for 18 months. We had scouts out and had spoken to the country’s top breeders. We needed a quick learner; one small enough to fit into the nooks and crannies cats hide in. Mostly, we needed a dog with no desire whatsoever to chase cats. I came up with the idea in 2014. I had been doing the job for 20 years and my business, Pet Detectives, was getting around 30 calls a week about missing cats. When cats go to ground, they go into a comatose-like state and if they are not found quickly, within a fortnight, they often don’t survive after being rescued. One particular couple who called me had bought their cat after struggling to have children. We found it in a neighbour’s garden shed, but it later died. Seeing them so bereft was a tipping point for me. I worked in the police as a detective inspector for many years, and had seen dogs search for drugs and bombs and help with murder investigations. I figured, if a dog can be trained to find amphetamines, then it can be trained to find cats. We found Molly, an 18-month-old black-haired cocker spaniel, on Gumtree. She was a giveaway. The ad said: “Needs a good home, cannot cope.” If cocker spaniels are not stimulated they become uncontrollable. She had been passed from pillar to post and had three owners in under two years. I first met her in February 2016, at the home of Medical Detection Dogs, the charity that would help train her. We had already rejected 12 dogs without seeing them. Three others didn’t make it through initial training: one was too timid, one got car sick and the other was too inclined to chase. At first, Molly was anxious. But she had intelligent eyes and was a problem-solver. She was also hyper and fixated on catching tennis balls. She had the right temperament: a bright working dog from a breed with a natural disposition to search for game. We just had to channel that instinct into finding cats. She had to be “cat-tested”, so we took her to a farm with a dozen cats to see if she would chase them. She didn’t even bark. Her focus was on interacting with her handler.Her training took nine months with experts, including two doctors of canine behaviour. This had never been done before. She was a quick learner. The first phase was lab training, where we taught her to isolate scents. She then worked with a behavioural specialist who taught her to understand signals and commands. The final stage was teaching us to work together. On assignments, Molly is trained to pick up cats’ scents from their bedding. When she finds the missing cat, she lies down to signal success, so as not to scare them, but you can see her trembling with excitement. She gets rewarded with her super-treat: black pudding. Her first success was in February this year. A tri-coloured moggy had been sighted six miles from home on the roof of a garden shed. Molly quickly picked up her scent on the grass. I sent her across the back of 30 gardens until she started clawing at a fence. She charged across the lawn to a summer house and lay down. The cat was inside. The owners were over the moon and quite amazed by her. Molly has helped to rescue 11 cats so far, and our search success has increased by a third. She wears a fluorescent harness and has her own abseiling kit, which we once used to lower her over a 10ft wall. We’re getting special boots made to protect her feet in outbuildings where there may be nails or glass. Many people said that training a dog to rescue cats was crazy; that all dogs chased cats and it couldn’t be done. Nothing has felt quite so rewarding as seeing it work. People are fascinated when they watch Molly at work, but she’s not fussed. She still doesn’t know that those things with four legs that she searches for are called cats. To her, it is just her favourite game. • As told to Deborah Linton
  10. Hahaha LG, that is so true DDD just doesn't realise it yet... she has always been a little slow on the realisation of the inevitable
  11. For the first month or so the house smelt like a vinegar factory but Henry and I got there in the end. I had to explain to my neighbour what I was doing, she was looking at me strangely when I was down the yard saying 'good boy, clever dog' so often.
  12. Oi Oi; stop the talk and just post those Pebbles-photos right now Phil!
  13. Henry was entire when I got him, he marked on everything in the house. I made the effort to take him outside/downstairs every 1/2 hour or so. I also got him desexed a couple of months after buying him (he was terribly overweight and I was concerned with the anesthetic on a fat-porkie dog so he went on a diet until he shed 1.8kg) Henry grasped the concept of weeing outside though it took a couple of months, I think the desexing helped, I would have rather left him entire but he was 10 so I decided that he had tempted the testicular/prostate cancer nasties for enough years so we said bye bye to his boy-bits. Overall he would have taken 3-4 months for his brain to say 'hang on, it's outside I go' Poo wasn't much of a problem as he would do that on his walks. I gave him heaps of praise when we went downstairs and did his wee; treat them as you would a pup, takes a while but does work. When it comes down to it the only thing they want to do is make you happy with them.
  14. That made me laugh Sars...they would soon find out what the ribbon meant when they went round the back
  15. My vet suggested I give some fish oil capsules to Henry, she said one capsule daily. Henry weighs 8.5kg. I also give him a smidgen of vitamin E powder (old Dogz topic below is informative)
  16. The video won't embed (I don't quite know what happened) so here is the link http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-23/irish-terriers,-the-little-red-dogs-that-went-to-war/8442204 Irish terriers, the little red dogs that went to war By Simon Royal Posted Sun at 10:32am Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek. Video: Irish terriers' tenacity and energy put to work in WWI (ABC News) Map: Adelaide 5000 The Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca had his elephants, and a war with Rome. Alexander the Great had his horse, Bucephalus, and a vast empire. Simpson had his donkey at Gallipoli, and the admiration of a nation. And in the muddy, gore-filled trenches of WWI, if a humble soldier was lucky, he may have shared digs with a ginger-haired Irish terrier. Long-time Irish terrier owner Shylie Davidson said such a soldier would have counted themselves fortunate. "They are wonderful company," Ms Davidson said. "I would have thought to have an Irish around on the front line would have just been their saviour. "They are tough, but they also have just so much empathy." Both sides used dogs throughout WWI, particularly in the trenches of France and Belgium. Photo: War dogs take a break with soldier. (Supplied) The breeds selected, unsurprisingly, reflected a certain nationalism: the Germans used German shepherds and pinschers, while the English (and their allies) sought collies, Airedales, Irish terriers and Welsh terriers. And even in class-conscious Britain, being less than purebred wasn't an impediment, at least if you were a dog. Mutts that showed promise were routinely recruited from stray dog homes. Terriers 'easily taught' duties Britain's dog training program was overseen by Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Richardson, who along with his wife Blanche Bannon had recognised the military value of dogs early on. The dogs were trained as sentries and guard dogs. Photo: Irish terriers Pat, Fergus and Connor play with a toy in Adelaide. (ABC News: Simon Royal) One of the most critical roles though, in an age before widespread electronic communication, was to carry messages between the trenches and back to command headquarters. After the war in 1920, Richardson wrote about his methods and observations in a book, British War Dogs. He wasn't a fan of retrievers, unless they had a "strong cross of collie or sheep dog in them". Airedales were considered excellent all-rounders. And the Lieutenant Colonel spoke glowingly of the Airedale's smaller terrier relatives. "It must be admitted, however, many of our best dogs were Irish terriers and Welsh terriers," he wrote. "These little fellows were remarkably easily taught, and were tremendously keen on their work." Irish terriers also proved to be excellent rat catchers. The rodents found the trenches much to their liking, breeding in huge numbers, adding to the miserable conditions for soldiers. Photo: Lieutenant Colonel Edwin Richardson wrote a book about training the dogs. (ABC News: Simon Royal) The Irish did have one drawback: the friendliness that made them such good company. Richardson wrote it was a characteristic that made them less than diligent messenger dogs. "They are fond of greeting friends … old, new and imaginary!" None of this comes as a surprise to Ms Davdison, who describes her Irish terrier Finn as having a richer social life than she does. "Finn definitely has more friends than I do, both two-legged and four-legged," Ms Davidson said. "They are the most outgoing sociable dogs … they are just lovely engaging dogs." The soldiers thought so too.
  17. better edit your post and rename that dog a poodle x or a Maltese x Phil, there is no such dog called a moodle...you will get hammered here for that faux pas
  18. Yes, I wonder so often where my brain is/what was I thinking as I always get much older dogs; they speedily oldie-wriggle right to the centre of your heart
  19. here ya go http://www.victoriandogrescue.org.au/dogs-for-adoption/oriel-maltese.html
  20. there is Ziggy featured on the Chinese Crested FB page https://www.facebook.com/nohairsark/ and Lincoln http://www.victoriandogrescue.org.au/dogs-for-adoption/lincoln-maltese.html edited to mention there are two Borzoi's for adoption...WTF, how did they ever get there!
  21. maybe it's worth contacting these Tibbie breeders https://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/mature/tibetan-spaniel.asp or this sweetie https://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/mature/dachshund-miniature-long-haired.asp and two really neat little dogs here https://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/mature/pekingese.asp Pekingese are neat dogs; they are much smarter than you
  22. Well that is just not up to scratch SM, I would be disappointed as well. there are some lovely ones here though https://www.etsy.com/au/c/pet-supplies/urns-and-memorials/pet-urns I like this one except it's large https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/469404406/large-remembrance-wooden-pet-urn?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=&ref=sr_gallery_9
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