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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. I can't find any Dandie's either
  2. I think some of the DOLers suggested using a children's detangler. When I first bought Saffy I used 'Argon oil Heat Protecting Spray' that I bought at the Reject shop, it worked pretty well. If the dog has knots and matts don't bath him before you groom as it'll just compound the problem and it'll be impossible to get them out.
  3. link here https://countrypark.com.au/st-marys-thistle/ they have cheap postage; $8.55 for up to 20kg
  4. Thanks WM and thanks to everyone for your kind words, your understanding helps so much. Last Sunday I drove past the turn-off to the little beach where I took her for her last walk, I had this awful wave of grief; for Saffy as well as Pen, Mac and Daisy. They are forever in our hearts
  5. Poor wee boy So sorry I'm glad all is well with the others and Mummy-Phoebe
  6. I typed in 'basset puppy gumtree' https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-basset+hounds/k0?sort=rank
  7. Cheap tick stuff here http://www.ovedshorseandpetstore.com.au/dog
  8. yep, get the dental, your dog will feel much better and will probably put on weight afterwards. Penny had a dental at 16 and Mac had his canine tooth removed at 15, they were both put on a drip after and recovered ok. The swf must be feeling really crappy with her sore teeth and despite her having a heart murmur she should cope with the operation; your vet knows about the heart murmur and anesthetics are pretty good so if your vet recommends the op it means that she/he is confident.
  9. I am so sorry CG. Big hugs from one who knows
  10. Here are the details of the COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF WA, contact them and find out when the next show (that will include Cockers) is on (hopefully near you). Introduce yourself and talk to the breeders and owners. You will find that they are happy to talk to you about their dogs and will most likely help you find a pup. http://www.dogswest.com/dogswest/Clubs-Single_Breed_Clubs-Cocker_Spaniel_Club_of_WA.htm November show http://www.dogswest.com/dogswest/Events-November-Cocker_Spaniel_Club_of_WA_Championship__Open_Show_12_November.htm Events http://www.dogswest.com/dogswest/Events.htm
  11. Last week Saffy went to Dog-Heaven. She is just not here anymore and the space she took up is just empty of her happiness. We fought that bloody cancer but it beat us in the end. She had fried egg and yogurt for breakfast and on the way to her favourite treat-giving vet we stopped off and took a walk on the beach where she barked at a slow-moving ibis and a fat Caviler. She ripped into the dish of dried liver treats at the vets, then we had cuddles and eye-strokes while she just went away to a place where her head didn't hurt any more. I miss your little tail stuck up when you are in your full-of-yourself-I'm-guarding-the-house mode, your poking your nose into everyone's business and your paw on my arm reminder that we haven't finished your ear scratches yet. It is so empty here. Henry is missing following you, he is having trouble thinking for himself. Enjoy your time with Penny, Mac and Daisy as well as WM's Mac, DDD's little Red dog and all the other neat besties that have gone from here xxx from your Sad Hooman
  12. I have camped there as well as the nearly-next creek, Poona creek, (the next creek is Sandfly Creek I think...a particularly apt name) we camped on the opposite side of the creek to Poona itself, you need to wend your way through the forestry, we only caught some Moses perch and got grounded on the sandbanks :-D it is so pretty, the Coastal Cyprus are just lovely
  13. Ha, I can see mangroves and sandy-mud, where is that photo taken? and... that is one happy dog!
  14. Sugar-free yoghurt may be ok but I would stay away from the yakult as... (I have cut & pasted this info from another site) If you look at the ingredient label of the industries most popular probiotic drink, you will see that it contains 11.4g of sugar per 65ml serve (this is 17.5g per 100ml). There 'Light' version contains 7.1g of sugar per 65ml serve (10.9g per 100ml). Yakult Yakult Light Sugar per 65ml serve 11.4g 7.1g Sugar per 100ml 17.5g 10.9g Not a good idea to include sugars for upset tums, 11.4g sugar is 2.9tsp
  15. I am sorry Perry's Mum, you have had a tough time lately Old dogs leaving us... sigh
  16. This is a no-brainer (for me anyway!) http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-16/the-benefits-of-adopting-older-dogs/8811918 Adopting older dogs brings wisdom and love ABC Radio Hobart By Paul McIntyre Posted yesterday at 12:07pm Photo: Adopting an older dog can give them a new lease on life. (Supplied: Kate Esser) Related Story: Elderly pooches find 'forever' homes with retirees Related Story: Kelpie lovers beware, your own Red Dog comes with hard work Related Story: Retired greyhounds enter slow lane as nursing homes' latest residents When Kate Esser decided to get a companion for her dog, she thought an older friend would be a better fit than an overactive puppy. Ms Esser adopted Nellie, a wirehaired terrier, and began what has become somewhat of a mission to give elderly canines a loving home for the last years of their lives. Photo: Kate Esser says she gets more out of adopting older dogs than the dogs probably do. (Supplied: Kate Esser) "For me an old dog starts at seven years old," she said. Since adopting Nellie is 2008, Ms Esser has given a home to five older rescue dogs, her latest adoptee being a white and tan Staffordshire jack russell called Dorothy. "Dorothy is nearly 13 and extremely relaxed about things. She's incredibly patient," Ms Esser said. Older dogs can often be overlooked in rescue shelters, with people assuming they have been given up due to problem behaviour or just preferring the cuteness of a young puppy. Photo: Dorothy the jack russell was one of Ms Esser's older adopted dogs. (Supplied: Kate Esser) "Often old dogs are in a pound because their owners have died or gone into care," Ms Esser said. "Usually within a couple of weeks I can see what their idiosyncrasies are. "Dogs are like people — every dog is different and within a couple of weeks you understand what the dog is like and what their needs are." Tips for adopting an older dog First make sure you have time for a dog. Puppies and older dogs need exercise and interaction each day. As dogs get older, trips to the vet can increase. Can you afford to look after an older dog if it needs medication or operations? Some older dogs may have bad habits they formed with their previous owner. You will need patience and time to retrain them. If you already have pets you will need to know how that older dog behaves around other animals. Teaching old dogs new tricks Ms Esser said she had learned that older dogs found it easier to adapt to their new home compared with puppies. "They're incredibly easy to train as they just want to please," Ms Esser said. "My one message is you can teach an old dog new tricks — many, many new tricks." Photo: The owners of rescue dogs found in shelters have often died or gone into care. (Supplied: Kate Esser) While an older dog may be easier to train and less hassle than an energetic puppy, there is the downside that the death of an old dog comes much sooner. "You know that upfront," Ms Esser said. "You accept it, you have a cry and you reflect on how happy you made them and how good the end of their life was." Ms Esser said though she cried at the death of each of her old pals, she still got more from having them in her life. "I probably get more out of it than the old dogs."
  17. I am so sorry Flashsmum. Have fun over the bridge beautiful Whitney
  18. what interest? you will be lucky to get 2.5% so at $30 p/w and if deposited $30 into your account first you will have $1560 plus $19 interest and compounded it will make the total $1609.00 Doesn't go far (though it's better than delving into your household savings) Don't rely on the interest to boost your savings, it's pretty well non-existent...interest does not roll in
  19. did you find them DDD? I found this in case you didn't https://www.toegrips.com/local-retailers/#International
  20. Check out this page as well, you can do on-line quotes to give you an idea of costs, all the companies on the page have the same underwriter (Hollards) but each company has different features and costs http://www.petsure.com.au/PetInsurance/BestPetInsurance
  21. Yes PL, thank you, I did know of that RSPCA info but it is still just advice/recommendation 'RSPCA Australia considers the minimum acceptable age for a puppy to be removed from the mother dog for adoption or purchase to be 8 weeks of age'. I had another hunt round and it seems that governments are saying 'Guidelines' and 'Minimum Standards' and Code of Practice' but not stating that it is illegal to sell a pup under 8 weeks of age
  22. A little off topic but; Is it definitely illegal? or is it only a recommendation, I can't find the government law saying it's illegal so if someone could post the relevant link it'd be great.
  23. What type of dog is he? the reason I'm asking is that if he has heaps of hair between his pads (like my Westies do) it needs to be cut right back so his paw pads touch the ground instead of slippery hair, if you do that as well as clip his nails as Maddy suggests it will help.
  24. I posted on 30th June in this topic DDD, maybe ask your vet to change ear medications, perhaps worth a go
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