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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. What are you feeding your dog? a list of what he is getting would be most helpful also what flea/tick regime are you using? also is he lying in cool grassy areas? check for paspalum and/or wandering Jew also what shampoo? That should keep you busy for a while, we are here to help but we must have more info also a photo of him is mandatory
  2. An update (it's been about a month since I first posted) She hadn't calmed down much and her barking was driving me nuts but there must have been a good fairy controlling things as I had gone to a garage sale and bought a citronella bark collar ages ago, given it to a friend who hadn't used it so got it back to try. If I put it on the normal way it would pssst the spray under her chin, which would be ok I suppose but I put it on upside down so it would not be so traumatic...well it worked a doozy! She was startled the first few times but the amazing thing seems to be that she has realised doesn't HAVE to bark. I only put it on for a few hours each day for three days and we have gone a week now with the bark collar only worn once in that time. She is heaps calmer though still walks round and round the lounge-room/dining room while we are having tea so I pop a lead on her and hook the end to the leg of her dog-bed so she has to lie on it. OH's treat-throwing seems to be doing the job also, treat of choice seems to be medallions of carrot that have been cooked in chicken gravy (though I wish he'd put them outside on the veranda rather than the lounge-room floor wipe up the mess yourself you bugger) and cheese of course. There is still a way to go as she won't take the treats out of his hand or go to him yet but she is becoming calmer and even walks past the door underneath the house on her own so the 'tiny steps' seem to be working.
  3. send your friend this article that Thistle posted in In The News topic. I'm not impressed that the three boys are not caring for their mother's peace of mind considering she is frightened of the dog, not good enough!
  4. some info here https://draxe.com/activated-charcoal-uses/ and here https://www.cuteness.com/article/cure-pet-gas-yogurt http://www.dogchatforum.com/dog-fart-prevention.htm
  5. I will take the risk and buy some more roo (I may just buy the more expensive from Woollies as I can buy in a small amount) and add yoghurt and a little charcoal and see how that goes. I thought of the 50/50 Scottsmum but was trying to stick with the one protein source as I had previously fed him with the roo + a little grain-free kibble occasionally and that didn't help slow down his stinkies. I included the occasional kibble to make sure he was picking up any vitamins/minerals that he may have been missing out on, I feed raw meat/raw vegie slops with ACV/ground millet/linseed. The Westies did well on this
  6. I had thought of that as well Rebanne, I keep some here for when they have upset tummies. I also read that plain yoghurt is helpful
  7. I used to feed the dogs roo mince but stopped buying it after running out of the last 16kg, Henry's stinkin' farts would strip the paint off the walls, they were silent farts, wafting round the house, for a while we thought we had problems with the Biolytix water treatment plant not working properly...well no, it was Henry. The dogs did do well weight-wise with the roo mince but since I changed their diet to BARF and Country Barf Henry had put on weight again, he is a porkie-pig, he has also started licking his paws and a 'hot spot' appeared on his thigh (which I treated and is now dry) Sooo my question is; what can I mix with the roo mince to stop Henry's gas-works? keep in mind that I usually buy a 16kg box, so please, answers need to be tried-and-true So much stink can come from this small body! thought I'd also add this photo of him lying in his bed...fartin'
  8. she follows me readily if I have her on a lead, it's a pity there are no rats in those boxes; no need for treats if there is rat-smell or rat-scuffling noises
  9. It may be just too scary for her as when you go under the house it is divided into two rooms, one large and the other small, the large area is full of shelving as well as the work-bench and honestly there is just sooo much crap associated with his Coastcare stuff...I mean boxes of stuff as well as heaps of 'Clean Up Australia' bags used for the group who have just finished cleaning up CobbyCobby island https://www.facebook.com/SMBICoastCare/ the smaller is his office and you get to that by wending your way past the shelving and associated cr@p sigh...
  10. OH is here most of the time, he has his office under the house where he does all his Coastcare/bushcare stuff as well as at his work bench making automatic proximity cameras to take photos of the rare little water mice at selected feed stations (O/T but so far only has photos of ibis!) so he comes upstairs fairly often. She sits on the back landing waiting until she hears him moving then starts with woof......woof....woof and then starts her woofwoofwoofwoof when she sees him and trots into the lounge room and looks at him from the (safety?) of the opened front sliding door, if that's closed she will peek around the arm chairs. He does talk to her but is now trying the ignore method, she is definitely not so bad as last week but it's still is a pain. I will try the 'lets all sit on the sofa together and watch TV' method tonight. She has this odd quirk; when I sneeze, cough or blow my nose she comes running over and will jump on my lap so perhaps I will ask OH will start sniffing and blowing his nose. I am finding it rather awkward as OH wouldn't hurt a fly and dogs like him so he may become paranoid with her antics. The hail-storm of dry cat food seems to be working as a distraction. She also is carefully watching when he pats and fusses over Henry and calls him a good dog. She doesn't run away down the front stairs anymore but if the sliding door is open she will go out to the veranda and keep a watchful eye on what is going on inside.
  11. ok J, I'll get ready with the hail-storm of treats though it may be interpreted as rewards for barking time will tell I suppose edited to add that I don't forcibly put her in in the pantry-room, I open the door and say 'in you go' and she walks in. She is probably spending her time licking Henry's place mat where he has his bone
  12. She is gradually settling in though is still barking so yesterday I tried the 'time out' method...we have walk-in room that I use as a pantry/broom cupboard/vacuum cleaner home; shelves along one side and plenty of space, it's 3m long and 1m wide (it was originally the room for a toilet so that'll give you an idea of size) Henry has his chicken frame in there as it gives him time to eat it in peace (Saffy used to take it from him) sooo when she started her barking I popped her in there for five minutes, she stopped immediately anyway. I don't have room for a crate for 'time out' so the pantry is the next best thing. This method seems to be working fairly successfully but I am concerned it may be cruel and cause her some psychological damage. I found that with giving new homes to much older dogs, most of which were not house-trained, the best method for training was to start at the 'training a puppy' stage, it works well. What do you trainers think? Is the 5 minutes 'time out' acceptable?
  13. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-04/dog-lovers-unleash-their-artistic-side-for-poochibald-art-prize/9012116 Poochibald Art Prize unleashes artistic talent and celebrates all good dogs ABC Radio Hobart By Carol Rääbus Posted about an hour ago Photo: Anna Williams' winning portrait in linocut in the centre on display at the Schoolhouse Gallery. (ABC Radio Hobart: Carol Rääbus) Basil is a good boy and his pawtrait is this year's winner of the Poochibald Art Prize. The award is Clarence City Council's take on the Archibald Prize, with less prize money but more pats. Photo: They're all good dogs, Brent. All hounds are welcome at the Poochibald. (Supplied: Clarence City Council) Each year children and adults unleash their talent and celebrate doggos in all their glory. This year saw 110 drawings, paintings, prints, linocuts and collages of dogs of all shapes and sizes hung on the walls of the Schoolhouse Gallery in Rosny. Photo: Anna Williams with her dog, Cloudy. (Supplied: Anna Williams) Anna Williams claimed the adult category first place prize of a $300 gift voucher with her linocut portrait of her niece's dog Basil. "I chose him because of his brindle coat and his brown and black patches," Ms Williams told Jo Spargo on ABC Radio Hobart. She said for a linocut to work, the subject needed plenty of colour variation which was one reason why she chose Basil the blue heeler over her own dog Cloudy. "Basil is very attractive and young," she said. Photo: It's hard to walk through the gallery without a few "aws" being said. (ABC Radio Hobart: Carol Rääbus) "Cloudy is elderly, growing a few lumps and some hair in the wrong places and I love her dearly — I think she's beautiful but I don't think other people would." Ms Williams is a ceramist by trade but was encouraged to enter the portrait competition by a friend. "I do ceramics to teach and make my money that way," she said. Photo: Liam Ludlow won the junior section with his painting of Azzie Bear (left). (ABC Radio Hobart: Carol Rääbus) "But I love drawing and linocuts, that's my hobby, what I really enjoy doing." While the Poochibalds offer prizes for first and second place in the adult and junior categories, the real aim of the art show is to bring dog and art lovers together. The entries are on display until Sunday in the Schoolhouse Gallery at Rosny Farm from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Photo: The love of all doggos and puppies is the main driving force behind most of the artwork. (ABC Radio Hobart: Carol Rääbus) Photo: A portrait in a pawtrait in the adult section. (ABC Radio Hobart: Carol Rääbus) Photo: There are 110 artworks on display, from 36 adult artists and the rest by students of various ages. (ABC Radio Hobart: Carol Rääbus)
  14. there was a husband in her previous place and I don't think he was a threat.
  15. She ate some little bits of cheese that OH tossed behind him while he was sitting in his chair, she wouldn't take them while he was looking but snuck up and made a dash for the bits when he looked away. This is a tiny bit of progress as she wouldn't even touch the cheese two days ago when she was convinced that he had covered it in poison.
  16. we will try that tonight J and will be keeping an eye on quantity as she is DoggieMcFatBum
  17. We have had her for two weeks. 7.5 y/o desexed female terrier. barks at my OH when he comes inside...wooobarkbarkbark as soon as she hears him coming she starts with her wooo (like this photo from Google Images) then barks. barkbarkbarkbarkbark she keeps a watch at the door to keep a look-out for him coming up the steps won't eat the bones he gives her but will eat them if I give them to her she won't walk nicely on the lead with him if I don't come as well...she just ploughs ahead as if she is trying to get away. She is marginally better than when she first arrived here but I feel that she should be used to him by now. Any ideas that may help would be appreciated
  18. https://mypolice.qld.gov.au/southbrisbane/2017/09/25/dog-ingests-poison-teneriffe/ QPS Media on Sep 25, 2017 @ 2:21pm Dog eats rat poison smeared with peanut butter in Brisbane park Police are asking people to be vigilant in the Teneriffe area after a dog ingested poison yesterday. A woman attended the Fortitude Valley Police Station yesterday and reported to she had been walking in Teneriffe Park with her dog. The dog appeared to have something in its mouth and the woman then pulled a half-eaten object from its mouth. It is believed that the item was a rat poison tablet which had had peanut butter smeared on it. The dog was taken to a vet for treatment and is recovering. Anyone who has seen anything unusual or suspicious in the area is being urged to contact police. You can also call the RSPCA Cruelty Complaints Hotline on 1300 852 188. If you believe your animal has ingested any poison, you should seek veterinary treatment immediately.
  19. Her feet aren't to bad though her hair is cut short on them. I am gradually changing her diet from Advance+chicken frame/necks to a barf based diet with vegie slops (with acv) bones, yogurt and ground millet/rosehip/linseed mix plus some other beneficial herbs as well as a tooth-brushing each day. The Westies do well on this and their yeast-problems disappeared so I may as well give Zara the same
  20. I thought the rabbit/guinea pig waterer would be ok Mjosa but decided against it as dog's seem to like lapping up their water with gusto, it may be a little slow going for after walk drinking
  21. Thanks RP, I have to go to Bunnings tomorrow so I'll have a look then. There are also these Tassie-suggested Road Refresher bowls, they may be worth buying to see of the top will fit a stainless or glass bowl instead of the plastic https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_odkw=Road+Refresher&_sop=15&_osacat=1281&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.TRS0&_nkw=Road+Refresher&_sacat=1281 they may work better than the Cruiser bowls as they have a float that sits on the surface of the water and under the lid, as Dogzfevr said; Cruiser's are ok for traveling and keeping ears dry but not beards
  22. I decided to lash out on a Slopper Stopper, there are some GC second hand/shop demo ones on Amazon for just over $25 US but it appears they don't post to Oz https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B009VNMP50/ref=olp_page_1 I am very cross now sigh...
  23. Whew! I saw you had updated and had feared the worst What a relief
  24. Does anyone know of a stainless steel option for a drinking bowl? Zara gets her beard soaking wet when she drinks and it'll only encourage yeast to inhabit it. I also find that I need to put in fresh water every time she drinks as the bowl has hooglies floating round in it. Something like this but in stainless and not too OTT price-wise https://www.amazon.com/Slopper-Stopper-Dripless-Water-Bowl/dp/B009VNMP50 her little beard is already stained
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