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Everything posted by Boronia

  1. Boronia


    I am so sorry Rebanne
  2. link to Queensland Lost Pet Register Inc - QLPR here
  3. lovely photos LG, he looks like a real goof +
  4. ABC just posted this https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-28/molly-the-magpie-peggy-the-staffy-have-premier-in-their-corner/103645134
  5. It was also on the news, Premier Steven Miles had some good stuff to say, video here in this 7News linkie https://7news.com.au/news/queensland-premier-steven-miles-weighs-after-instagram-star-molly-the-magpie-seized-c-14108682
  6. there was 60+ Westies there last time, it was a sea of white with sticky-up tails. Most of the little ferals got on though there was a couple that should have visiting a psychiatrist beforehand. We raised over $1500
  7. Yes I know that the vet work gets right up there, some of the wee white westie-dugs are in shocking shape when they arrive at rescue and the cost paid by their new owners doesn't come within cooee of those costs, there is a fund-raiser picnic this weekend which is always fun. a winner may even receive a lucky door (I hope I win...need a new door)
  8. I carry a can of personal insect repellent (well I live in a mangrove-surrounded midgee and mossie area so have an excuse) so any dogs that rush at us firstly get a spray in front of them and if that doesn't work they get one in the face, I don't care at all that the rushing dog is having trouble drawing in air, they certainly don't try it on again. This is my friend---->
  9. Yes, as PL and PK say, the first stop is the vet where (most likely) you'll get antibiotics and anti-itch medication (most likely Apoquil) the ears will be checked and you'll get drops, my bad-skin Westies (I get oldies from Westie rescue) have all gone through this regime. Many owners jump to food allergies which do have a contribution to this affliction but it's not all the problem, it has usually stemmed from a long-term not-optimum diet rather than an allergy, some dog breeds are more susceptible to a refined diet especially a diet containing cereals (Westies are a one of these breeds, so are some Staffies), many dogs do really well on store bought kibble and thrive and are healthy. Have a hunt around on-line for a simple raw diet that you can make yourself...don't get carried away otherwise it'll cost you a fortune, my lot get bones, raw meat and frozen mixed veg that has been whizzed in the food processor and Vets All Natural Complete mix (there is one for sensitive skin) their chicken intake is minimal. What breed is your dog?
  10. and maybe join this FB group, there are some that are really helpful and some not so much Australian Dog And Show Discussions
  11. Sealyhams and Scottish terriers, just love them but I can't justify the cost of buying one so instead I have feral Westies (thank you Westie Rescue) and a smoochy Dandie
  12. The last part of this link states: The court heard the dog was bought off Gumtree for $500 and was advertised as a purebred American Staffy. The Sydney-based breeder told police he capped the price as he understood a sale over that amount would mean it would need to be done through a registered breeder with documentation. The breeder said the dog's parents were bought independently, also from Gumtree, and also not from a registered breeder. Is that a new law that pups that are sold more than $500 mean the seller needs to be a registered breeder?
  13. I feel that by asking here you do know what you need to do and, unfortunately, pretty shortly from what you have written. As he is a GSP he will have more brains than your average dog so he'll know he's doing a poo where, in his heyday, he would never do, his hips will be hurting and the fact that he is eating well and trundling round the garden don't make up for his just feeling so bad physically and mentally I think his time has come and really feel for you as that last goodbye just sucks big time B xx
  14. My mistake! Thank you for correcting me, and I won’t let it happen again
  15. Thank you for your polite and kindly-meant reply @coneye it certainly shows what I know...not much apparently. Oh by the way, one thing that I do know is that the apostrophe goes between the n and the t as it replaces the letter 'o' in the word not.
  16. Courts don't add more on if a person is a bit of a tool Coneye, imagine the amount of appeals that would ensure. I think Sandrake has gotten our advice now so maybe just lay off and let him make up his own mind
  17. I watched the last episode on Sunday Perse, it was good to see where Lucky found his forever home and he couldn't have found a better one! Frank Finger is the best
  18. just one with puppies in WA https://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/puppies/australian-shepherd.asp?state=wa
  19. For goodness sake just pay the fine, your dog was outside your premises and not under control, he ran across the road towards another dog. You are 100% responsible so put on your big-boy boots and own your mistake and don't let it happen again. Uncontrolled dogs are a menace and make the ordinary just-taking-my-dog-for-a-walk time from a pleasurable exercise into a fearful excursion.
  20. join this facebook group and let the admin know the web address of the bogus transport company, members of the group can offer suggestions on retrieving your funds (sometimes you are lucky) https://www.facebook.com/groups/666467654086008 Puppy SCAM Awareness Australia (PSAA)
  21. @Ben111, I had a look on-line and this company came up, they do aggressive dog boarding, I have no idea what they are like so you'd best have a hunt around for reviews. https://elitek9resort.com/ Can your breeder possibly board your dog for short periods?
  22. some reviews mrs.hoover 1.0 out of 5 stars Waste of money! Don’t buy Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 January 2024 Colour Name: 1pc YellowVerified Purchase Total waste of money! . Lesson learned. Doesn’t really get much hair from cats and the steam did not work at all, even when charged overnight. One person found this helpful Harshani Ranawaka 5.0 out of 5 stars Great item! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 15 January 2024 Colour Name: 1pc YellowVerified Purchase It removes loose fur very well. My cats love it MRS P SILVIO 2.0 out of 5 stars Grooming brush Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 January 2024 Colour Name: 1pc YellowVerified Purchase Works but my cat is scared of the steam sarahlouise811 1.0 out of 5 stars Faulty Reviewed in Australia on 2 January 2024 Colour Name: AVerified Purchase Item does not function even when fully charged. Threw it out without even one use!
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