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  1. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1010406273751301
  2. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/62017-Post-Vaccinal-Distemper-in-Puppies-and-Vanguard-Plus-5?fbclid=IwY2xjawJAI4dleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHerjU2zeiqIhUyXqLd8L_AZ3uq8pBMzVuZimRxupXlPm-AML5ce04pVQww_aem_ITQRrv6GWtrfuxruLA-I-Q ACVM Alert Notification 24-001 Post-Vaccinal Distemper in Puppies and Vanguard Plus 5 Reported Cases of Post-Vaccinal Canine Distemper in Puppies A very small number of reports have recently been received by New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) confirming the occurrence of vaccine-associated canine distemper in New Zealand puppies following vaccination with Vanguard Plus 5 (ACVM Registration Number A007448). There have been no similar reports received for older dogs after vaccination. This is new information regarding this vaccine that was not known at the time the product was originally registered. In April 2024, NZFS received a report of a puppy presenting to a veterinarian with clinical signs consistent with distemper after a litter of four were vaccinated with Vanguard Plus 5 eight days earlier. The puppy was euthanised the next day after its condition progressed. A second puppy from the same litter developed clinical signs on the second day and was also euthanised. Post-mortem examination confirmed the presence of encephalitis consistent with distemper, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing confirmed the presence of only the canine distemper virus (CDV) strain present in Vanguard Plus 5. Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining results are still pending for this case. In 2022, NZFS received a total five reports of distemper in puppies that had been vaccinated with Vanguard Plus 5 days to weeks before presenting with clinical signs of disease. Some of the pups initially presented with non-specific signs of ill health including lethargy, pyrexia, vomiting, diarrhoea and/or respiratory distress with some presenting with neurological signs immediately or developing over time. None of the pups were described as having hyperkeratosis of the nose and foot pads typical of natural infection. All affected puppies were euthanised, with post-mortem examination and testing confirming encephalitis consistent with distemper and the presence of CDV. Genome sequencing performed on virus recovered from two of the five puppies detected only the CDV strain present in the Vanguard Plus 5, with insufficient samples available to test this in the remaining three pups. There are four other canine vaccines registered in New Zealand, which contain different CDV antigens to Vanguard Plus 5. These are Nobivac DHP (ACVM Reg. No. A005526), Nobivac Puppy DP (ACVM Reg. No. A006018), Nobivac DHPPI (ACVM Reg. No. A006257), and Canigen DHA2PPI (ACVM Reg. No. A007374). What is Canine Distemper? Canine distemper is a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease of dogs. Once a dog is infected, the virus spreads rapidly within the animal and weakens the immune system. The clinical signs of distemper usually include: • Pyrexia • Lethargy and inappetence • Respiratory signs, including nasal discharge and pneumonia • Gastrointestinal (GI) signs, including vomiting and diarrhoea • Neurological signs, including muscle twitching, circling, proprioception abnormalities, and seizures resulting from encephalitis • Hyperkeratosis of the nose and foot pads, following natural infection Distemper is diagnosed by evaluation of the clinical signs and PCR testing to confirm the presence of CDV. Post-mortem confirmation is done to confirm the presence of encephalitis and IHC staining of formalin-fixed tissues to recover CDV. IHC is considered to be a sensitive and specific method of demonstrating viral antigen in tissue, and consequently definitive confirmation of the cause of disease. All cases of canine distemper are significant to New Zealand. This is because CDV is considered likely to be absent from New Zealand, due to extensive vaccination, while the virus is widespread around the world. This has led to canine distemper being made a notifiable disease under the Biosecurity Act 1993, which means that any suspected cases of distemper must be reported to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). Its status as a notifiable disease also means every case of distemper is investigated thoroughly to determine the source of infection, placing New Zealand in a unique position to distinguish vaccine-associated distemper from cases caused by “wild” virus. All multivalent canine vaccines registered for use in New Zealand contain an attenuated strain of distemper virus in addition to parvovirus +/- adenovirus +/- parainfluenza virus. NZFS have received no reports of vaccine-associated canine distemper for any vaccine other than Vanguard Plus 5. What should veterinarians do? This alert is being provided to ensure veterinarians can make informed decisions regarding the choice of vaccine to use in their patients because vaccination remains an important component of managing canine health in New Zealand. Vaccination against distemper is credited with creating the current non-endemic status of the disease in New Zealand, and provides important protection for dogs against parvovirus, which is endemic, and infectious canine hepatitis, which continues to be sporadically diagnosed. Veterinarians are reminded to remain vigilant for any potential cases of distemper. If you suspect your patient may be showing signs of distemper, contact MPI on 0800 80 99 66. Additional information regarding notifiable disease notification can be accessed online. Veterinarians are also reminded of the importance of reporting all adverse events to the registrant of the product and/or directly to NZFS. Adverse event reporting is vital to identifying issues associated with veterinary medicine use, and NZFS’s ability to prevent future events from occurring. Information on the adverse event reporting programme, including how to report an adverse event, can be found here. What are the next steps? MPI is continuing to investigate these cases and working with Zoetis New Zealand on its investigations to fully elucidate the circumstances surrounding the development of vaccine- associated distemper in these cases. NZFS is also reviewing the conditions of Vanguard Plus 5’s registration to determine if any changes are required. NZFS will update this alert with any additional relevant information as soon as it is available. NZFS will continue to keep the veterinary sector informed on progress as more information becomes available. For questions arising in the meantime, please contact New Zealand Food Safety at [email protected]. ISSUED BY: Dr Jenni Doyle Acting Manager, ACVM Programmes & Appraisals, Assurance Directorate
  3. Hi @ist, there's an email link up the top on this FB page, it may be worth your time to ask (even though the page is about wheelchair dogs) they may refer you to a group that could help Pumpkin On Wheels, Smiggle and Ernie: https://www.facebook.com/Pumpkintheparalysedpuppy Good Luck
  4. Try this FB group, it's private so you'd need to join, it has heaps of members so there's a good chance there will be a good home for the cats QLD & NSW Private Rehoming https://www.facebook.com/groups/1329892184118465
  5. Lovely video on BBC here https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-scotland-31588765?fbclid=IwY2xjawIpqH1leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHcUHA4Zthi6yOePzKsivE31hXXMJU8OE73HEc1tswIACu0uiwcBBN-G3xg_aem_jc-DshtZRch5dJM_1uZe4w and a little extra about their history https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-31062073?fbclid=IwY2xjawIprr1leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHaigvMBh3s6ttmuUjVPbkCmJC9zJ_9nufc3OuS0Uqipis4ZqifeLdMb9UA_aem_tkcDXKH2pPPq2uyVHwM5Vw
  6. @Phil Dower if you let us know if you require a motel or have camping gear or a caravan, also how many dogs? If you go to the FB pages for show dogs and ask there that may also be of help B
  7. go to another vet or at least phone another vet to get prices, many time the leg can be improved with rest and Meloxycam so ask your vet when you have a consult
  8. according to this site RSPCA Queensland was a part-owner of HomeSafeID until 2020. https://www.vetpracticemag.com.au/homesafeid-no-longer-home/ and some more microchip info here https://www.scu.edu.au/news/2025/tc-pet-microchip-problems/
  9. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-11/microchip-data-doubt-for-tens-of-thousands-of-pets/104921828 Microchip data for tens of thousands of Australian pets at risk as company goes dark By Georgie Burgess 11h ago11 hours ago A microchip and registry company used by vets and animal shelters has not been contactable since December. (ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke) In short: A microchip registry company used by vets and shelters around Australia has stopped operations, with a warning its website might go offline. The identification data of tens of thousands of pets will no longer work if not transferred to another provider. What's next? A vet and cat shelter are urging owners of pets registered with HomeSafeID to transfer to another provider. The microchip data of tens of thousands of pets across Australia is in doubt, with a major registration provider stopping operations and a warning animals could become untraceable. HomeSafeID, a microchip and registry company used by vets and animal shelters since 2009, has not been contactable since December. A warning on the home page of its website states that the company is "no longer communicating or paying for the hosting of this site, and so this site is likely to go offline in the future". "You may want to investigate alternatives to your pet's registration, as once this site goes offline the registration data will no longer be available online or searchable via [microchip search engine] PetAddress," it reads. The HomeSafeID website showing the warning. (ABC News) Tens of thousands of pets are expected to be affected by microchip and registry company HomeSafeID stopping operations. (ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke) Canberra-based vet Dr Michael Hayward, who is a spokesperson for the Australian Veterinary Association, said tens of thousands of animals would be affected if the website went offline. "In that event, veterinarians, animal shelters, local pounds, local governments and all other interested parties will not be able to identify an animal based on its microchip number," Dr Hayward said. In Victoria, legislation prevents pet data being moved from one database to another, and microchip registries must be licensed with that state's Agriculture Department. The Victorian government has de-listed HomeSafeID as an approved animal registry, which means it is legal for a pet owner to transfer data to another approved registry. The Victorian Agriculture Department website said pet owners would be contacted if they were registered with HomeSafeID. Tough cat laws Photo shows Feral cat walking in dirt in the dark Cat owners on Bruny Island who let their cats stray could be slapped with hefty fines under Tasmania's toughest new management laws. Dr Hayward said the Victorian and Queensland governments kept data and may make it available to another provider. "We don't know when that will occur. This issue has been brewing for months and the Victorian government hasn't announced what it will do with the data," he said. "In the meantime, the logical course of action is that owners who wish to ensure their pet is recoverable in the event it goes missing should consider registering their pet and its microchip number with one of the other national private databases." Shelter's letters returned to sender Hobart cat shelter Ten Lives has used HomeSafeID since 2017, and has micro-chipped 9,000 cats during that time. Ten Lives has been forced to change providers after losing contact with the company. It is leading the way with informing cat owners about the issue. Ten Lives president Paula Wriedt said the shelter had made inquiries to ASIC but had been unable to confirm the company's status. "Letters sent to the director's address have been returned to sender," Ms Wreidt said. "We are still investigating the matter, but we are not optimistic. "This means our adoption clients may not have a current, searchable microchip registration sometime in the near future." Paula Wreidt says Ten Lives cat shelter in Hobart is still investigating the matter, but isn't optimistic. (ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke) Ms Wriedt said Ten Lives had been speaking to other providers that were offering registry services for free, and was publishing details on its website. Registries generally charge $12-$15 to transfer data. Ms Wriedt said it was a reminder for all pet owners to make sure their pet's microchip details were up to date. "This is a great opportunity for those clients who have had cats from Ten Lives for a number of years, and who may have moved house in that time, to change to a new provider, but also to update their address details," she said. "Because when your cat gets lost, you want to be reunited with it as quickly as possible." Ten Lives in Hobart says its adoption clients "may not have a current, searchable microchip registration sometime in the near future". (ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke) Dr Hayward said the issue highlighted the need for a central system. "There is a national database that applies to livestock, but as is so often the case, issues relating to dogs and cats fall between the cracks and are legislated at a state government and local government level. "There is no single responsible minister at a national level for these issues. "It's left to the individual state and territories and sometimes individual local governments to manage these problems and that's a very unsatisfactory situation." There are calls for a single, national database for microchip data. (ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke) RSPCA advice for pet owners RSPCA Australia said in most states and territories it was mandatory for cats and dogs to be microchipped. A spokesperson said in Australia there were five private and two state government pet microchip registries. "In some jurisdictions, like Victoria, your government authority may be in contact with you directly if your pet is registered with HomeSafe ID to assist you," the spokesperson said. Pet owners who can't find their pet's details when searching PetAddress are advised to contact their vet or microchip implanter. (ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke) The RSPCA advises people to search PetAddress using your pet's microchip number. "PetAddress searches the Australasian Animal Registry, Central Animal Records, and PetSafe and, if your pet's microchip is registered on one of these, it will redirect you to the database that lists your pet's microchip number so that you may contact them directly." "If you cannot find your pet's registry by searching on PetAddress, you may like to contact your vet or microchip implanter to find out which database your pet is listed in. "While currently these pet registrations are managed differently in some jurisdictions, the RSPCA advocates for the regulation and adoption of a nationally consistent protocol for the electronic identification of companion animals under state and territory legislation."
  10. This came up on my FB feed, worth giving it a go as it shouldn't be harmful https://www.facebook.com/reel/1118474856408579
  11. Just out of interest this photo is on the FB Westminster's Canine Celebration 2025. See all 127 photos here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1GfkDvX3Zr/
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2025/feb/07/something-good-happened-the-rescue-of-reece-the-kelpie?fbclid=IwY2xjawISkWVleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHfv4JXuJ2GHFGeTKGxW8jV2ON6wa1KHz8CiL5fszP6h_v1vEYUAYxne_xg_aem_-LpQAeIYK0j5aoOz0GFy4w
  13. As I normally get (much) older Westies that have had a bit of a tough time the dog turnover here is more than a regular household, sooooo there are little graves around the garden, some have a tree on them and some have a big tree-stump or a giant terracotta pond. I dread to think what the new owners will do if we ever sell I'll need to draw a location map and include it with the contract! one tree stump and one terracotta pond...
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