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Everything posted by pip1981

  1. YAY! YAY! YAY! And, YAY, Charlotte's coming too :D
  2. Unfortunately my friend Janina and her 2 doggies have pulled out to attend the Moomba festival instead, so we're down to 8 dogs. I've tried to recruit more people, but not having much success, lol, nevermind, we can just have a little meet! Updating the list- List of dogs Snout Girl- Bert, Sally and Bruce (and an OH) Alkhe - Maggie (and probably OH) pip1981- Dakota (and human baby, hehe) Catherine- Sid or Oscar Evolving - Echo jrm88 - Leo List of food Snout Girl- Zucchihi fritters, sausages, sauce Alkhe - something sweet, tbc! (open to suggestions also..) pip1981- Cake and plates/serviettes/cups, etc. Catherine- T.B.A Evolving - Bread and rolls. jrm88- probably some chips or biscuits! (need something easy) I think anything goes really Snout Girl, totally up to you :) Oh, of course, totally forgot you had this going on CF, all the best with the painting, hopefully we'll see you at Kepala soon :)
  3. Just bumping :D We have managed to secure a booking from 10am 'til 2.30pm, with a couple of 30min time slots in the outdoor pool area! Only $10 per dog this month as the BBQ area was already taken. We'll be having a 'bring a plate' lunch. Hope to see you there!
  4. What a fun idea! :D Afghan Hound: Sir Walter, Faxon, Lochie, Bluey, Miffy, Airedale Terrier: Abbey Akita: Kyojin, Kuma Alaskan Malamute: Indiana, Kira American Staffordshire Terrier: Tua, Max, Juno, Cash, Loki, Jessie, Harley, Bella Anatolian Shepherd: Trojan Australian Cattle Dog: Elvis, Matilda, Katie Australian Cattle Dog X : Frosty Australian Shepherd: Banjo, Archie, Lottie, Millie, Alice, Hannah, Hudson, Flynn, Gossip, Ava Australian Silky Terrier: Holly, Rolle Australian terrier: Bailey, Brandy, Jasper Australian Kelpie: Revan, Abby, Bluey, Cahill, Franky, Izzy, Safire, Milky, Kinta, Banjo, Rosie, Skye, Emerald, Gem, Meg Australian Kelpie X:Toby, Cooper Basset Hound : Gemma Beagle : Teagan,Ollie, Ellie, Dusky, Brodie, Billy, Piper, Briar, Scarlett, Buffy, Emmie Bearded Collie: Charlie, Bonnie, Bailie Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael): Fleming, Ivy Bichon Frise: Jag Bichon Frise X: Harper Bloodhound: Earl Border Collie: Roy, Molly, Kirra, Rory, Rumour, Diesel, Kobie, Emma, Kenzie, Maggie, Ella, Shelby, Jayde, Ashli, Mia, 'Bubba', Wyc, Echo, Topolino, Sally, Xena, CK, Wikki, Gemima, Carter, Maddy, Charlie, Border Collie x: Anna, Cally Border Collie x Husky: Spider Border collie x kelpie: Jasmine Border Terrier: Tammy Borzoi: Oberon, Boris, Sonya, Kurgan, Ursula, Apollo, Atlas, Adonis, Argus, Alektos, Arinyes, Athena, Aphrodite, Aidos, Andromeda, Ares, Alexander Boston Terrier: Archer Boxer: Bruno, Nelsson, Bondi, Booker Brittany: Zora Bull Terrier: Bonnerville, Atlas, Stitch Bull Terrier (Miniature) Lainie Cane Corso: Ali Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Anouk, Ben, Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey, Fern, Floyd, Indy, Arnie, Joey, Renae, Bailey, Murphy, Maggie, Millie, Chloe,Toby,Zonda, Molly, Charlotte, Lily, Porridge, Jasper Chesapeake Bay Retriever: Piper Chihuahua: Chelsea and Pansy, Heidi, Bertie, Moose, Archi,Pepe, Squirt, Limpet, Jasper, Bella, Dobby, Bud, Johnny Chihuahua x Maltese: Midget Chinese Crested: Louis, Daisy, Cyrus, Madeline, Sarge, Pepper, Fletcher, Darla, Oz, Xander, Faith Chinese Crested Powder Puff x Tibetan Terrier: Dee, Carrie, Benita, Jenna Cocker Spaniel : Maggie,Jesie, Bonnie, Chelsea, Darcy Curly Coated Retriever: Angus & Freddie Curly Coated Retriever x Labrador Retriever: Maggie Dalmatian: Appollo, Cleo Deerhound: Rhys, Calleigh, Bernard, Elfin, Ronnie Deerhound X: D'Arcy Doberman: Opal, Brutus Dogue De Bordeaux: Moose, Chevy, Bella, Molly, Digby, Dexter, Viva, Vegas, Griffen Dogue De Bordeaux x Boxer: Madeline English Cocker Spaniel: Jesie,Bonnie, Chelsea English Setter: Spartan, James English Springer Spaniel: Buddy Field Spaniel: Moo Finnish Lapphund:Halo, Vienna, Jaana,Magnus,Aurora-Rose,Niina,Paddington,Maximus, Ahsoka, Fable, Demi,Varda, Asha, Boots, Echo, Alera, Annika, Ella, Kody Flatcoat Retriever: Moraig, George French Bulldog: Lola, FeeBee, Alexis, Claire, Lilly German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte, Razzle, Willow, Dusty German Shepherd Dog: Java, Odin, Tlaloc, Rebus, Indi, UnoBuffy, Bronx, Sabre, Kynan, Brennan, Jack, Santha, Molly, Max, Jenna, Acteon, Roxy, Scout, Rumour, Skye,Banzai,Imba, Kira, Chloe, Duke, Cody, Fenrir German Shorthaired Pointer: Pip, Coco, Polo, Riley German Spitz (Mittel)- Amber German Wirehaired Pointer: Adi, Struppie Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose, Chester, Genie, Ella, Rosie, Bruce, Chloe, Chaos, Ruby, Sasha, Aria, Archer, Lexi Great Dane: Sparkles, Whitney Greyhound: Harry, Kiff, Sally, Clyde, Ryan, Amethyst, Stan, Maddie, Skye, Rosie, Ruby, Roxie, Jazz, Gypsy, Ernie, Gus, Rufus, Joey, Woody, Coconut, Cleo, Freckles, Ziggy, Candy, Jed, Fang Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Hungarian Vizsla: Flynn, Rogan, Kobi, Ari, Belle, Monah Irish Setter: Fionneaghan, Maia, Aneira Irish Terrier: Kate, Duke Irish Wolfhound: Zac Italian Greyhound: Bella, Tari, Blaze, Zoey, Italian Spinone: Roisin. Enzo Jack Russell Terrier: Ringo, Nandi, Chief, Louis, Matilda, Tess, Maui Jack Russell terrier X: Thomas Japanese Spitz: Emmy, Angelo Keeshond: Jedi Kerry Blue Terrier: Juno, Joxer, Bahsha, Louie, Cinders, Solo Labrador Retriever: Lestat, Bailey, Tia, Mieka, James, Harry, Lily Rose, Zep, Molly, Milly, Jackson, Dyson, Abbey Lagotto Romagnolo: Rizzi, Lucca Leonberger: Singe Lowchen: Tino Maltese: Luna, Mia, Basil Maltese X: Chase, Pipi, bella, byron Maremma: Dennys Dog, Grace,Gina, Angel,Honey, Hollie, Snotto, Hairy Beary, Tadea Miniature Fox Terrier: Cleopatra, Mali Miniature Long Haired Dachshund: Mini, Rover Miniature Pinscher: Mischa, Cleo Murray River Curly Coated Retriever: Aggie, Soona Neapolitan Mastiff: Miniera, Pacchia, Bruno, Pasquala + 3, 1 week old pups Newfoundland dogs: Annabelle, Katy, Lukey, Xanthe, Maddy Norwegian Elkhound: Odin Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriver: Nova, Darcy, Jovi Papillon: Blaze, Minka, Portia, Tyson, Coco, Tonka, Mailka, Sarge, Dodger Pekingese: Edwina, Lyle Pointer : Kite Audrey Poppin konrad, Badger Poodle (Toy): Chilli, Maggie Poodle (Minature): Caroline, Brody, Prada Poodle (Standard) Merry & Pippin, Poppy & babies. Pomeranian: Daisy, Comet, Jester, Polly Pug: LotusFlynn, Elyse, Ted, Misty, Elly, Poppy, Sally landers,Archie, Beau, Haidee, Millies, Ivee, Jack, Bert, Cheddar, Maggie, Swank, Monte, Boof, Olivia, Archie Pyrenean Mountain Dog: Sasquatch Rhodesian Ridgeback: Meisha, Bakari, Boss, Sierra, Kei, Dora, MatildaLily Rottweiler: Roxy, Feonix, Radar, Neo, Abby, Dyzney, Fame, Jag, Nellie Rose, Baylee, Dee, Zephyr, Mini, Diesel, Fire, Flint Saluki: Bella, Arella, Moss, Lucy, Jadir, Mab, Floyd Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante, Bundy, Kamikaze, Fergus, Kato, Tika, Dakota Samoyed x: Jenna Schipperke: Taz Schnauzer (Miniature): Maximus, Coconut,Betty,Jigga, Riva, Amy, Indy, Amber, Grace, Guy, Blue, Connie, Paddington Schnauzer (Standard) Baillie, Remy Schnauzer (Giant): Tara, Darcy Shar Pei: Askari, Acheron, Asante sana, Sirius, Chippy, Christina, Diezel, Cassie, Orsana, Cimba, Sebastian Shetland Sheepdog:Shady, Ruby, Bindi, Casey Merlin, Dexter Shih Tzu : Gizmo, Daisy, Zeus Siberian Husky: Akira, Tikaani,Romeo,Baby.Riddick,Indie, Esky, Blacky, Zuess, Zero, Mya, Suggen, Freyja, Wolf, Rumour Siberian Husky x: Luki Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier: Shaemus, Nellie, Ciara Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Kiara, Zola, Diesel, Kaos, Brutus, Monty, Chaos, Bean, Brock, Benson, Vulcan, Roger Swedish Vallhund: Hugo SWF: Zoe Tibetan Spaniel: Annie, Nina Zena, Lily Tibetan Terrier: Prue, Mindy, Holly, Tara Tenterfield Terrier: Cinder, Zoom,Spirit,Heidi,Kimi, Heidi, Dotty Rescue Bitsa: Keely, Fred & Ginger, Ozzie, Tess, Maverick, Bosco, Kyah, Charlie, Astrid, Mala, Bella, Tiny Tim, Jen Jen, Lilly, Judy, Mini, Pixie, Ozzie, Dozer, Alaska, Logan, Buddy, Leela, Rusty, Pip, Brembo, Satchmo, Henry, Luna Welsh Corgi (Cardigan): Shandy White German Shepherd: Casper White Swiss Shepherd: Rakim, Whippet: Herbie, Buzz, Lewis, Rommi, Daphne, Elliot, Mindy, Whiz, Arizona aka Zassy , Griff , Penny, Kibah, Feather, Tag, Puck, Orlando, Ella, Patch, Snips, Elijah, India, Zoe, Noah, Sway, Eden, Tara, Maddee Weimaraner: Ariane, Lulu, Louie, Max, Ruby West Highland White Terrier: Penny, Mac, Daisy, Mac, Sarah, Andy, Sweep, JJ, Flash, Fergie, Crystal, Glen, Jingles, Jinnie, Loui, Mitch, Maggie, Smiekie, Zac, Roxy, Winnie, Cricket, Nova, Jo, Archie Wire Haired Fox Terrier: Zedley aka Tawnyoak Dream Weaver
  5. Repeated thread, sorry
  6. Ok, great news! Dale (co-owner) has managed to squeeze us in, and reduce the price per dog, as we won't be using the BBQ area! So, we're booked from 10am-2pm, in a run with a temporary gazebo set-up. The pool will be available between 1 and 1.30pm, and also from 2-2.30pm for anyone that wants it. Dale did say that if the weather is too bad, the gazebo probably won't help, but I said I didn't think we would go ahead if the weather appeared that bad anyway? I know personally, with bubs, I wouldn't be able to come if it was bucketing down and blowing a gale, but we don't mind light showers or wind. The price will be $10 per dog, and Dale has encouraged us to continue our regular booking, so we don't ever miss out again. He said they're not too bothered with cancellations, as long as we give approx. 1 week's notice, as it's only once a month. He also said if we're ever concerned about not having the original minimum of 10 dogs, don't just cancel, ring up and they will come up with some arrangement! Snout Girl- if it's easy enough for you to bring a table, that would be great! I would encourage everyone to bring a chair, just in case. And, I guess, some of us need to re-think our food ideas...lol p.s Yay- LEO!:D Hehehe
  7. Think this sounds good- most people dont use the pool till after lunch anyway so I'm happy with a gazebo, plate and the pool after lunch :) I'll call them in the morning and see what we can come up with :)
  8. I thought of one more option- in the past, the staff at Kepala have set a gazebo up for us for extra shade in the main run, I could ask that it was set-up for Sunday, and we could just BYO chairs, and have a bring a plate lunch rather than a BBQ?
  9. Ok guys, bit of a problem, just called Kepala, and the BBQ area is already booked out on Sunday, also the Lagoon pool isn't available until after 12pm. I'm still happy to go ahead with a shorter meet up, either before or after lunch, but we may only be able to secure one area. What does everyone think?? E.T.A Can't wait to meet Bruce :)
  10. Hey LC, you coming!? :) That's a shame SG, but good luck with the working bee :) Yay! Boo to Alera though, and will Bob stay home with her? Snout Girl- just wondering if you have already booked us in? We have no bookings for this year as yet, but I'm sure they'll let us have our usual deal providing none of our usual runs or BBQ shelter are already taken. I'm happy to call if you haven't already :)
  11. Hey Guys, I think I can come this weekend, our previous plans were cancelled, I just have to discuss with OH. I've also managed to round up some extras. One friend with 2 Border Collies and another friend will bring one of her dogs. List of dogs Snout Girl- Bert, Sally and Bruce (and an OH) Alkhe - Maggie (and probably OH) pip1981- Dakota (and human baby, hehe) Catherine- Sid or Oscar Janina- Kala and Pepper (puppy) List of food Snout Girl- Zucchihi fritters, sausages, sauce Alkhe - something sweet, tbc! (open to suggestions also..) pip1981- marinated chicken wings and BBQ necessities Catherine- T.B.A Janina- T.B.A Snout Girl- I haven't been online for a while- I take it Bruce is a new addition?? :)
  12. Hi! Just wanted to let everyone know I won't be able to attend. I was on a waiting list for surgery, and the hospital has called today, I will be admitted on Thursday 9th! If enough dogs are interested, someone will have to call and book as we have no pre-booked dates this year. Thanks :)
  13. Thanks ETH, Esky looking gorgeous as always! They definitely look like they are tougher and would last longer than any kind of sock.
  14. Thanks Puppy Sniffer, I'll keep your idea in mind, although, unlike your girl, I don't think Tika would tolerate tape stuck to her hair, she's a little sensitive. Oh, and I don't sew Thanks ETH, had a look, funny looking things, but I've saved that link as an option! Thanks for your reply Erny. Thankfully, Tika is very mindful of her lack of strength in the rear end, so she adapts her walk for different surfaces, and if she comes unstuck, she seems to know how to fall without hurting herself, sort of deliberately if you can imagine that. Having said that, I know she is at risk of further damage, and will be very careful with her and the new floors. I have a Clark Rubber close by, so I will check out the carpet. As for my little boy, we will have rugs for him to play on in the early stages, and I'm sure as he gets older he'll bump his head a few times on the floor, like most kiddies. You're right, carpet would be safer in that respect, but thankfully laminate boards absorb more impact than the tiles that we currently have in the kitchen, and for us, the benefits of hard floors will (hopefully) outweigh the negatives. Thanks emilee, but I think that brand was out of my price range when I was first looking, and we have already booked and paid for another. :)
  15. Thanks Shaar, this is my plan too :)
  16. Thanks dancinbcs, we've selected a textured floating laminate floorboard. If budget wasn't as issue, I'd love slate too :)
  17. Yes, we will be keeping some cut-offs from sections of carpet that are still ok, and getting lots of those 'sticky' things to hold them down :) Thanks for the link :)
  18. Thanks for your response cornell, I know what you mean about seeing them fall, as she already occasionally falls in the kitchen area and at the vets, etc. and is is quite upsetting, but unfortunately we don't really have a choice, our carpet is pretty trashed, as it was only ever builder's quality and we raised our youngest dog here. Being Samoyeds, you can imagine the hair loss (I'm only guessing, but it's probably triple the hair you're used to..lol) and the carpet makes it so hard to ever clean up all the hair, and to add something new to the mix, we now have a baby boy, who will soon be mobile and and we really don't want him coughing up hairballs from all the hair we missed on the carpet :laugh: Also, he'll be eating solids soon, and we need somewhere practical to feed him- our kitchen is tiled, but tiny, not designed for dining in. Unfortunately it will mean cleaning more often for me, as the carpet is light in colour and actually disguised the hair loss, our new floors will not! We will still be getting rugs and runners throughout, so hopefully Tika will be ok. Don't get me wrong, I've questioned our decision myself as my girls mean so much to me, I hate to see her suffer, but we just can't live with the carpet anymore, it's so unhygienic and I suffer dust allergies which I think are exaggerated by the carpet. I hate to discuss this, but some might be thinking why don't we wait until Tika's no longer with us, but she is only 7 years old, the vet thinks her arthritis is the result of an untreated injury while in her previous home, so she is hardly old, and is otherwise healthy, so I think (and hope) we'd be waiting quite some time. The adhesive paw pads looks interesting, I'll keep them in mind, thanks :) Floors going in 1st of Feb, I'll try and remember to let you know how she goes.
  19. Now that's a good idea! Thanks Sway, will check the shops this week :D Can you tell I'm not very creative? lol Haha, thanks auir, now I'm picturing your silly puppy :D
  20. Hi There, Haven't been posting in here for quite a while, but I need some advice please... We are about to install hard flooring in our home (currently all carpet, except for wet areas- ergh!). My girl Tika already struggles on the kitchen tiles due to arthritis in right rear joints, so I know she is going to really struggle with the new flooring. We will have quite a few rugs/runners around, but it won't be enough. I'm wanting to purchase her some non-slip booties/socks to wear indoors. I think my younger girl Dakota will cope and probably enjoy the new slip 'n slide, lol, but I don't want her sliding into Tika, hehe, so I'll probably get some for her too. I would appreciate any recommendations/links you can offer! Thanks :D
  21. That's understandable lappiemum, hope all goes well for gorgeous Sohvi (oh and Daddy Bear of course...lol). Hope to see you all there! Also hoping to get some more interest, but I heard there is an Oscar's Law event to be held on the same day, so this might have some effect on numbers too... I might try drumming up some interest on fb, wish me luck! :D If we can't get enough interest for our normal booking arrangement, would you girls be interested in just booking one run for a short play in the morning or something?? :)
  22. If nothing's changed, last I knew was that you have to have made 100 posts for 'off topic' to be visible.
  23. Hi Everyone, First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your familes (including those with 4 legs of course)! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and break (if you were lucky enough to have one)! Just wondering if anyone's keen to do Kepala next month? I couldn't do this month, so haven't popped in to DOL, but it seems there wasn't a meet at all. When I cancelled December's meet, I didn't book any dates for this year, thought we better see how many people were keen, and if enough are interested I will ring and book (only month by month though, as I can't guarantee my attendance these days and don't want to let Kepala down with cancellations). If we have at least 10 dogs willing to attend next month (Sunday 12th Feb) by Sunday 29th January, I will book us in! (Hopefully they'll let us continue our deal of $15 per dog) Cheers, Carissa Add your dog's names to the list if you can attend... pip1981- Dakota
  24. Hey Guys, sorry to those of you who were looking forward to this month's meet, but there hasn't been nearly enough interest, so I'm going to give Kepala a courtesy call to let them know we've cancelled. I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and break (if you're lucky)! :D Hopefully we'll catch up soon!
  25. Not looking promising for you guys at this point I'm afraid I've discovered I won't be able to attend either, forgot about a Christmas engagement...
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