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Everything posted by pip1981
Thanks SG! I've been a little distracted lately, Catherine told me about how busy they are in the lead up to December, good idea to book for then (and to have doggie KK again, yay!), and to try and start our regular booking up again! :) Hoping to come along with Dakota! List of dogs Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce Lucycharzie - Satu StephM - Rosie and Gus (might ask around and see if anyone else is in) Leah82 - Collie and Sarah pip1981- Dakota List of food Snout Girl- T.B.A Lucycharzie - T.B.A StephM - Potato salad and Soft Drinks of some description. Leah82 - Leafy Salad and Sausages pip1981- Chicken wings, soft drink, general bbq supplies.
Hey :D That works fine for us :)
Hey SG! So far I don't have any plans for October, so all good with me :)
Hi guys, September 29 suits me best, we'll be away next weekend, and well I guess the rest of the month has escaped us! SG- Are you happy to check availability and book? Hope we can get some more people interested! :D
Hey guys, sorry for the short notice and to be the bearer of bad news, but Kepala have just called me and cancelled! They said conditions weren't lookiing good for tomorrow had a strong feeling they would call, but was trying to remain positive. Oh well, looks like we'll have to look forward to a spring reunion next month! Just putting it out there that I have an interstate wedding to attend on the weekend of the 21st-22nd, so that weekend's out for me, possibly the one before? SG! What have I misseed? Another puppy?? :D
Hey LC, Kepala called me yesterday to ask if we still wanted to go ahead, I said yes as it looks like you alone have rounded up plenty of doggies! They said it would all depend on how much rain they got overnight and on the forecast for Sunday, and that they would call me today if they needed to cancel it on us. They said they would cancel if the grounds were soggy or if there was too much wind on Sunday to set us up a marquee for shelter. I can only guess this means they don't really want us in the enclosed BBQ shelter, and the new one's not ready yet? Considering how up in the air it all is, I'm going to suggest BYO lunches and drinks, so we don't all have to rush around late today or in the morning getting things ready, etc. Does this suit everyone else if it goes ahead?? :D
List of doggies pip1981- Dakota
Hi Guys! Let's get a list going, we'd love to welcome any newbies to our meet! We'll decide on the best option for lunch once we get some numbers. For anyone who does want to come along, there a few things to know: 1. We are going to have fun and let the dogs have fun (this is a big one!) 2. If your dog is not so good with others, it is ok because there are other runs you can use 3. We want ALL the dogs to have fun, so no humping, fighting etc allowed. And as above there are other runs we can use. 4. The more the merrier 5. Not restricted to DOL members 6. $15.00 PER dog (Sorry, but there is no discount for bringing multiple dogs/puppies, its $15 a dog/puppy. Has been this way since we started). 7. BYO drinks 8. We usually each bring something. 9. I am happy for those who do not bring food to pay $5.00 but i need to know how many are not bringing anything so I can make sure we have enough. Contact and Location Kepala Canine Country Club is located next door to Kepala Pet Resort. We are just off the Calder Hwy, directly opposite the Good Year Thunderdome. Refer to map below. Address: 55 Edwards Road, Diggers Rest. Melways map ref: 3, A1 http://www.kepala.com.au/country_club
Hi Guys, Just letting you know that we have a tentative booking for Sunday 18th August, but they did reiterate that if the ground is soggy in the days leading up they will have to cancel on us. I'll make a new thread now to get a better idea of numbers, and I think we'll decide what to plan for lunch based on that! Cheers :D
Sorry I'm so slow to check in, been very busy with little boy's 2nd bday! 18th looks like a go-er, will call Kepala asap and get back to you guys :)
Hi guys, Sorry I haven't been online much. I heard a few of you have been asking about Kepala on facebook, so I've put a poll up, and will happily ring and make a tentative booking for the most popular date, if it's available. Please vote for all dates you are available, not just your first preference, that way I can accommodate as many of you as possible. Please keep in mind that the owner of the establishment has warned that even August may not be possible, and to mainly look forward to September, so don't be too disappointed if they cancel on us. Also, don't ever hesitate to start your own threads up on here, and even book dates in with Kepala. I'm a lot busier these days than I used to be (with a toddler running around) and am not always on the ball with this stuff unfortunately. So please, feel free :) Having said that, I'm happy to try and organise this one, and will most likely be coming along, depending on dates. Thanks guys, now get voting! :D
Ok peoples, just had a little chat with Dale (manager from Kepala) and at this stage they don't want us to get our hopes up. The 28th is effectively available, but if the rain continues over the next couple of weeks, they'd be cancelling on us again anyway. They don't want to put us off, but they want us to have the best experience possible and not just be confined to the sand run and pool area in the middle of winter. He suggested that we could have tentative bookings for both July and August, but we're best to look forward to a September date. Disappointing I know, but they have to look after their property as well, and of course the dogs being kenneled there need somewhere nice for their exercise.
Hi guys, I originally asked about the 21st July, being that we've been doing the third Sunday of the month lately, but that date was already taken, hence I tentatively booked the 14th pending interest. Happy to find out if they're booked on the 7th if that's what suits the majority, but I won't be able to make that date myself. I could also ask about the 28th? I'll call Kepala about availability, then create a new thread with a poll, that might be easiest. :)
Hey guys, I'm really sorry, but I have disappointing news. Dale from Kepala has just called me to inform that they have temporarily shut down the activity runs due to the excessive rain. They are too soggy to use without causing too much damage. So, unfortunately, we have to cancel tomorrow's event. For anyone who is on facebook, can you please post a message on our DOL Kepala page letting everyone know. I asked about availability for next month, Sunday July 14 is the most likely option at this stage, let me know your thoughts. Hopefully see everyone soon :)
Hi guys, Since we have some decent numbers now, we should be able to go ahead with a BBQ lunch! If you're struggling to think of something to bring (LC you could pass this on to your new recruits lol), there are some suggestions below... -chicken -bread/rolls and butter -soft drink -pasta salad -potato salad -coleslaw -chips/snacks -dessert -onion rings -vegie burgers -vegie skewers Feel free to suggest anything else you think we might be missing. :D
List of dogs pip1981- Dakota Lucycharzie - Satu Nancylady- Oscar Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and maybe another Cazeri- Soka and Shakaur Mina and family (?)- Hunter - Patch and Tonka - Memphis and Jet (?) - Assaj and Rex List of food pip1981- hamburgers and all necessary BBQ items/condiments Lucycharzie - T.B.A Nancy lady - cake or cup cakes and a salad Snout Girl- T.B.A Cazeri- Snags or a batch of mince pattys
That's awesome LC! Thank you! :D Should be a lot of fun. Am I to take it these might be fellow Lappie showies?? Will be a Lappie-fest! :)
Hi guys, just thought I'd bring your attention to our next Kepala social/fun day (Diggers Rest, VIC) on Sunday 16th of June. We welcome newbies and their sociable doggies with open arms/mouths! ;) Check out how awesome Kepala is.. http://www.kepala.com.au/country_club And please don't let the colder weather put you off, there is shelter available, and we use an enclosed area for lunch/BBQ. Plus, the weather never seems to stop the dogs from enjoying themselves! If you're interested in coming along or would like more info, just follow the link to our thread below... http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/249488-kepala-sunday-16th-june/
Anyone else thinking of joining us next Sunday?! Coming around fast! :D Glad to hear it and look forward to seeing him all grown up! (and you of course haha)
Yay! 6 or 7 doggies already, looking promising! :D How is the little man spitzbaby? It's been a very long time, when might we see you both again? :)
List of dogs pip1981- Dakota List of food pip1981- T.B.A
Hi Guys! Thought it was about time we put our names down for May! If you're keen to come along, just copy my second post and add your/ your dog's name/s to the list! "For anyone who does want to come along, there a few things to know: 1. We are going to have fun and let the dogs have fun (this is a big one!) 2. If your dog is not so good with others, it is ok because there are other runs you can use 3. We want ALL the dogs to have fun, so no humping, fighting etc allowed. And as above there are other runs we can use. 4. The more the merrier 5. Not restricted to DOL members 6. $15.00 PER dog (Sorry, but there is no discount for bringing multiple dogs/puppies, its $15 a dog/puppy. Has been this way since we started). 7. BYO drinks 8. We usually each bring something. 9. I am happy for those who do not bring food to pay $5.00 but i need to know how many are not bringing anything so I can make sure we have enough. Contact and Location Kepala Canine Country Club is located next door to Kepala Pet Resort. We are just off the Calder Hwy, directly opposite the Good Year Thunderdome. Refer to map below. Address: 55 Edwards Road, Diggers Rest. Melways map ref: 3, A1 http://www.kepala.com.au/country_club "
Hi Panzer Attack! Sorry to hear you had a bad experience last time I, for one, had no idea. But, we certainly look forward to meeting Arrow, Tucker and Ru soon! :D
It is a shame, sorry to disappoint you guys I really can't understand why the interest just doesn't seem to be there anymore, I mean I know with some of the old regulars it's simply a matter of time availability and distance, but some have simply dropped off the radar. I'd love to see them come back, and to welcome newbies. There are always so many 'views' on these threads, don't get why you would even look if you're not interested, or why you wouldn't be interested, it's so much fun for the doggies (and us!)!
Ok guys, all cancelled I'm afraid. Have made a booking for the third Sunday of next month- Sunday 16th June! Hopefully we have more luck then! :D