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Posts posted by pip1981

  1. List of dogs

    Steph M- Gus and Rosie

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy 

    Sara - Ollie, the cool pug x

    Malcolmus + Carrie - Soka + Shakur

    Pip1981- Dakota

    List of food

    Steph M- Potato salad

    Snout Girl- vego bbq food, meatballs

    Sara - Dips and crackers and sausages 

    Malcolmus - chicken wings/drumettes

    Pip1981- bread, butter, soft drink and supplies

  2. List of dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy (and an OH)

    deadsheep and OH - Bronson, Cassie, Kane

    Panzer and friend - Scooter, Myf, Tucker & Arrow

    Terri - Didi

    Steph + OH and rent-a-toddler/Gus and Rosie.

    Nancylady - Oscar

    pip1981 - Dakota

    List of food

    Snout Girl- Something vego, meatballs, tomato sauce

    deadsheep - soft drink, chicken skewers

    Panzer - salad + cake

    Terri- Bread rolls + fruit

    Steph - Sausages, potato salad.

    Nancylady - pasta salad (vego), fruit

    pip1981 - chips and dips

  3. Sorry Steph, I asked Meina earlier today what she was going to bring and she said potato salad. I haven't got around to updating the list yet! Hope that's ok, and hope you can make it.

    Terri, sorry to hear you might not make it, hope it's not because of the babies??! :-(

  4. Have updated with Catherine's contribution, will check with Meina now and update as soon as I know :)

    List of Dogs

    Leah82 - Collie and Sarah

    Terri S - Didi (birthday girl)

    pip1981 - Dakota

    Catherine - Oscar

    Malcolm + Carrie - Shakur + Soka

    Meina - Hunter and Aura

    Leah's inlaws - Harry

    List of Food

    Leah82- soft drink in the car fridge & chicken skewers

    Terri S - Fruit and cake! Maybe some doggy meatloaf cupcakes if I have the time

    pip1981 - sausages and bread (plus general supplies)

    Catherine - Pasta Salad and Garden Salad

    Malcolm + Carrie - burgers and rolls

    Meina - tba

    Leah's inlaws - Snacks.. chips etc

  5. List of Dogs

    Leah82 - Collie and Sarah

    Terri S - Didi (birthday girl) + possibly a kelpie friend and rottie friend but will need to double check

    pip1981 - Dakota

    Catherine - Oscar

    List of Food

    Leah82- soft drink in the car fridge

    Terri S - Fruit and cake! Maybe some doggy meatloaf cupcakes if I have the time

    pip1981 - sausages and bread (plus general supplies)

    Catherine - tba

  6. Sorry guys, Catherine and I have had to pull out late, Catherine and her human kids are unwell, and since I'm not bringing her and Oscar, I really should be attending a birthday party with my human kids that was postponed to tomorrow. Hopefully next month! Have fun!! :-D

    List of Dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy

    Steph M - Gus and Rosie

    Terri - Didi

    deadsheep - Kane and Hannibal

    Malcolmus - Shakur + Soka

    Jo's friend Sarah- Amber

    List of Food

    Snout Girl- something vego for bbq, meatballs, pasta salad

    Steph M - Potato Salad and Sausages.

    Terri - Bread + something of the cake/slice/sweet variety

    deadsheep - chicken skewers for bbq

    Malcolmus - bread/rolls/marg

    Sarah- TBA

  7. List of Dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy

    Steph M - Gus and Rosie

    pip 1981- Dakota (and human baby Elliot- maybe Daddy Ed and big brother Jeremy)

    List of Food

    Snout Girl- something vego for bbq, meatballs, pasta salad

    Steph M - Potato Salad and Sausages.

    pip1981- crunchy noodle salad, soft drink (I can bring my supplies bag if that helps SG?)

  8. Hi guys,

    Sounds like you all had a great day planned! Hope it went well, and I'd love to see some pics if anyone got any!?

    Turns out we got back from our trip on Saturday, but I've been really sick, so just wasn't the month for me. By the time next month's meet gets here, I'll be close to 8 months pregnant, so will have to see how I'm coping (and the weather forecast).

    Anyway, once again, hope you all had a great time! So glad these meets are in full swing again! Well done SG!! :D

  9. Hi!

    At this stage it looks like we will be away camping for about a week, including the second weekend in Jan! :( Excited about finally camping again, but we will be sad to miss Kepala yet again! Sorry guys, hope you have a great time, and we'll try and make it to the February meet, before our little baby pops out in March. :)

    For those following Dakota's issue, still no real diagnosis, visiting the vet again within days, she's behaving as happy and crazy as normal, which is positive...sort of...lol.

    Hope you all had a great Christmas, and we wish you all a very happy 2014, stay safe during celebrations, and I hope your doggies like the fireworks/crackers more than my two do!!


  10. Thank you everyone, and Julie for the special Xmas message. Same to you from all of us at the snowy household! xoxo

    Kerropiyo- so disappointed I missed catching up with you and Buffy, it's been too long, but I'm glad it looks like Buffy had a fun romp around with some new and old friends!

    So glad everyone had a great time today, lovely to read the positive feed-back, and I really hope Dakota and I can join in again VERY soon! :D

  11. Thanks guys! Really hope you all have a great time tomorrow, weather looks awesome!

    Didn't really find much more out at the vet this arvo, will re-visit Tuesday week, after a course of ABs and anti inflamms, and re-assess. So far he thinks it could be skeletal or muscular, but definitely something not right with her lower back area. She's sensitive to touch there now, and her nerves seem to spasm a little when he probed certain spots. However, she is quite happy, comfortable and nearly as active as normal this arvo/evening, so I'm at least comforted by that for now. Just a bit of a shock to think our reliably healthy and fit little girl (compared to Tika, poor old possum), may not be as well as we thought.

    Thanks again, and I'll try to remember to keep you posted.

    p.s would love to see pics in the photo thread tomorrow afternoon ;)

  12. Thanks for all of your input . We didn't really find much out at the vet this afternoon, was more to make sure she wasn't deteriorating further, and start on a course of ABs for tummy and anti-inflamms for any pain she may be in. She's acting and moving as normal this evening, and has a good appetite for the boring old boiled chicken and rice, but I guess I wouldn't know if it was only thanks to the meds. Plan is to monitor her over the next week, re-visit the vet, and re-assess, possibly send her for xrays to clear of any skeletal concerns. The vet says the possibilities are endless, but most likely causes are arthritis, calcification of discs or muscular. However, of course can't tell us how any of these happened or why symptoms haven't appeared any earlier. Could be injury, could be genetic, really no answers. And, obviously there are a range of treatment options for all of these conditions, so we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm shocked and confused, but happy she seems comfortable for now.

  13. Sorry, should have mentioned that, but was more concerned about the weakness issues..

    They were Natures Gift Liver Treats, small soft chewy balls. They wouldn't normally have anything other than Black Hawk Holistic Kibble, very small amounts of dried beef liver as a fairly regular snack, carrots, sardines, occasional cheese. It's not unusual for Dakota to have a mild case of diarrhoea after anything different, so I didn't think much of it initially, just regretted giving them the treats, and threw them out as soon as the diarrhoea started.

  14. Hi guys,

    Just wondering if anyone's heard of anything like this before, seems really strange (and unexpected) to me..

    Both my girls (9 and 6 y.o Samoyeds) came down with diarrhoea after being given a treat they're not used to over the space of a couple of days (a Christmas gift). Well, that's the only thing we could think of that caused it anyway. They seemed to get over it themselves after 48 hrs, were all clear for close to 24 hrs, then Dakota had more diarrhoea, and suddenly seemed to lose strength in her rear end, couldn't stand on her own or walk! We were hoping it was just weakness in relation to the severe diarrhoea, but the vet suspects it's more than that. He thinks that the muscle spasms caused by the diarrhoea have triggered a pre-existing spinal issue (eg. arthritis, even though she still moves like and is as active as a puppy)! He said there is evidence of muscle wastage along her spine and hip joints, but I'm in total shock, as she's always been tiny, and even at her checkup 2 months ago, the same vet said she was in good condition, although I was aware she had lost weight in general (she's always fluctuated) and had lost even more by last night. Whether or not he just didn't feel thoroughly enough under all the coat at the checkup, as he wasn't looking for a problem, I just don't know. She was given injections of anti-inflammatories and antibiotics last night and sent home. Her movement seems to have come good, in that she looks like she can get up and walk normally, but is still very slow and resting most of the time. She had one more bout of the runs after coming home last night, but nothing since, although I haven't fed her. He's suggesting bloods and further meds until her movement/behaviour is 'normal', and then xrays to check his suspicions. I'm really hoping he's wrong, but he said the level of weakness she was showing was not common after illness, unless the dog is so ill they've barely moved for days, and she definitely wasn't like that, she wasn't showing any other signs of illness except the diarrhoea itself. I'm wishful thinking that it's just an unusual case, and she'll make a miraculous recovery. Back to the vets at 4pm this afternoon for further assessment. It just doesn't make sense, up until about 5pm yesterday, Dakota had never in her life shown any signs of difficult movement, pain in joints, injury, nothing! She runs around the house and yard daily, plays actively with Tika and other dogs, jumps on and off kennels, couches, beds, my station wagon, etc. with the bounce of a kangaroo, how could a spinal issue have not revealed itself before this!?!?

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you :)

  15. Revised :(

    List of dogs

    Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce

    StephM - Rosie and Gus (might ask around and see if anyone else is in)

    Leah82 - Collie and Sarah


    deadsheep - Bronson, Cassie, Dolly, Hannibal

    Snout Girl Friend: Amber

    List of food

    Snout Girl- vegie option, some kind of salad, hamburgers

    StephM - Potato salad and Soft Drinks of some description.

    Leah82 - Leafy Salad and Sausages

    Malcolmus-potato chips

    deadsheep - minute steaks, bread/rolls and butter

    Snout Girl Friend: vegie stuff for bbq

  16. Hey guys,

    Sorry for the short notice, but can't be helped. We were really looking forward to finally getting back to Kepala again, but my girl Dakota has been at the vet with a bit of a mystery illness. We're observing her at the moment, and she's due back at the vet this afternoon for further assessment. Unfortunately this means my friend 'nancylady' with Oscar cannot attend either, as they were coming along in my wagon. Thankfully, you still have a big enough group, but I'm afraid someone will have to bring along some plates, cutlery, sauces, tongs, etc. And maybe pick up the slack with some lacking foods :(

    For those of you who know them, both my girls came down with diarrhoea after being given a treat they're not used to over the space of a couple of days (a Christmas gift). Well, that's the only thing we could think of that caused it anyway. They seemed to get over it themselves after 48 hrs, were all clear for close to 24 hrs, then Dakota had more diarrhoea, and suddenly seemed to lose strength in her rear end, couldn't stand on her own or walk! We were hoping it was just weakness in relation to the severe diarrhoea, but the vet suspects it's more than that. He thinks that the muscle spasms caused by the diarrhoea have triggered a pre-existing spinal issue! He said there is evidence of muscle wastage along her spine and hip joints, but I'm in total shock, as she's always been tiny, and even at her checkup 2 months ago, the same vet said she was in good condition, although I was aware she had lost weight in general (she's always fluctuated). Whether or not he just didn't feel thoroughly enough under all the coat, as he wasn't looking for a problem, I just don't know. She was given injections of anti-inflammatories and antibiotics last night and sent home. Her movement seems to have come good, in that she looks like she can get up and walk normally, but is still very slow and resting most of the time. She had one more bout of the runs after coming home last night, but nothing since, although I haven't fed her. He's suggesting bloods and further meds until her movement/behaviour is 'normal', and then xrays to check his suspicions. I'm really hoping he's wrong, but he said the level of weakness she was showing was not common after illness, unless the dog is so ill they've barely moved for days, and she wasn't showing any other signs of illness except the diarrhoea itself. I'm wishful thinking that it's just an unusual case.. :( I'll keep those of you interested informed.

    Hope you all have a lovely time, and sorry we can't make it. Merry Christmas and hope to see you all early next year.

  17. Hey SG, just wanted to let you know that Kepala rang me today to confirm our booking (I must be the only contact listed for our group). I said all looks good to go ahead at this stage!! How exciting! Can't believe it's actually happening! :D

    LC- Sorry you can't make it, hope to see you and Satu next time!

    2tollers- feel free to join us for a play after the workshop if your guys aren't too tired :)

    Leah82 and StephM- have you come along before? I don't recognise your cuties, looking forward to meeting them! :)

    misha&milo- miss you guys heaps, but don't worry, sadly you haven't actually missed much this year, bit of a lack of interest, plus there have been times when Kepala has closed down due to wet conditions. Looking forward to seeing you next year, preferably early in the year, as we have another skin-baby due end of March ;) I imagine I'll be skipping meets for a few months at least after that.

    Would be so good to see some other original regulars come along too..... (not that we don't love meeting new doggies- and their humans).

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